Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided
intermediate workout

This combination workout has everything you need to torch fat and gain strength. It’s divided into four parts including warm up, tabata cardio, abs, and cool down. The tabata cardio round includes 4 back-to-back rounds of each exercise with each round including 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Warm Up
Spider Lunge Extension
Wrist Stretch
Scapular Pushup
Butt Kick + Arm Crossover

Tabata Cardio Workout without Equipment at Home

Forward & Back Hop / 1,2,3,4
Bear Plank Up Downs / from Knees
Broad Jump to Backward High Knee / Bunny Hop
Rotating Elbows
Wide Grip Mountain Climbers / Modified
Lying Bicycles / Feet Down
Reach Jumps / Reach Squats
Skydiver Pullbacks / Feet Down
Reverse Lunge + Twist + Knee Raise / No Knee
Lateral Bear Plank Walk / High Plank


Hollow body pulse / knees bent
Mountain Climbers / modified
Hollow body flutter kick / knees bent
Jack knife / modified
3 level sit ups / crunches
Extended Low Plank / from knees

Cool Down
Toe Touch to Scarecrow
Crab Shoulder Extension
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

what’s up as for tribe it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is the Tabata cardio and abs workout there’s absolutely no equipment required for today’s routine and today’s routine is broken up into four separate parts starting with a warm-up next we’re moving on to our cardio round we’re gonna perform it Tabata style so that means we’re gonna do four rounds of each exercise 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest in the third round we’re gonna totally set your ABS on fire and finish with the cooldown follow me for the standard moves and follow me for those easier modifications if you’re ready to go let’s do it [Music] let’s go ahead and get started with a warm-up we’re gonna start on the floor for the first one we’re gonna start in a high plank position we’re doing a spider lunge extension so go ahead start in that high plank position with your right foot step up by your right hand next we’re gonna reach up with your right arm extend that right arm straight up and then extend as you keep your eyes on that hands and that arm back behind you bring it back return that arm to the ground and repeat so we love this one because you are warming up and stretching so many different body parts at the same time from our thoracic spine to our legs groin arm core all getting stretched on this one it’s a great mobility move nice little dynamic stretch to loosen you up before this workout and the whole point of the warm-up is get your heart rate up a little bit and at the same time prepare your muscles for war and joints for what’s to come alright let’s go ahead and switch sides now so step back with your right leg step up with your left leg and back into the spider lunge extension arm straight up extend and then follow that arm as it extends and reaches back and reversed keep your core tight on this one back stays straight definitely not a race on this one just moving at a warm-up pace excellent making sure to breathe don’t hold your breath whatever you do that holds true for the warm up and especially he’s gonna hold true for the workout let’s repeat this one for just 5 4 3 2 1 and 0 all right while we’re down here we’re gonna stretch out our wrists so we’re gonna do both an extension and a flexion let’s go and start with those fingertips facing you turn those hands around now the further back you are the more stretch you’re gonna feel and the further forward you are the less stress so you really want you to do what is an appropriate amount of stretch for you and we’re just gonna hold holding this one for just 10 seconds loosening those wrists out preparing them for these loading exercises and supporting your own body weight and three two one zero okay let’s go and turn those hands over now so fingertips again are facing you and the easy this is gonna be easier if you really get your off your arms directly underneath you and your hands nice and close to you trying to get the back of your hand flat on the ground the best you can and then if you’re able to do that I want you to lean back ever so gently to apply pressure and on these you might not be anywhere near the flexibility that we’re at today you might only be here with your hands again I can’t stress to you enough to really make these stretches your own and you apply the right amount of pressure for your fitness and flexibility level holding this one for just three two one and zero good alright shake those though like that yeah especially after spending all the time on our phones and our keyboards yeah alright moving on to a scapular pushup so again from all fours just go and loosen up that back we’re gonna drop your midsection and chest to the ground squeeze your back and scapula together and then stretch like you’re being pulled straight up from your back with a string and then again drop and squeeze those shoulder blades together squeeze the scapula and extend and pull up like somebody’s got that string attached to the middle of your back going to both extreme ends you can try to breathe back and forth doing this one four five four three two one zero alright let’s return to our feet for the next one we’re gonna get our heart rate up just a little bit loosen up those legs and do an arm crossover Plus butt kick this is a great one because we’re hitting the upper body and lower body at the same time