Intermediate Difficulty
intermediate workout
If you’re looking for a relaxing workout, then this isn’t it! But if you want a cardio kickboxing workout that will kick your butt, then you’re search is over. There’s no equipment required for this routine, but you may want to use a couple of light hand weights or water bottles for extra resistance.

Cardio Kickboxing Workout

Warm Up:
Arm Crossover + Butt Kick
Straight Leg Kick + Twist
Faux Jump Rope

Round 1:
Front Kicks
Combo + Shuffle
Predator Jack and Punch
Bear Plank Walkout with Pushup

Round 2:
20 Knees
Combo + Duck
High Plank Toe Touch
Overhead Squats

Round 3:
3 High-Low-High Hooks
High Punch Out + Run in Place
Forward & Back Hop
High Plank Punches

Round 4:
Side Kicks
Push Up + Superman Reach
Squat Slips
Reverse Lunge + Knee Raise

Round 5:
Combo+ 90 degree
Uppercut Punch Out
Wall Sit Leg Extensions
High Plank Elbow to Knee

Round 6:
Side to Side Punch Out
Low Kick / High Kick
Ballistic Push Ups x 5
Combo + Burpee

Cool Down:
Vinyasa Flow
Toe Touch to Scarecrow
Standing Quad Stretch
Chest Opener

coach Kozak and welcome to my cardio\par kickboxing workout if you’re looking for\par something light and easy today well then\par this workout is in it I’d recommend you\par check out my beginner cardio kickboxing\par workout by clicking the link up top\par however if you’re looking to get your\par butt kicked today then you have come to\par the right place\par today’s workout is a perfect combination\par of cardio kickboxing moves body weight\par cardio exercises and calisthenics\par strength exercises to kick your butt\par into shape there’s no equipment required\par for today’s workout but if you’d like to\par add some extra resistance you can do so\par by holding on to either a couple of\par light hand weights or even water bottles\par would do the trick\par throughout today’s routine I’m going to\par use the legendary boss routines number\par call-out system if you’re not familiar\par with this system go ahead and stick\par around for the tutorial otherwise you\par can go ahead and skip the video ahead\par right to the workout\par [Music]\par you\par [Music]\par the foundation of this system is a basic\par one two three four so once we learn that\par everything just builds and grows upon\par that so let’s go and start with the one\par two three four your hands are up at your\par chin feet are shoulder-width apart and\par for 90% of you right-handed people out\par there your right leg is going to be in\par back same thing with your right hand\par our first punch is going to be a1 which\par is a jab\par so with that front arm go ahead and\par point with your thumb and those lead two\par knuckles as we twist that and rotate\par that on and then pull it back to your\par chin and anytime we perform a punch just\par never with just the arm but instead\par we’re using our hips our core our legs\par are all getting engaged on that punch\par now a2 is going to be a right straight\par which is very similar but just now with\par that back arm same punch go ahead and\par again I’m pivoting I’m using my core my\par legs and I’m returning it back to my\par chin remember that every punch has two\par equal parts first is the actual punch\par itself extension and then you’re\par bringing it back to your chin as fast as\par you can and of course that’s where\par defense comes in three is going to be a\par left hook so this time we’re going to\par pretend like we have a string attached\par from our hand to our knee and our foot\par and we perform that hook it’s all going\par to pivot and twist together so now we\par have one two three one two three\par they’re also important to note that\par every punch loads the next punch so my\par one loads my two which loads my three\par now here comes the four four is a right\par power punch or an overhand right so it’s\par going to look very similar to the two\par but anytime we do a four I really want\par you to get big power behind it you can\par be more of an overhand punch if you\par prefer to do so but really just know\par that anytime we do a four it’s big power\par so again one jab to right straight three\par pivoting left hook and then for big\par power punch\par so there’s your one two three four now\par throughout the course of today’s workout\par we’ll be adding\par uppercuts and\par and kicks and anytime we do so it’s\par important that you perform that move\par with the opposite of the last hand that\par punched so let me explain that too so if\par I said one two three knee we would go\par one two three now opposite of the side\par that just punched neat if I say one two\par three four knee we’re going to go one\par two three four opposite knee so just go\par ahead and finish up that move with the\par opposite side and you know if you mess\par up and you do the same side really not\par that big of a deal okay one last big\par component of this number system this is\par a dynamic system where we’re going to be\par moving throughout you may have done\par other routines we use a stay stationary\par and perform your moves and that’s it but\par if you’ve ever seen her real fight\par before you know that that is not at all\par how it actually works right you’re\par constantly moving so after every number\par I call out you’re going to move and\par shuffle so if I say one you’re\par immediately going to start shuffling and\par moving where it doesn’t matter just\par pretend like you have your opponent in\par front of you and you’re keeping them in\par front of you and while we’re shuffling\par we’re keeping our