Stop killing your most valuable asset … time! If it’s the most valuable asset in the world, why do we spend so much time trying to kill it?

You can’t keep it or save it and once you’ve lost it you can never get it back. We all get a predefined amount of it and we never know when we’ll run out.

It doesn’t matter how smart, rich, or talented you are because we all get the same 24 hours in a day. So how are you spending your 24 hours?

How much is wasted, killed, or passed? How much of that is sleep, video games, social media?

We need to stop wasting our time fantasizing over someone else’s reality while we do nothing about our own. That’s why it’s important for us to focus on our own reality. Go out and create your own fantasy.

You know it’s funny, when I was broke I thought I had all the free time in the world … and I just killed it.

But once I realized how valuable every second lost was, everything around me started to grow. Not overnight of course, but the seeds were planted and being watered daily.

I know it’s easy to just talk about money, but there’s a lot more to life. Create things that have real value.

Invest in yourself. Become the best version of you whoever that is. If you were put on this planet to be a plumber then be the best plumber on the planet

Do you look up to someone that’s a master at their craft and always thought to yourself, “I could never do that”? Well I have news for you! You can, it just takes time and persistence!

Ask yourself this … What habits do I have today that are preventing me from becoming who I was destined to be tomorrow?

There will always be obstacles in your path, but don’t allow yourself to become one of them.

Stop wasting your days looking for the key to happiness. The door is wide open, you just have to walk through it.

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