give a slight bend in those elbows throughout and alternate which arm is on top and again we’re just moving at a warm-up pace here so we want to get that heart rate up a little bit but you shouldn’t be getting to the point here where you’re really fatiguing yourself well plenty of time for that coming up oh yeah side to side trying to kick yourself and your butt on this one good great one to stretch out those quadriceps as well as your shoulders and your chest breathe not much time left on this one and let’s hit this one four five four three two one and zero all right warm-up is complete time to hit start this tabata workout and just as a reminder like we said we’re gonna do four rounds of each exercise 20 seconds of work and then you get a very quick 10-second break that break you pass it’s gonna go by fast first we’re gonna do is gonna be either a forward and back hop or one two three four throughout today’s workout you have a choice to make which move is more appropriate for you I’m light and on the balls of my feet jumping forward and back for Claudia stepping forward and back one two three like I’m stepping over an imaginary line one of us really alright we’re gonna get this first step first set going here and 5 4 3 2 1 0 we’re both standing nice and light and the balls of our feet we’re getting as many repetitions and as you can in this twenty second time period so just keep it moving hot feet hot feet it’s the name of the game stay on the light four three two one break all right ten seconds quick ten seconds yep catch your breath and as you get into this feel more comfortable starting again in two three so two one here we go oh my god that’s one of the moves any time we’re doing plyometric moves you really want to absorb your own energy you don’t want to making big pounding noises but instead you want to be returning energy back into the ground keep those knees five four three two one break all right that’s it two down two to go it’s also a great agility move as well as being as well as being a good endurance move to one let’s get started we are two down two to go hot feet hot feet let’s go throughout the course of today’s workout you’re gonna realize it’s gonna be more mental than anything it’s so important that you remind yourself what it is brought you here today stay focused on it what is it that motivates four three two one break one more that’s it whoo they can loose three down one to go right here tribe let’s go try it hang two one and let’s get started this our last one make it count last one right here hot feet hot feet hot feet making sure to breathe whatever you do don’t hold your breath got about ten more seconds come on pushing it pushing it pushing yourself because nobody else tonight or will do over yeah three two one break all right we’re gonna get your upper body on the next one let’s go ahead and move to the floor I’m gonna get into a bear plank position and Claudia is gonna go ahead and get into a high plank from her knees so I’m on all fours when I come up off of my knees Claude he’s gonna stay on her knees give her back straight I’m gonna lower myself from this position into a low point position then press up back into the high plank Claudia is doing the same thing but seeing on her knees we’re gonna go up and down alternating which side you go down on first for 20 seconds straight yeah all right let’s get it going here two-one-zero dig in very important on this one that you keep your core nice and tight core and back stays straight and keep track of which arm you go down on because you need to alternate every single time we don’t want to only be working one side three two one and break that’s right you’re gonna feel this one all over from your legs your abs shoulders triceps chest all getting hit on this one and three two one let’s begin guys alright let’s go on and it’s your job to push yourself and to get as many repetitions and as you can this a lot of time period while maintaining proper form come on let’s go what do you got guys we have five four three two one break alright that’s it check those arms loose two down two to go I hope it’s warm in here whooping I’m more a wife already got the sweat one and begin all right come on let’s go guys come on everything you got right here one wrap into the next keep that core tight back stays straight if you’re doing this one from your knees make sure to try to keep your hips down keep that core nice engaged almost very two one and break that’s it okay that was a third one right three down that’s it three down one to go he’s brave to go alright guys in two one and begin there it is last one push yourself guys this is it right here not trying to be better than anybody else just trying to be a little bit better than we were yesterday trying to defeat that you from yesterday that couldn’t do it five four three two one and break we’re up on our feet for the next one who let that upper body rest the legs are gonna get it now we’re gonna go either a broad jump or a bunny hop forward so I’m going one big jump cut he’s doing multiple and then we’re gonna go high knee back repeat you decide which one of these is right for you either way here we are and five four three two one zero I’m going one big broad jump I’m really absorbing that weight in my hips and then backwards my turn this way so I get a bigger jump there you go and five four three two one and break alright that’s it one down three to go if you’re doing the broad jump really land