feet shoulder-width\par apart\par I like to pretend like you have a string\par attached to those feet not going too\par wide and you’re never crossing over so\par it’s never here right but instead small\par little steps keeping that same shoulder\par width stance so throughout today’s\par workout every time I call a number it’s\par one two and then you’re moving one two\par three and then you’re moving there’ll be\par other components of this system that\par will get worked in it’ll feel more\par natural if the first couple minutes of\par this routine you’re like what just he\par just screaming a bunch of numbers you’re\par not sure what’s going on totally natural\par it’s going to take a couple minutes to\par get used to it but after you do you’ll\par see it’s much faster than the jab hook\par jab hook and then you’re trying to\par determine what I said there so it’ll be\par worth the time to invest in learning\par this system all right if you’re ready to\par work I am too let’s go let’s move into a\par light warm\par we’re going to start with an arm\par crossover plus butt kick so we’re going\par to alternate bringing each leg up\par bringing that heel back kicking your own\par glutes and at the same time alternating\par which arm is on top while we open those\par arms up and then cross them over keeping\par your palms down feel that chest stretch\par and then feel that chest contract\par warming up those upper body and leg\par muscles at the same time the point of\par this warm-up is to get your heart rate\par up and at the same time do a little\par extra mobility work making sure to\par breathe we’re not counting any reps just\par move at a nice warm-up pace whatever\par that pace looks like for you you should\par use this time in your warmup to get your\par head right get focused on what it is it\par motivates you and what made you start\par this workout today let’s go and do this\par one four five four three two one zero\par next we’re going to move into a straight\par leg kick plus twist so it’s alright if\par you can’t quite get your legs up quite\par as high as I am right now it’s a great\par one to warm up those legs those\par hamstrings\par before we start kicking here in a minute\par so it’s opposite side hand try your best\par to touch that opposite side toe feel\par that stretch in your hamstrings your\par glutes and in your core on this one and\par again a few more like this that’s\par alright just do the best you can keep\par coming back and you will get a little\par bit better every time again making sure\par to breathe let’s do this one for just\par five four three two one zero\par we’re going to move right into a full\par jump rope so it’s just like a real jump\par rope but without the jump rope so we’re\par staying light and on the balls of our\par feet we have a slight bend in those\par knees keeping\par soft ground touches throughout notice\par I’m also using that same jump rope hand\par motion so I’m still twisting and\par rotating with the wrists and forearms\par get nice and light touches anytime you\par do any jumps I want you to focus on\par being a bouncy ball not a rock so that\par means is you’re returning energy back\par into the ground instead of just boom big\par flat steps actually again making sure to\par breathe getting the heart rate up a\par little bit\par feeling good getting ready for this\par session here last 10 seconds good Stan\par light staying light five four three two\par one zero\par let’s do this you can see I’ve grabbed\par my light hand weights and we are ready\par to go I want you to start by moving\par around you have your hands up at your\par Channing you’re taking those little\par short steps keeping your feet\par shoulder-width apart again we’re just\par moving I want you to visualize that\par opponent in front of you throughout\par today’s workout let’s go one let’s go\par one two three through out one two and\par stay up one two one two again moving\par around after every combo one two one two\par let’s go one two three one two three\par good let’s go one two three let’s go one\par two three four let’s go one one one one\par good let’s go one one one one let’s go\par one two go one two one two one two three\par four pivoting those hips every time one\par two three four good bringing the hands\par back to your chin just as fast as you\par punch one two one two one two three four\par let’s get the legs involved let’s go one\par knee one knee let’s go one knee one\par knee one knee one knee again one knee\par one grab that opponent bring them in one\par knee one knee let’s go one two knee one\par two opposite side knee once you need one\par to me good one to knee bring the knee up\par nice and high point your toes down once\par you need good once you need one two one\par two\par good let’s go one two three four one two\par three four one two three four one two go\par ahead a long one I know one two three\par four one two one two three four one two\par good one two one two hot hands hot hands\par let’s go one knee one knee one knee one\par knee one knee one knee let’s go one two\par knee one two knee once you need one to\par need one two knee go one two three four\par one two three four good one two one two\par one two one two go one one high hands\par woo fast one one fast good one one fast\par one one fast again one one fast good one\par two three four\par alright now we’re going to do just front\par kick so back leg bring that knee up\par chamber it extend point with the tough\par the ball of the foot boom boom bring it\par back and return