I’m often asked how to get motivated to exercise. While many people will try to sell you on their magic pill or drink to do the job, the truth is there isn’t a better tool than our own brain. The key is to focus on what motivates you.

Most people will fall under one of two categories; you’re either motivated by working towards thoughts or by working away from thoughts. For some, focusing on what benefits lie ahead if you do workout and stay consistent will be the perfect motivation. Such as If I exercise, I’m going to be able feel more comfortable in my clothes.

For others, focusing on the consequences of what will happen if you don’t workout will act as more of a motivator. Like if I don’t exercise, I’m not going to like the way I feel in my clothes. Figure out which thought gets you moving and give yourself reminders. If you have a habit of coming home and sitting in front of the TV for 3 hours after work, then put a note on your TV that says, “If I workout, then I’ll be more healthy” or “If I don’t workout, then I’ll fail my next check up at the Dr.’s.”

Remember, Even an unmotivated workout is better than no workout at all. Your body doesn’t care if your mind isn’t motivated. Results are the same with or without it. Just show up.

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