with that weight in your hips all right here we go in three two one begin that’s it big power guys everything you got again pushing that pace as many as you can in get that heart rate up and getting that work in right here that’s it what is it that brought you here what motivates you 3 2 1 and break 2 to go feeling good shake those legs out well we’re you a tribe we’re yeah 3 2 1 let’s begin nice make sure to breathe if you want soft landings on every jump and I never rehan eat put that energy back into the ground hey 5 4 3 2 1 and break all right oh my goodness almost there almost there guys Oh couple deep breaths yep you got about three seconds three home finished run 2 1 begin that’s it everybody last round right here never said it’d be easy but it will be worth it come on boy should you sell everybody push yourself let’s go well what you guys you choose which move is right for you right 3 2 1 hand brake car accident alright our next move really emphasizes the core we’re gonna start with their feet shoulder-width apart we’re both gonna date do the same moves you decide what intensity is right for you hands are clapped together in front arms are parallel to the ground elbows are bent at a 90 we’re into our rotating elbow we’re gonna rotate and twist to our right I act like you’re trying to strike somebody with that elbow I actually twist and pivot your legs and then back to the opposite side actually got a target right here in front of you I’m trying to blast through that target with your elbows yes alright here we are three two one zero boom everything you got twist and pivot with those feet at the same time channel that inner Mike Tyson get those hips going core working together boom big power every time do that core engage not just about swinging those arms three two one freak that’s it not just moving those arms but really engaging hamstrings glutes lower back and it alright guys in three two one let’s go boom big power side to side twenty seconds of it let’s go come on you’re a powerhouse power factory let’s go there’s a mitochondria let’s go little science there for a little science analogy one rappin to the next come on ooh big power big power what you got almost there two one break aah two down two to go my goodness come on guys all right come free for Drive would you come here for one go let’s go put it all out there this is an easy one to slack on if you let yourself but don’t allow it only be cheating yourself come on big power big power what you got almost there three two one great ah one more it three down one to go working on that core working on those obliques with this one all right guys in three two one here we go come on power it up hard up denied yourself what is it that motivates you something made you click on this video today what is it what brought you here insects it’s gonna say anything that gets you through come on almost there five four three two one great pie excellent nice Oh moving to the floor nice down to the floor we have a wide grip mountain climber so we’re gonna have your fingers out facing outward arms our hands are placed wide core is tight back is straight I’m gonna do a traditional mountain climber and I’m gonna do the modified version where I’m stepping up and then stepping back down alternating either way we’re keeping a core tight back straight yep you decide what’s right for you here we are in three two one zero It’s Showtime everybody this is it right here it’s what you came here for let’s go let’s push it if it were easy everybody be fit and it wouldn’t be so special but they’re not that’s what makes you so special for showing up today to one break that’s it oh man one down three to go this race gonna go fast all right we got five more seconds for we start again get your mind right you’re mine right and two one let’s go that’s it let’s go let’s go let’s go whoo yeah has four tried come on remember thousands maybe even millions doing the same routine doing that same burn we’re right there with you come on try let’s go grind it out grind it out and five four three two one break Oh times hey oh nice little pool of sweat developing over here must be working all right halfway through into one let’s begin these bricks go by fast two down two to go what you got tribe what you got put it all out there show us what you got yeah core tight back stay straight as many repetitions in as you can one write 3x 2 1 break Oh three down one to go it’s all mental from here everybody last one you got five more seconds about that mental toughness to prove it to you why let’s go guys last one move it to yourself how tough are you not about how bad you want it it’s about how hard are you willing to work for it putting in that work right here rep by Rep yeah every step getting you that much closer to your goals come on keep it up keep it up give it up and three two one break car whoa all right we’re turning over onto our backs now yeah being on the floor let’s do it you bring a lying bicycle two different variations for you real hard and harder come on keep my feet up and my head up the whole time I’m gonna bring up said I’ll bow to me return and line bicycle and I’m gonna return back to the bottom position both my upper body and my legs so you decide what’s right for you right started three two one zero keeping constant keeping your abs under constant tension definitely makes us run harder by keeping your feet and upper body up but you need a little moment to rest go and put those