full range of motion\par late comes all the way back on that\par front kick go ahead and boom pivot right\par into it and twist twist with your abs\par right into that kick it’s a little added\par torque on every kick bring that leg back\par get those hands up by your chin\par throughout good and as many as you can\par keep them cranking five four three two\par one switch sides now opposite so go\par ahead have that opposite side leg in\par front switching your stance bring that\par leg back every time he comes up chamber\par it and then extend if you can’t quite\par kick as high as I am\par that’s alright do the best you can come\par back and you get a little bit better\par every time if you want you can vary your\par height on meet little kicks some high\par kicks you decide what’s right for you\par keep it moving here four five four three\par two one good moving again move it again\par let’s go one two one two one two three\par four one two three four\par alright now we’re going to move into a\par combo Plus shuffle so let’s do a combo\par one two and we’re going to shuffle and\par every time I say another combo shuffle\par adopts the direction 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4\par they’re always shuffling right 1 2 1 2\par good 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 let’s go 3\par 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 good staying light on ball\par to your feet 3 2 3 2 3 2\par again not crossing your legs 3 2 3 2 get\par a nice pivot and twist on that 3 that\par hook 3 2 3 2 alright next we’re going to\par move on to a little cardio move here\par hands are at your chin we’re going to do\par a predator punch and jacks or jumping up\par for it spread those legs and jump back\par so start with the feet together and as\par you jump forward going drop down and\par perform a 1 2 at the same time it’s\par going to burn out but it’s both your\par upper and lower body at the same time\par drop down spread those knees out\par point your toes out just a little bit as\par you jump forward like it got one two at\par the same time go ahead pushing through\par let’s do this one for 10 seconds almost\par there keep going one right 9 – 5 4 3\par to one and set your hand weights down if\par you’re using them for going to the floor\par we’re going to get into a bear plank\par position\par so it’s like you’re on all fours and\par then come up off your knees I want you\par to walk out perform a push-up and then\par walk back if you can’t quite do the full\par pushup\par you can go to your knees and perform it\par from your knees you decide which\par variation is right for you walking\par forward and back and then push up again\par one rep right into the next very little\par rest today we’re going hard and that\par getting a lot of work in in this short\par period of time once you get back nice\par and straight on this one throughout the\par whole move core stays tight good good\par good good do it take this one for just\par ten more seconds ride it out grind it\par out and five four three two one zero\par nice job all right go ahead and pick up\par those hand weights again if you’re using\par them and we’re getting right back into\par shadowboxing so hands are up and we’re\par moving in threes here we go one two one\par two three one two one two one two one\par two using those ABS twisting with your\par core once you one two boom if it every\par time once you one two one two three four\par one two one two let’s go one let’s go\par one one go one one to go one one two one\par one two one two one two let’s go one\par kick one roundhouse kick and bring it\par back rain with your shin one kick one\par kick and back pivoting with that front\par leg one kick one kick and back one kick\par kick back you can decide how high you\par want to kick one kick low kick one kick\par medium kick or high one kick and back\par every time one two three kick one two\par three kick same legging back one two\par three kick one two three kick and back\par one two three kick one two three kick\par and back let’s go one two three four one\par two three four good let’s go one two\par switch kick one two switch your legs\par kick down in front again one two switch\par hit\par one two switch kick down in front one\par two switch kick one two switch kick down\par to throw one two switch kick one two\par switch kick down the front again one two\par switch kick down the front again one two\par switcher kick down in front one two\par three four good one two one two one two\par one two\par let’s go twenty knees now up nice and\par high bringing that opponent to it every\par time six seven eight nine ten\par it’s nice and high every time bring him\par in with that toe down 17 18 19 20 hands\par are up in we’re moving hands are up and\par remove in defense defense defense\par okay 20 he’s going 1 2 3 4 5 6 come on\par let’s go push you guys push it what you\par got let’s go faster faster faster\par what are you holding back for what are\par you saving it put it all out there let’s\par go 5 4 3 2 1 zero hands are up for\par moving hands are up and we’re moving now\par we’re going to add a duck to the end\par which is basically like a squat 1 2 – 1\par – duck let’s go 1 2 hands are up squat\par down and back up once your duck 1 2 duck\par weight back in your hips 12.1 – duck\par keep it moving\par once you duck\par ix 32.3 – doc good 32.3 – doc keep it\par moving\par one two one two good go one two one two\par duck good let’s go one two duck one two\par one two duck one two again once you duck\par