Mistake 1: Getting Rid of Fat
Totally getting rid of fat from your diet or eating a low fat diet is a common error that people tend to make due to food marketing. Eliminating fat from your diet in the body may seem like a good idea, but when you understand the role of fat for your body, you realize that getting too little of it is a bad idea and can actually raise you BMI. Of course, removing Trans fats from your diet is essential because they will make you fat and could kill you.
Mistake 2: Being Stressed Out
It is important that you minimize your amount of stress in order to lower your cortisol levels. It has been well documented that having high cortisol levels will results in fat gain, in particular around your waist. Elevated cortisol levels make the body insensitive to insulin. This means that no matter how much you workout and no matter how well you eat, you won’t lose weight.
Mistake 3: Skipping Breakfast
Skipping breakfast and missing meals will make it considerably harder to lose weight. Eating breakfast is one of the easiest changes you can do to feel great and have more energy throughout the day. Eating cereal for breakfast is a common mistake. Even so called healthy cereals are typically packed with starchy carbohydrates and sugar. In some cases you can find a cereal that doesn’t have added sugar, but they tend to be low in protein. It is important to include protein in your breakfast as well.
Mistake 4: Getting Your Fitness Advice from Commercials and Media
Be very careful about what you learn from the media. Health, fitness, and diet information is commonly misrepresented by people trying to sell you something. Their “facts” are often presented in a way that takes advantage of our desire for quick and easy solutions.
Mistake 5: Avoiding Strength Training
There is absolutely no reason to avoid strength training if you are trying to lose weight. The truth is that there’s no reason that anyone should not be doing strength training. Even those who are confined to a bed such as in a nursing home can perform some form of resistance training. As long as you use proper form, strength training is completely safe for everyone. Strength training has an added benefit called the EPOC effect which helps you burn additional calories up to 38 hours after your workout.
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