feet down in between come on three two one and break ah oh I’m so good everybody we’re so physicals are my favorite love-hate all right in two one let’s go then you start to feel that burn kick in you gotta remind yourself at that just lactic acid it’s just the muscle fuel let your muscles use if you don’t have to list and do it you gotta push past it come on three two one and break all right oh you don’t do to go halfway point guys halfway point go to your happy place on these all right and we’re starting again in two one let’s go whoo grind them out everybody grind them out how many can you get just about coming back getting a little bit better every time not about being perfect not about competing with anybody but yourself that’s right and two one and break the part three don’t wonder go one more guys one more how about you thought their tribe in my ABS are on fire all right here we go in to one last round guys last round I’m pushing past it pushing through come on let’s push together everybody push together come on come on what you got put it all out there in the lid we’re closer every rep last set of these blasted almost to the finish line and two one and break X oh man we’re up on our feet for the next one I’m gonna do a reach jump cloud he’s gonna do a reach squat so feet are shoulder-width apart well throw my arms down put energy my weight in my hips and I’m gonna explode up I’m gonna jump up and reach and I’m gonna explode up onto my toes and reach up towards the ceiling you saw which one’s right for you either way you know the drill 20 seconds of work let’s hit it in three two one zero it’s all about repetitions on this one big power getting as many reps in as you can one squat right into the next and really whether you’re doing the squat or the jump you’re both either way you’re putting that weight back into your hips and then exploding up three do one break ah that’s it oh and if you need to alternate between the two of these that’s right start with the harder one moody easier well make this workout your own alright starting again in two one let’s go big power either way weight goes back in the hips and explode like you’re sitting back into a chair floating up onto the balls little feet and reach your breathe don’t hold that breath reach almost there almost into one great power excellent boom shake those legs out burn in my quad I like it though alright guys in three two one here we go two down two to go Maria has fit rider members all mental prove to yourself today how tough you are I’m not just talking physically I’m talking mentally come on with gut-check time let’s go come on you can do this you can do it do it one break hah take those legs out just one more of these one more that’s it come on starting again in two one here we go last 20 seconds go last 20 seconds everything you got right here make power don’t stop don’t stop let’s go kick it up a notch don’t stop when it hurts stop when you’re done come on all right in three two one and break pack summer we’re moving to the floor for the next one legs a little bit of a break going to a prone position lying flat on our stomachs arms are out in front legs are behind us I’m gonna bring both my legs and upper body up what Claudia is only gonna bring her upper body up we’re gonna pull back from elbows extend the arms skydiver pullback here we are okay three two one and pull back it’s just an isometric hold getting that upper body up and legs optional yup keeping your head in neutral position with your spine so staring down at the ground and pull back on those elbows squeeze your back to one break rest one get back down there coaching all right come on that’s it break times over all right guys second round be sure to keep your glutes nice and tight if you’re doing the version that coach Kozak is doing and just pull him back on those elbows about halfway through this one doesn’t look like much but it will kick your butt all right guys three two one break all right we got ten seconds of rest right here to create one for your total posterior chain hold back hamstrings glutes all getting hit right down to the ground I’m starting again in two one go ahead let’s go two down two to go pull those elbows pull those elbows what you got right here guys one rep into the next squeeze that back to breathe you’re not hold your breath let’s go what you got what do you got put off their tribe here we go in three two one breakdown at 10 seconds break right why want to go right here right pushing through right there with you everybody come on all right and last round beginning now let’s go that’s it that’s it that’s it Josh every rep getting you just that much closer to your goal your halfway point right here burn it out burn them out come on don’t quit don’t quit you’re a fighter not a quitter fighter not a quitter three two one break5 all right we’re up on our feet here we go get those legs working on this next one we’re gonna go reverse the launch + twist you just shoulder width apart step back with one leg into reverse lunge twist into the opposite direction as I come up I’m gonna bring my knee up and Claudia’s just gonna stand up that’s right we’re doing all one side to begin with you decide which variation is right for you here we are and three two one zero go ahead and twist into that side of that front leg core stays tight if you are bringing that knee up stay in balance and you’re twisting back into that knee keeping your core tight use those ABS no