one two – duck one two one two three\par duck one two three\par doc let’s go 32.3 – three two nook three\par two again three two duck three two one -\par duck\par one two duck keep it going one two\par doctor one right into the next one three\par dr. Goodwin – duck one nailing that\par someone can you get one – duck come on\par keep moving one two duck\par almost there 12.1 2.3 two one zero okay\par set those hand weights to the side we’re\par going back to the ground high plank\par position for this next one we’re going\par to move into a high plank toe touch so a\par high plank position bring those hips\par back reach and touch opposite side toe\par and then return back to that high plank\par position with your back straight can’t\par quite reach all the way to your toe you\par reach your knee your hip or your\par shoulders you decide which one is right\par for you but don’t give up don’t stop\par moving core stays tight grind it out\par guys grind it out one wrap into the next\par breathe this is it right here focus on\par what brought you here today to begin\par with what’s that goal\par were you working towards think about it\par stay focused on it\par come on keep it going we got this one or\par just five four three two one and zero\par moving into an overhead squat next on\par your feet feet are shoulder width apart\par arms are up palms are facing inward\par weight back in your hips and we’re just\par going to squat feet shoulder-width apart\par you’re going on this one is to keep your\par back\par nice and straight and to keep your arms\par and line with your upper body you want\par to come all the way forward on it you\par don’t want to come out your toes and you\par don’t want to fall back on your heels\par it would be nice and balanced great long\par for your core stability mobility and of\par course your legs and endurance there\par that I’m sure you’re feeling right now\par come on crank them out crank them out\par let’s go how many can you get you got\par ten more second time is right through\par fight through grind them out here four\par five four three two one zero excellent\par let’s pick up those hand weights are you\par using them we’re moving back in the\par shadow boxing hands are out our chin and\par we’re moving we’re side-to-side we’re\par light on our feet\par playing defense playing defense one two\par one two one two three four one two one\par two\par make sure to keep breathing one two one\par two and bring those hands back your chin\par after every punch one two three four\par good let’s go one two one two let’s go\par one kick one kick bring it back let’s go\par one kick one kick bring it back let’s go\par one two switch kick one two switch kick\par down in front one two switch kick one\par two switch get down and throw it one two\par switch kick one two switch kick down in\par front let’s go one two three kick one\par two three back leg now kick one two\par three kick one two three back leg kick\par and back point two three kick one two\par three kick and back one two three kick\par one two three kick and back let’s go one\par two three four switch kick one two three\par four switch kick down in front good job\par again one two three four switch kick\par down in front one two three four switch\par kick one three four switch kick down the\par throne again one two three four switch\par kick down in front let’s go one two\par three front kick\par two three back leg front kick one two\par three front kick one two three\par front kick one two three front kick one\par two three\par front kick again one two three\par front kick again one two three\par front kick let’s go one two three four\par switch front kick one two three four\par switch front kick down in front one two\par three four switch front kick down in\par front again\par one two three four switch front kick\par again one two three four switch front\par kick again one two three four switch\par front kick one more time one two three\par four switcher front kick good now we’re\par gonna move into three cooks we’re gonna\par go high drop down low high again\par high low hi I’m at low I’m squatting\par down body shot and then back up one two\par three one right in the neck keep it\par going\par no pause no break one three hook combo\par after another making sure you’re sitting\par down squatting down with your legs on\par that low hook sit low look boom get that\par body boom take the body back up body\par boom high low high you got it again high\par low high again high Lord\par high again high low high let’s move into\par a high points plus run in place do you\par don’t even move a high pace high pace so\par running hot feet punching up nice and\par high return those hands back to your\par chin after every punch full range of\par motion keep the legs going this one is\par made to get your heart rate up come on\par let’s go we feel it\par remember thousands maybe millions of a\par home feeling the same burn you’re\par feeling right now you’re not alone doing\par it together hasp it tries let’s go come\par on Hatcher try what you got\par what you got put it all out there let’s\par do this one for ten more seconds grind\par it out grind it out in five four three\par two one\par zero you can set those weights down all\par about that lower body now when it’s hot\par forward hot back forward and back stand\par light and then the balls of your feet\par you have a line or anything thing that\par you can use to jump over and back\par sometimes it helps to make sure you’re\par not just jumping straight up and down\par stay light and on those balls of the\par feet fast fast jump forward and back\par forward and back\par you got it pushing the pace come on what\par you got what you got you got it come on\par keep pushing remember you’re a fighter\par not a quitter let’s see it right here\par getting stronger with every jump let’s\par go five four three two one to the floor\par we go high slink position high plank\par bring one arm up and let’s punch\par bring that arm up to your shoulder\par rotate extend that arm out in front of\par you and punch try your best to keep your\par back nice and straight keep it on your\par butt way down\par well yeah way down sinking our way up in\par the air try to get a straight extension\par on that punch it’s hard I know\par keep punching keep moving how many can\par you get right here push that pace push\par that pace keep that core tight we’re\par going to switch sides in five four three\par two one opposite side right into it get\par that opposite side make sure to keep a\par slight bend in the arm that’s on the\par ground core stays tight full extension\par come on let’s go what you got no holding\par back you versus you look in the mirror\par that’s your competition trying to be a\par little bit better than you were\par yesterday right here here it is don’t\par stop don’t hold back\par let’s go four five four three two one\par zero\par excellent\par all right grab those hand weights on the\par way back up again hands are up the chin\par and we’re moving no brakes non-stop\par action today folks keep those feet\par moving keeping shoulder-width apart no\par crossing over let’s go one two one two\par three one two three four one two one two\par you got it you got it hot hands one two\par three four good hot hands one two three\par four boom come on one two three four now\par roll them back one two three four you\par got it one two three four let’s go one\par two one two there’s the one two duck so\par one two duck so one two three four ducks\par nice let’s go one two one two let’s go\par one two three knee one two three knee\par again one two three knee one two three\par me let’s go one two three jumping knee\par one two three jump it knee up you can do\par the jump if you want sup to you one two\par three jumping knee or you can just do a\par normal knee let you decide one three\par three jumping knee bring it up soft\par landing one two three jumping knee two\par three jump good\par again one two three jumping knee one two\par three jump good one two one two one two\par one two one two three four one two three\par four one two duck one two one two duck\par one two one two duck once you once you\par duck one two one two three four one two\par three four one two one two one two one\par two one two three four duck two three\par four\par duck good you set your hand weights down\par we’re going to do an alternating side\par kick hands off of your chin we’re\par winging in one direction side kick back\par down opposite going side to side you\par decide how high or how low you want to\par kick today we’re trying your best keep\par that leg straight and you’re aiming with\par the knife edge knife blade of your foot\par so that’s that outside edge of your foot\par you’re gonna lean in the opposite\par direction that’ll help you get a little\par fuller range of motion on this one side\par to side moving at your own pace but just\par keep moving\par no brakes come on guys I’m right there\par with you\par let’s go grind it out grind it out four\par five four three two one zero\par to the ground we go we can do a push our\par Superman plus push up so down on your\par stomach arms out in front go and bring\par your head up and your legs up extend to\par do a Superman push up back down extend\par your arms out push up on Zack and extend\par right back between the two one of each\par great one for the core lower back chest\par triceps shoulders all getting hit on\par this one and then to make things worse\par you have to perform that dead stop push\par up so you got to perform it from that\par complete bottom position with your upper\par body resting on the ground makes it just\par that much tougher one into the net no\par quitting move oh no quick no you’re a\par fighter non acquitted let’s see it right\par here rep by Rep and everything you got\par four five four three two one zero we’re\par on our feet we’re going to go slip plus\par squats oof hands are at your chin we’re\par performing a slow squat up and down at\par the same time we’re twisting side to\par side or bending side to side and\par slipping so we’re slipping and moving\par out of the way of a punch go and keep\par those hands at your chin throughout\par weight goes back in your hips on that\par squat don’t allow your knees to cave in\par but you want to be flat on your feet\par throughout the move so I decide let’s go\par come on what you got what you got pull\par it all out there guys one right into the\par neck no holding back\par come on feel a little the ABS working so\par I decide for Mike a little oblique\par crunch on every rep practicing that\par defense getting out of the way own it\par might be fast but we’re faster come on\par what you got right here no hold him back\par let’s do this one four five four three\par two one zero your legs aren’t getting a\par break on the next one\par your hands at your chin step back\par reverse lunge bring that knee up down\par opposite side step back reverse lunge\par nice right keep your hands up\par throughout step back on the way up to\par explode bringing that knee up