matter which one you’re doing all right and three two one and break all right now we’re switching sides hop to the side now that’s it back with the left leg or whichever leg you started with whew no here we go one go trying her best to get both knees to drop to about a 90 degree angle that’ll ensure that we’re keeping her knees nice and safe and healthy distributing our weight evenly great one for her hamstrings glutes quads and core all right three two one break whoo shake you there at the end it’s alright it’s not about being perfect it’s about putting in the work opposite side and three two one here we go halfway done come on let’s go stay focused what you’re doing right by rep stay focused on why you’re here what is it what motivates you trying to lose get more toned just be more fit or just be better at life to one and breathe whatever it is last one they focused on all right starting in three two one we go we’ll focus on that form it’s not about speed it’s just about you versus you right here that’s it a little bit better than you were yesterday right Bret by rep put in that work all right guys here about three two one and break ah nice moving to the floor we’re gonna do a lateral plank walk I’m gonna do it from a bare plank position meaning off of all fours my knees are up but he’s gonna be in a high plank position we’re gonna walk side to side with both their feet and our hands working and walking together keeping a core tight and straight total body move on this one here we are and three two one zero important on this one that you don’t let your book come up and you don’t let it sink and that you don’t hold your breath that’s a head you hold your breath they’re gonna be sorry yep come on keep it moving keep that head in a nice neutral position slight bend in those elbows all right in three two one break ah that’s it one down three to go everybody stay tough state ah that’s right stay in it stay in it that’s it keep your head in it here we are three two one go Vanden those elbows core stays tight you got it don’t stop moving don’t let your butt up don’t let it sink it’s you versus you why’d you come here for everybody what is it tried what are you working on that’s it every step three two one freak ha do it on two to go come on halfway there that’s it you’re a fighter not a quitter it’s right let’s see it right here nice and to one let’s go come on keep it up don’t stop no quitting you know Savin you come on let’s go how hard are you willing to work for it right here don’t let anybody outwork you might be more talented than you have more natural gifts but they can’t outwork you right here to one great ah you guys we have one more to go that’s it right yeah finish strong let’s go ahead spit drive that’s it right there with ya – one last 20 seconds come on go make it count everybody make it count core tight abs are tight and engage whoo 10 seconds almost there almost there fight with this everybody fight with us we’re yeah has to try we’re yet to 1-0 ah have a big knee breast we’re gonna get into a hollow body position so we’re gonna lie down flat on the floor we’re gonna bring our chin up tuck our chin and then bring her shoulder blades up off the ground keeping our lower back it glued to the ground I’m gonna now bring my legs up and keeping them straight and I’m gonna bring my knees up now we’re gonna perform a pulse with our arms just a one to three inch up-and-down movement keeping our arms straight now while maintaining this hollow body position go ahead and keep that chin tucked keep those shoulder blades up off the ground and keep your lower back blue to the ground you want to arch in your lower back on this one definitely not cuz then that’s gonna cause a little bit of discomfort you decide if you want your legs out straight or if the modified version with your knees bent is right for you and I can account any repetitions on this one it’s just about getting as much work in as we can and that a lot of time period remembering to breathe through the movement do not hold your breath on this one fighting through that burn we don’t have much left on this first one again you decide if keeping those legs straight or knees bent is right for you and if you just switch it up halfway through that’s okay too let’s go 10 more seconds on this one and again keep those pulses going forcing those ABS to stabilize for 5 4 3 2 Cyrille excellent we’re gonna flip over next and do a mountain climber keeping the pace up so we’re starting in a high plank position in that back straight I’m gonna bring one knee up and then alternate and I’m gonna do the same thing but I’m gonna go add a little bit of a slower pace just bringing my feet right back down next to one another and right back up you decide which variation is more appropriate for you this one’s great because it’s not only working your core but it’s gonna get your heart rate up burn some calories to help expose those abs at the same time keep your back straight core tight and keep those shoulders parallel to the ground and you ask this one isn’t only working your abs also working your shoulders and triceps chest a little bit as well we’ll call that bonus work extra credit where make sure to breathe not holding that breath good keep it up and as this workout progresses and that burn starts to kick in it’s gonna be important that you remind yourself what is that brought you here today to begin with whatever it is that’s gonna be the thing that gets you through to the end stay focused on it what you come here for let’s go let’s go come on we got 10 more seconds what you got four five four three two one zero but turning back over onto our backs back into that hollow body position now so again head up chin tuck upper back up off the ground and now we’re gonna do flutter kicks and they’re doing flutter kicks but with my knees nice and bent again so important to keep that lower back glued to the ground on this one and if you have your legs out straight you’re not able to achieve that go ahead and bend those knees until you are so the more bent the knees are the easier it is the more straight out your legs are the harder it will be but trust me you’re gonna feel a burn either way yes we like it today’s workout we’re really focusing on time under tension for those abs just forcing them to work throughout this entire workout you got it making sure to breathe come on guys what did you come here for what here goals what do you want let’s go rep by Rep getting a little closer let’s hold it for just 10 more seconds almost there almost there let’s go five four three two one zero nice all right let’s roll over to our sides for the next one we’re gonna do a jackknife so one hand on my head legs are out straight I’m gonna bring my upper body up and then my both legs up bending my knees and crunching meeting in the middle and I’m doing the exact same movement except I am only bringing up one leg to meet my elbow in the middle you decide which variation is right for you and on mine to make it harder you can keep both legs up and not return them back down to the ground in between so again we really want you to choose the modifications that are right for you and your fitness level either way keeping the pace up and move you got it one rep right into the next make sure to breathe don’t hold that breath learning to fight through that burn don’t listen to it feels good burn so good it burns so good come on guys let’s go ten more seconds on this side and we’re gonna flip over you got it four five four three two one zero flipping over opposite side again keeping the pace up very little down time right into it one of the keys to proper abdominal training is really keeping that time under tension and just forcing those ABS to work without much of a break you can see it really works that lactic acid kicking in that burns kicking in but you’re stronger than that burn this one was really emphasizing the obliques really hitting all the ABS but especially the obliques meeting in the middle staying under control throughout we don’t want to just flop down and lie back down in between but instead staying under control on the way up and on the way down not much left on this one let’s hit this one for just 10 more seconds you got it you got it come on guys let’s go let’s go Hester tribe react we’re yet we’re burning – five four three two one and zero no killing alright let’s keep the fun going let’s turn over to our backs I’m gonna do a three level sit-up and I’m gonna do a three level crunch so we’re gonna come up hands on our chest we’re gonna come up in three levels one two three so have three points in this exercise and in this range of motion you’re gonna put on the brakes you can tell it gets really tough one two three Claudia’s doing the same technique with just performing a crunch so she’s going three levels of elevation on that crunch and do the best that you can this is a tough movement yes it is putting on the brakes and performing an isometric crunch at each stop mm-hmm two three that’s it this is a tough one come on it’s this tough but we’re tougher what do you got right here and do your best to use those ABS not your neck that’s it that’s true and not momentum really focusing on those ABS and forcing them to contract good good remember it’s not about how bad you want it how hard you willing to work for it that’s what you’re doing right here every rep don’t give up don’t hit that pause button think about how good you’re gonna feel when this workout is all done and you can cross it off of your list let’s go whoo not much left last ten seconds one two three hi there it is five four three two one zero excellent okay turn it over for the last one we’re getting in to a low plank position so we’re in a plank position on our forms I’m gonna be up on my feet beyond down on my knees now we’re gonna do an extended low plank so instead of keeping those arms underneath you like you usually would we’re gonna crawl those arms out and do an extended plank position keep your abs tight back stay straight still so you should be able to balance a glass off of that back back is straight you’ll want your butt up in the air and you don’t want it sinking now we’re just gonna hold this is it right here this is it isometric contraction just hold pushing to the end pushing yourself because nobody else can or will do it for you it’s all you right here you versus you whoo come on looking in the mirror that’s your competition remember when you breathe through this movement that’s it don’t hold your breath you will regret it I guess you need to drop to your knees that’s alright do what you got to do but get through this don’t hit that pause button come on let’s lighting together has fit tried thousands maybe millions at home doing that same burn that you’re feeling Warren it together well let’s finish it let’s finish it you got it if it’s too easy for you crawl those arms out a little bit more and get even further