point\par those toes down one right in and action\par whatever you do do not bounce that back\par knee off the ground I’ll make sure to\par come up for that back knee here come on\par what you got let’s go one right into the\par neck use those ads to help bring that\par knee up using those ab muscles not on\par the legs let’s go come on guys this\par might be tough but you’re tougher prove\par it to yourself right here prove it to\par yourself your body might be telling you\par to give up but don’t listen to it got to\par make the mind run the body not the other\par way around right here four five four\par three two one zero nice alright pick\par those hand weights back up for this next\par round hands are up and we’re moving you\par know the drill come on let’s go you’ve\par made it this far don’t slow down yet one\par two one two\par we’re going to stop when we’re done\par we’re not going to stop when it hurts\par one two one two one two three four one\par two three four let’s work in some\par uppercuts now let’s go one uppercut one\par uppercut so you use your legs to wind up\par the point one drop uppercuts with that\par pinky in one uppercut one uppercut again\par one uppercut one uppercut so it’s a\par short range of motion we’re not going to\par go like this one uppercut one\par use those legs one uppercut one uppercut\par you got it let’s go one two uppercut one\par two front arm uppercut one two uppercut\par one two uppercut again one two\par uppercut use those legs every time one\par two uppercut one two uppercut let’s go\par once you want you let’s go one two\par uppercut uppercut\par one two Africa uppercut again once you\par uppercut uppercut\par one two uppercut uppercut again one two\par uppercut uppercut winding with the legs\par every time once you uppercut uppercut\par one two uppercut again – again\par nice let’s go one two three four let’s\par go one two three four dollars\par let’s go one two three four duck go\par ahead keep it moving one two three four\par ducks we’re still got to play defense\par one two one two let’s go one two switch\par kick one two switch kick down in front\par one two switch kick one two switch it\par kick down the front again one two switch\par kick down in front let’s go one two\par three kick one two three kick and back\par again one two three kick and back again\par one two three kick and back one two one\par two one two one two\par hi hands hot hands one two one two good\par now we’re going to do combo + 90 degree\par so in every combo going to a 90 degree\par turn after one to ninety one to 91 291\par 291 291 290 one two three ninety one two\par three so we’re doing switching those\par hips around one two or three ninety or\par to three fast as you can one two three\par four ninety three full mix here going\par both direction\par one two three four ninety eight boom 1 2\par 3 4 90\par good 1 2 3 4 90 boom 1 2 3 4 90\par good one two one two ninety one two one\par two ninety good every time once you want\par to 90\par keep that two-fifths wishin one to 90\par who hits which fast fast one to 90 good\par one to 98 one to 91 2 3 4 90\par 1 2 3 4 90 ah 1 2 3 4 90\par good next we’re going to move on to an\par uppercut punch out of our feet\par shoulder-width apart\par 50/50 neutral since we’re going to use\par those legs\par squat down every time an uppercut up\par gives many uppercuts as you can\par returning those dumbbells back to your\par chin good use those legs go down and\par come up with them and burn those legs\par out at the same time is your arms I’m\par hurting too not alone remember thousands\par millions of us at home feeling that same\par burn or fighting with you come on not\par about being perfect I miss it’s just\par about putting in the steps day after day\par putting in that work to get better to\par achieve those goals you’re doing that\par right here no slowing down come on come\par on come on 5 4 3 2 1 0 you set those\par hand weights down we need a wall for the\par next one bringing into a wall sit\par position feet of shoulder width apart\par lean back on the wall knees at a 90\par beginner version well intermediate\par really\par here’s the harder version leg extension\par alternate one leg at a time extend from\par that knee so now you’re only up and\par supporting yourself from that one leg\par whoo this will burn them out fast I’m\par right there with you guys let’s go do to\par everything you got right here you’ve\par made it this far you’re not going to\par quit now come on I can’t stop so you\par can’t stop in it to the end it’s all\par mental at this point you can do this you\par can do anything let’s go let’s go\par 10 more seconds on this one that’s it\par almost there almost there 5 4 3\par two-one-zero to the ground we go high\par plank position we’re going to go\par opposite elbow to knee secure on that\par crunch as you bring that opposite knee\par in to that core tight touch that\par opposite elbow boom everytime core stays\par tight and engage one right into the next\par you got this come on push it guys push\par that pace make sure to breathe what if\par you do do not hold your breath while\par you’re up here it’ll make things\par miserable on you bring that knee all the\par way up best you can if you have to you\par can switch to your knees on this one to\par try your best to stay up on your feet\par come on come on grind it through guys\par what do you got right here I want you to\par exceed your own expectations to today\par compete with yourself to one and only\par competition get a little bit better\par every time you come back and repeat this\par workout come on come on\par five four three two one zero\par excellent pick those dumbbells up one\par last final time ding-ding-ding here it\par is the last round hands are up and we’re\par moving one two one two one two three\par four one two one two keep it at\par everything you got on this last round\par come on 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 knee one\par two three knee one two three knee knee\par one two three knee down knee one two\par three knee knee or two three need knee\par good again one two three knee knee one\par two three knee knee one two three\par knee knee one two three uppercut one two\par three uppercut one two three knee one\par two three me one two one two let’s go\par one two one two fast\par once you want to fast once you want to\par fast good again once you want to fast\par that’s that’s that’s once you want to\par fast good once you want to fast\par come on what do you got what do you got\par once you want to fast good let’s go 20\par knees get it 1 2 3 knees up nice and\par high come on everything you got right\par there come on\par nice full range of motion every time\par come on get them up get them up 5 4 3 2\par 1 zero answer up in one movement 1 2 3 4\par 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 duck 1 2\par 3 4 1 2 up again 1 2 3 4 1 2 look again\par 1 2 3 4 1 2 duck one more time 1 2 3 4\par Jokke good for your side to side punch\par knack beat your shoulder width apart\par we’re punching side to side bring those\par hands back to your chin when you punch\par all the way across it’s a little weight\par back in your hips throughout and just\par feel that core engage on this one\par because those ABS working as you’re\par twisting side to side this one’s all\par about that core your arms are just along\par for the ride\par so those ABS twisting on every punch\par come on let’s get it how many can you\par get top speed top speed let’s go no\par holding back let’s see it right here\par what do you made out of we do you made\par of right here let’s go 10 more seconds\par on this one let’s go let’s go let’s go 5\par 4 3 2 1 zero hands are up we’re going to\par go low kick high kick so with the back\par leg kick low back kick high back low\par kick high kick low high bring it back in\par between your low and your high may look\par a little different than mine and that’s\par okay encourage you to make this your own\par low kick high kick boom lower\par and move low high low high and move\par again low bring it back high bring you\par back in between low high again low high\par nice let’s go switch front kick now\par switch front kick with that front leg\par switch front kick set it down switch\par front kick set it down and move in\par between switch front kick set it down\par again\par switch front kick good switch front kick\par again switch front kick nice again\par switch front kick one more switch front\par kick your hand weights down to the side\par we’re going to the floor moving into a\par ballistic push-up or a jumping push-up\par we’re doing five at a time\par core straight into a from up top or from\par your knees you decide which variation is\par right for you we’re doing five ready set\par go\par one two three four five breathe find\par your best get off the ground in between\par can you two on your knees like this and\par go one two three four five fifty breath\par three two one again one two three four\par five we’re getting close to the end come\par on keep fightin you’re a fighter not a\par quitter let’s see it three two one again\par big power two three four five come on\par come on bike to the end guys like to the\par end don’t stop when it hurts stop when\par you’re done and go one two three four\par five whoo I’m hurting right there with\par you you’re not alone guys you’re not\par alone let’s get this last one three two\par one go\par five four three two one zero\par up on your feet hook up those hand\par weights and let’s go we’re moving we’re\par moving we’re almost there guys\par right through all right we’re here a\par little finisher coming up\par rendu combo plus Burpee one-two Burpee\par one two down Burpee one-two burpees one\par two teams that they really found if you\par need to or you can hold on to it one two\par Burpee it one two down up hands are up\par one two three Burpee one two three now\par this is it right here guys finish strong\par one two three Burpee two three and back\par up one two three Nene Burpee one two\par three knee knee Burpee come on come on\par don’t give up now one two three Nene\par burpees one two three me knees flip you\par down up come on everything you got right\par here one two three knee burpees one two\par three hands are up and we’re moving one\par two three four Burpee big power big\par power come on everything you got right\par here finish strong guys one two one two\par Burpee let’s just go burpees go five\par burpees that’s it for more let’s go\par three more let’s go two more let’s go\par here we go one last one this is it right\par here everybody ha that is you made it\par nice job that kicked my butt – no buts\par about it\par hope you enjoyed this workout we’re\par going to move into a slight little light\par cooldown to give your heart rate a\par chance to come down catch your breath\par and it’s the same time get some mobility\par working hooey\par forgive me here who has I remember what\par my name is so the first move we’re going\par to move into it’s a vinyasa flow little\par yoga inspired move so go ahead and get\par into a downward dog position you’re on\par your hands and feet on the balls of your\par feet drive those hips back relax your\par shoulders also bring your shoulders back\par at the same time we’re going to come\par forward into a high plank lower your\par body slowly and then come up and do an\par upward facing dog\par and you do this from the balls of your\par feet or on the front of your feet you\par decide which is more appropriate for\par that stretcher and then we’re going to\par kick it back into that downward facing\par dog\par so that’s stretch in your posterior\par chain calves hamstrings glutes lower\par back shoulders they all took a beating\par today and let’s come forward high plank\par lower and up and to upward facing dog\par through that stretch nice big deep\par breath and back into that downward\par facing dog really focusing on trying to\par bring your heart rate down on this one\par take a second here to just be proud of\par what you’ve achieved so far today come\par back forward as a high plank lower and\par upward facing dog\par no matter what the rest of your day\par holds for you you can be proud that you\par got this done cross it off your list and\par up one more time into that downward\par facing dog\par feel that stretching the posterior you\par can even walk the legs a little bit here\par to give a little more stretch to one\par side or the other\par all right let’s come forward high plank\par lower upward facing dog and stretch hold\par nice big deep breaths four three two one\par zero\par that’s it let’s go and come up onto your\par feet to the next one slowly don’t want\par you passing out on me and I don’t want\par to pass out either all right so I start\par with a scarecrow so bring those arms up\par overhead now let’s pull down from the\par elbows\par don’t let stretching our back and\par scapula so once we reach the bottom go\par ahead and bend over at her waist stretch\par our posterior reaching for your toes\par putting allow that lumbar to bend and\par then come back up\par katella’s arms straight overhead and\par back into the Scarecrow again this one’s\par really focusing on that posterior change\par took a beating today so the least we can\par do is give it a little restoration or\par mobility work here\par good keep breathing we have focus on\par bringing that heart rate down and just\par move at your own pace on this one not\par other race that’s for sure\par our hard part is all done for the day\par good one last time down and big stretch\par up overhead\par all right most of you’re going to want a\par wall or a chair for this next one you\par can also just do it on your own but\par we’re gonna do a standing quad stretch\par so bring one foot back try to bring that\par foot back to your glute we’re stretching\par that quadricep in front as well as your\par hip flexors again took a big beating\par today though all those kicks and if you\par want to you can also do this one\par standing and balancing on one leg just\par if you want a little extra balance work\par at the same time keep good posture on\par this one now any of these static\par stretches your goal is to stretch it to\par about ninety percent of what you’re\par capable of want to feel good stretch but\par you don’t want to induce pain three two\par one zero all right let’s hit that\par opposite side now again if you want to\par hold on to something\par if not you can work on your balance\par which of course is even harder after a\par kick-butt workout look we just got done\par with you got it again this one’s great\par for those quads as well as your hip\par flexors night nice deep breaths\par nice and slow focus on getting that\par heart rate down hold this one for five\par four three two one zero\par all right one last stretch we’re going\par to stretch that chest and do a chest\par opener so I want you to interlock your\par fingers\par but behind your back on this one you’re\par like those fingers now we’re going to\par pull your arms back the shoulders back\par as you press and push your chest bolt\par forward\par pull those hands back and for a little\par extra stretch on this one you actually\par bend over and pull the hands back do you\par decide which variation is more\par appropriate for you you’re both great\par whichever one you feel more stretch in\par the chest and shoulders on and just hold\par almost there pull apart here four five\par four three two one zero and that’s it my\par friends you made it thank you for\par pushing through right to the very end\par with me if you like this workout and\par you’ve been working out with us for a\par while you’re starting to see some\par results we’ve encouraged you to please\par go check out our patreon page where you\par can find out more about how you can\par support our mission keeping these great\par workouts free please do me a huge favor\par and hit that thumbs up button and\par subscribe to this YouTube channel that\par really helped us keep this great service\par free and it’ll make sure you never miss\par a new workout check out has for calm for\par hundreds of free workouts free meal\par plans and our free complete fitness\par programs whatever social media your\par channel on Facebook Pinterest Twitter\par snapchat what am i miss an Instagram we\par are where you are and we would love to\par connect so please reach out and find us\par again thank you so much for working out\par with us today I’m coach Kozak and we\par will see you at your next workout\par.


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