extension in that plank I have stay tight core is tight the entire time I’ll let them loose enough come on come on come on that’s it we don’t have much left on this one fight through to the end we got 15 seconds that’s it come on that’s it we’re yeah you can do 15 seconds come on every time coming back a little bit better defeating the you who couldn’t do it yesterday come on let’s go five four three two one zero ah that’s it weren’t so good you made it so did we barely but we made it touch-and-go there for a little bit come on up slow yes nice and slow oh you’re gonna move into a cool-down and the main purpose of the cooldown is to allow your heart rate to come down slowly and at the same time gain some added mobility and flexibility we’re gonna start with the toe touch to scarecrow standing up feeder together I want you to go ahead and bring your push your hips back slight bend in your knees as you reach down and try to touch those toes or your knees or the ground depending on your flexibility go ahead and allow the head and neck to round a little bit as you reach down I want you to come up bring those arms up all the way up and now pull down from the elbows and do a scarecrow repeat nice and slow reach all the way down come up slow now pull down from those elbows a repeat whew feel so good after that workout again coming up slow from that toe touch position I know I read a lot of comments about some people want you to pass out I’m just telling you go very slow it’s it not a race now the race is over with that’s right take a second here to be proud of what you’ve achieved so far today a lot of things you could have been doing today it’s been in your time but you wisely chose to get a workout in that’s right you’re investing in yourself that’s it I like it should be proud of yourself for that like I said if we easy everybody be doing it three two one rest okay we’re gonna move to the ground for the next one we’re gonna get into a crab position we’re gonna do a crab shoulder extensions so sitting down on your back side fingers are pointing back behind us arms are straight oh my shoulder knees this one she’s already feeling okay so we’re gonna scoot our butt forward as far as we can so we start to feel good stretch on our shoulders and all these static stretches you want to take them to about eighty five ninety percent of what you’re capable of you want to feel a good stretch but you don’t want to be inducing pain get those arms straight move foot move your butt as far forward as it takes to feel a good stretch want those arms straight on this one now we’re just holding nothing fancy on this one just did a lot of work on those shoulders today and do a little recovery here four five four three two one zero come on up slowly only now we’re gonna get to one knee we’re gonna do a kneeling hip stretch this one’s great for your hip flexors as well as your quads come on up onto one knee if you need to you can play some mat or pillow anything like that underneath your knee for comfort 90-degree angles all around I want you to squeeze your glutes and squeeze your abs squeeze now you might already feel a big stretch in those quadriceps and hip flexor and not even need to do the second part but if you don’t not yet go ahead and bring your hips forward just about an inch or two is all it takes to feel that big stretch all down your quadricep and in your hip flexors Oh while maintaining that nice squeeze on your glutes and your abs right never lose that squeeze and that’s what helps us to emphasize and isolate the quads and hip flexors otherwise you can come all the way down here and not feel anything so we need to keep those abs tight keep those glutes tight squeeze and squeeze good posture that’s it let’s go five four three two one zero switching sides now here we go finish this last side strong getting good posture squeeze those ABS squeeze those glutes and ever so slowly inch your body weight forward so you feel that nice stretch in your quadriceps and in the hip flexors and again if you need to put a pillow a mat or something underneath your stationary me or your knee that’s on the bottom do that that’s it just take a second here to be proud of what you’ve achieved so far today everybody no matter what the rest of the day brings you you can feel accomplished feel proud of yourself for checking this one off the list and doing what what you know you need to be done discipline is doing what needs to be done even when you don’t want to that’s right here we are three two one zero come on up slowly shake those legs loose you made it you did excellent work out there has to try we appreciate you and all of your hard work if you like this workout and you’ve been working out this for a while we encourage it you please go check out our patreon page where you can find out more about how you can support our mission keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoyed this workout with us today we ask that you please give this video a big thumbs up and hit that red subscribe button so that you never miss another brand new workout from has fit make sure to check out has fit calm where we have hundreds of workouts just like this one and our free complete fitness programs and if you are on Facebook Instagram Twitter or snapchat come find us connect with us because we want to connect with you again thank you so much for working out with us today it’s been our privilege I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout