Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided
intermediate workout

Use this total body strength training workout to build strength and lean muscle mass. This routine consists of compound movements designed to work multiple muscle groups at the same time. You’ll need a pair of dumbbells and the weight that you choose will be dependent on your fitness level. This routine includes both a warm up and a cool down.

Warm Up
Step Back + Reach
Hamstring Sweep
Punch Out + Run in Place

Total Body Strength Training Workout

A1: Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge / Reverse Lunge x12, x10, x8
A2: Shoulder Press + Chest Squeeze x12, x10, x8
B1: Suitcase Squats 3×10
B2: V Sit Fly / Modified V Sit 3×10
C1: Underhand Bent Over Row 3×10
C2: Dumbbell Push Press + Windmill 3×8
D1: Sumo DL + Hammer Curl 3×8
D2: One Arm Dumbbell Snatch 3×8
D3: Dumbbell Reach Crunch / Reach Crunch 3×15

Cool Down
Upright External Rotation
Chest Opener
Standing Quad Stretch
Lying Straight Leg Hamstring Stretch
Lying Cross Body Knee

hey everybody it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is our total body strength training workout the only equipment required for this routine is a pair of dumbbells and the weights that you use will be completely dependent upon your fitness level follow me for the standard variations and I’ll be providing some modifications along the way all right let’s go [Music] all right we’re going to get started with the warmup we’re going to do a step back and reach to start feet are shoulder width apart we’re going to step back with one foot we’re going to reach with that same side arm back now step back up now opposite side steps back and that opposite arm reaches up and over I want you to feel stretch along your side and through your hip flexor alternating sides you’re going to look back up at that arm and hand as you reach it’s a great one for some thoracic mobility also warm up those hip flexors again this is a warm up pace right we’re not trying to rush through this one at all there’ll be plenty of time for the work coming up ahead we’re just preparing our bodies for it let’s go ahead and just moving at your own pace here four five four three two one and zero next we’re going to do is for our posterior chain we’re going to do a hamstring sweep so we’re going to do a reverse big reverse circle with your arms and as you’re doing that going step out with one leg keeping that leg straight on your heel bend over sweep and up all right opposite side leg comes up for our second sweep feeling a stretch in our arm strings I feel like she’s feeling it guys again nice controlled pace on this one feeling that backside stretch as you come down and as you start to get a little more loose go ahead and come down a little further if you want to hit more hamstrings on this one go ahead and keep your back straight you want to hit more lower back you can use a rounded back neither one are wrong it’s just going to kind of emphasize a different part of your body and breathing along the way back side loosening up doing this one four five four three two one and zero all right we’re going to get our heart rate up a little bit with the next one you know run in place plus punch out so return those hands to your chin after every single punch staying nice and light on the balls of your feet getting that heart rate up and the purpose of this warm-up is just to raise your heart rate and improve your mobility at the same time breathe thinking about that workout that’s coming up thinking about why you’re here getting your head right what is it that motivates you what’s your goal we’re going to focus on it throughout today’s workout let’s go ahead and set the tone for that right now then moving at a pace that you feel comfortable with don’t burn yourself out let’s do this one four five four three two one and zero nice we’re getting started with the superset we’re going to go back and forth between your lower body and your upper body we’re going to do three sets of each set of twelve ten and eight working up in weight as we go we’re going to get started with a lower body move we’re going to do a dumbbell curtsy lunge or a dumbbell reverse lunge you can choose which one is right for you so we both have our feet shoulder width apart dumbbells are at our sides good posture I’m going to step back and behind at the same time luring both knees to a 90 and then back up and I’m just going back into a reverse lunge with my legs straight back and making sure both knees are at a 90 degree angle so you can decide which one is right for you we’re going to get started with 12 repetitions of this one and it should be our lightest weight lightly okay let’s go and get started and three two one we’re doing six repetitions on each side so it’s 12 in total I want you to keep good posture keep your core engaged on this one making sure that we’re not bouncing that back knee up off the ground breathe in on the way down and then out on the way up and exhale on the hardest part of the move which for this one is going to be that standing up phase nice and controlled on the way up and on the way down emphasizing both ends of the movement you have two more almost there all right let’s hit that last one and zero at length okay so I’m going to switch up my weight a little bit for the next one I’m going to go a little bit lighter we’re going to move into a dumbbell shoulder press plus chest squeeze again doing 12 repetitions of this one so it’s a two part movement we’re going to start with their dumbbells in rack position little bend in the knees good posture we’re going to press the dumbbells straight up overhead through our elbows are by your ears back down and then when our elbows are 90 we’re going to bring those elbows together squeeze your chest and return so that’s one rep so it’s up down good squeeze and back that’s two 12 in total nice and controlled breathe along the way you got it and again we’re starting with our lightest weights 4 set to 12 and then a set of 10 and set at 8 trying to get a little heavier as we go and you’ll learn as we get into this how much you should be increasing your weight on every rep on every set we’re halfway through excellent come on keep it up again controlling that eccentric face that lowering phase lowering those dumbbells down is just as important as the press itself actually my shoulders and chest are starting to feel it hope yours are two excellent almost there making sure to breed don’t hold your breath anymore you good good good good there it is last one make it count everybody fighting through that burn I know we’re just starting but burns already there and zero who like then yes yeah ok so we’re moving on to our second set of either curtsy lunge or reverse lunge I’m going to up my way just a little bit for this next one moving into a set of 10 repetitions beat your shoulder width apart here we go 5 on each side 3 2 1 begin so we’re going 3 set back and forth of this superset so this is the start of our second one good posture really control that way down it has to be much easier to just allow your body to flop down there but I want that wouldn’t get the same results excellent making sure to breathe in on the way down few more guys right here exhale on the way up last one and zero okay switch on our weight up again moving on to the shoulder press plus chest squeeze I’m a little just a little bit for this one and if you need to say it the same way that’s okay too again we encourage you to make this workout definitely my shoulders are definitely the weakest weakest link so we thought everybody’s going to have their own weak link alright dumbbells up in rack position little bend in those knees and let’s begin ten reps on this one bring them down squeeze your chest as you bring those elbows together and then control that descent lowering portion of the move as well good good good you got it as that burn starts to kick in and you start to ask yourself why am I doing this again it’s important that you remind yourself why you’re here what is it halfway point what’s your goal what is it that you’re working on trying to get more fit trying to get stronger lose weight get more muscle whatever it is you’re here rap my rap a little closer to that goal come on almost there guys breathe don’t hold your breath team line right through that burn I’m burning – whoo come on learn to love that burn last one make a count make a count I sing controllable how a night okay so I’m going to really try to up the weight on my last set here for my like curtsy lunge again you decide what’s right for you but we’re doing eight repetitions just eight here we go all right here we go here we go get those legs moving here we are in three two one and if you start with one move you need to move on to the other either to make it harder or to make it easier that’s totally okay or if it is alternating between the both of them yeah how’s that either yeah again you we really encourage you to make this routine your own Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all solution we have qumar curtsy lunge is a little more challenging a little harder to stabilize by flying that’s it all right there we go good job so easy right very easy just like that okay well maybe not that easy we’re moving on to moving on to our last set of our shoulder press I think I’m going to stick with the same weight my shoulder her really feeling it on the last one up a little bit and I want to make sure my form stays all right point well I’m going to push my weight a little bit so my form may suffer on this one but all right oh the best I can to keep it straight all right here we are three two one straight up nice and controlled you got it eight repetitions in total on this one finish some strong good get done with this set you can cross these off the list one more done this one’s working your chest shoulders triceps even your core halfway in your legs just hold and support yourself in this position whoo I’m feeling that lactic acid burning now when you feel that burn kick in it’s important to remind yourself that’s just you lauric acid you don’t have to listen to that burn that’s just the fuel that your muscles release lastly come on whoo and it squeeze hi excellent job all right let’s get started on our second superset we’re going to do three sets of these as well but only this time we’re going to keep the same weight throughout so we’re not increasing we’re into three sets of 10 of both of these keeping the same way the first one we’re going to do is going to be a suitcase squat we only need one dumbbell for this one we’re going to do very similar to a traditional dumbbell squat but we’re only holding the one it’s going to force our core to really stabilize throughout and it’s going to put some extra tension on that inside leg your shoulder width apart good posture going to place your opposite hand on your hip anytime we squat first thing that moves give me your hips hips go back first then bend at your knees keeping good posture throughout ideally thighs to parallel and back up doing 10 repetitions in total 5 on each side we’ll switch the dumbbell half way through all right let’s get it going here you choose a weight that’s right for you three two one shoulder back nice and control on the way up and on the way down it does help if you can have that hand on your head for balance or if you need to you can also put it out to your side and choose which one is appropriate for you really drive those hips back keep your feet flat on this one you don’t want to come up forward onto your toes don’t allow your knees to break in either alright guys we’re going to switch sides here go ahead and switch I am l5 in alright here we go and let’s hit it five more on the opposite side now really control both the way up and the way down now how to race on this one keep those knees out don’t allow them to cave in the head in line with your spine and last one that’s one finishing strong and zero not going I love that one okay we need two dumbbells for the next one we’re definitely probably gonna go lighter weight we’re going to do a VSIP fly so it’s a modified chest fly from the ground we’re doing 10 repetitions on this one I’m gonna get our ABS involved as well and I’m going to provide a modifier for this one by leaving my feet on the ground you’ll see that here in just a moment yeah so by leaning back we’re both leaning back on a 45 but I’m going to put extra tension to my abs over my feet up and I’m leaving mine here so I want you to hug a tree like you’re wrapping your arms around a tree we’re gonna open those arms up feel that chest stretch and then close them and squeeze the chest up at the top controlling again both end of the movement if you keeping those feet up even more so engaging those ass but either way you can engage them by leaning back on a 45 degree angle you’re not feeling your abs because you’re either too far forward or too far back probably too far for three all the way up a whole the way down way to come on what you got it almost there staying control throughout we got three more breathe in on the way down and out on the way up that’s it almost there last one finished strong last one right here guys let’s push through and gang nice work whoo all right come on back up onto our feet moving into that dumbbell suitcase squat again I’m going definitely heavier for this one but you choose what is right for you I kind of use my first set it’s kind of like a tester yeah that’s a good second view see if I feel like I can increase the weight for the second and third then I’ll do that okay feet are shoulder-width apart let’s get right into a five on each side hips back and begin and the more experience you get these types of workouts but better you’ll get at gauging your own strength levels and understanding which weight is appropriate for you not just for like one individual set but also to make sure you can make it through the whole workouts right come on let’s go and five let’s go chance that’s it so you do so carefully that’s it well these power lines a little harder to switch that’s true it’s a great tool we love them they’re easy to switch your weight if you want to find out more about these power blocks what we do have the link available in the video description weight moves in the hips pushing out on those knees you wanna keep your feet flat shouldn’t be coming onto your toes last one right here and zero all right awesome nice alright switching up your weight if you need to for the next one okay moving into that VSIP fly again we got three sets of each of these here’s our finish up that second round you decide if you want your feet up or on the ground either way we’ll go ahead to get it working ten reps right here that’s it ten breathe in as those arms are lowering and breathe out as you bring them back up and squeeze your chest up at the top that’s it nice and controlled not a race on this one help strength training is all about that time under tension making sure those muscles are you engaged and not just using momentum come on almost there almost there great almost there fighting through it everybody all right we have three more remember what brought you here today what is it getting closer to that goal with every repetition focus on it last when he hears it last one cool and zero ahead is a two point two down one of each to go moving into our dumbbell suitcase squat yep last set 10 repetitions get those legs on here we are keep that core engaged core stays tight throughout here we are good posture three two one you got it let’s go way back in the hip I really try to get good debt beat stay flat don’t allow those knees to cave in nice stay under control keep it nice and slow that’s it almost there come on one on this side alright switch it up even harder when you’re sweaty here we are and it’s nice and warm in the gym today get it going last five of this one almost there almost there control the way down and the way up qumar knees stay out come on come on come on last one that’s it make it count everybody zero nice good job when you push through all right let’s knock out that last set of the v-sit fly so the great one working you chest shoulders and abs all in one move very efficient workout today a lot of work in a short period of time here we are in position in three two one last ten repetitions stretch that chest and then squeeze it up at the top that’s it come on number what brought you here today well it is it pushing yourself because nobody else can or will do it for you so all to you people it’s all in your head halfway point guys you can do anything you want in life we just got to convince yourself that it’s possible anymore there’s that mental game right here how mentally tough are you come on let’s go push through push through last one right here let’s go Oh zero good one do it nice job we’re going to do a pull push combination for our next superset going three sets of ten of each exercise getting started with an underhand row move to dumbbells for this one our feet are going to be shoulder width apart we’re going to bend over on a 45 degree angle your core engaged back stays straight palms are forward now we’re going to pull back from those elbows squeeze your back and then lower the dumbbells all right ten repetitions of this one let’s get it right into it bending over back stays straight pull back from those elbows like you have a string attachment somebody’s pulling back in those elbows so pulling back on the elbows not on the hands it’s an important distinction it over change how this exercise works physiologically we want to make sure the right and correct back muscles are firing by pulling back from those elbows breathe you have four more cores tight back straight head in line with your spine two more last one right here come on guys push through boom all right we only need what Claudia only needs one done before this mics and I’m going to use two yes I’m going to show you a variation on this one we’re going to do a dumbbell push press Plus windmills we’re going to start with one arm down at our side one arm straight up in rack position feet are shoulder-width apart and put a weight back in her hips sit back use those legs to drive that dumbbell straight up overhead now we’re going to perform a windmill we’re going to bring our right hip out to the side look up at that dumbbell as we keep pressing the hip out and return stand back up and that counts as one rep bring the dumbbell back down and repeat use those legs help push and dry the dumbbell straight up you decide if you want to use this extra dumbbell for resistance that I’m using or if you just want to use your body weight both they’re great movements and then that windmill really helps if you take your feet and toes and point them out to the side about a 45 degree angle as you come down and then return them back to square last one on this side looking up keeping that core engaged back tight and straight all right now switch it up opposite side now one arm down I’m going to switch my weight and bring it right back up to rack back into Rack sit and push it with five on each side on this one and on the windmill if you can’t go quite down as far as we are and maybe touching your your ankle you can go down to your knee if you need to and then come right back up that’s it really focusing on making this workout your own whatever that means to you modifying has need be and that window focus on pressing that hip out to the side yep really engaging those hips it also helped to engage a core hate those obliques on this one last one right here count and zero actually really nice I like that one don’t with the first set of each you’re moving back to that underhand bent over row so adjust your weight if you need to yep we’re going 10 repetitions I’m gonna stick with the same weight I had all right here we go then over 45 degree angle hinging at the hips there pull back on those elbows I work out like today’s workout was really I’m sorry to work out intensity for you is really give me about the weight that you’re using so if you’re finding it too difficult we encourage you liking the weight if you’re finding it too easy we encourage you to up the weight again really customize it to your needs pull back on those elbows and squeeze your back I’ll put the top excellent that’s one you might even feel on your legs it’s you oh yeah using those legs and support yourself that bend in your knees we have two more guys oh all the way down just like you do the way up that’s it that’s it last one boom squeeze them that’s it okay whew good one back to it next one moving on to the push press plus windmill I think I’m going to increase my weight a little bit for this one but go with what you feel comfortable with okay again one side of the time five reps on each feet are shoulder-width apart get that dumbbell up into rack position really use those legs to help drive that dumbbell straight up here we are sit back press and toes to the side reach looking straight up and dumbbell back down that’s it five on each side not a race know who it is not really focus on this movement right multiple things going on at the same time on this one we’re really focusing on form on this one it’s a great total body move engaging a lot of muscles that are otherwise hard to engage breathe last one on this site that’s it focus and back okay five more other side switch dumbbells back go back up to Rack let’s go I didn’t do it you know the drill by now every repetition you just that much closer to your goal what is it think about it right now acknowledge it to yourself what is it that you’re working on don’t just be here aimlessly trust me you will be a lot easier to get moving a lot easier to finish these workouts if you know why you’re here don’t just let it be an unsaid thing but claim it that’s right how you purpose make it your goal every day last one every day you’re waking up getting that much closer to it alright we’re done all right okay last set of underhand rows use your weight accordingly to shake out my arms a little bit I’m gonna go kind of heavy on this last one oh and I’m feeling good okay all right try my best to keep my good form my back is going to be straight here we are last set 10 reps and bend over elbows back let’s go core nice and tight that’s it head in line with your spine and under control that means the way up hand the way down don’t just let them fly back down no jerking that weight up to be cheating on half the movement if you were to do that make it count come on we’re here let’s make it count weave that back half way fighting through that burn you’re stronger than that burn come on you’re a fighter not a quitter you got to believe it right here right you are almost there come on finish strong finish strong last one ah zero those would amaze where it does an awesome I love those arms feel like they’re going to fall off they must be doing something right okay I’m gonna lighten my weight for this last set push press Plus windmills you choose your weight accordingly one dumbbell pin rack position right into it you know it so weight back in the hips and drive well toes to the side feel that stretch oblique stays engaged that’s it one rep right into the next let’s go guys you’re powerful you’re a machine nothing can stop you that’s it right here every rep looks exactly the same just like a machine cannot sing can stop it last one on this side and I’m going to switch come on that’s it hey this is died let me strong on this one finish strong let’s go whoo make sure and not to let anything get in your way especially yourself come on don’t let that any big enemy between the ears get to you just keep moving keep working forward here it is come on breathe core tight back stays straight this one’s working your glutes last one right here hamstrings lower back shoulder and add an awesome compound oh good we have one last total body superset for the day the first move is going to be a sumo deadlift plus hammer curl again total combination mover and do eight repetitions of this one featured nice and wide sumo stance toes pointed out we’re gonna drop our weight back on our hips break at those hips first then come down to the knees or at a 90 now we’re going to curl hammer curl bring those dumbbells up to the shoulders back down and up that’s one repetition doing eight repetitions in total here we go awesome here we go let’s do it now burn out those legs forced to sit here for a minute in this isometric hold that’s not on accident definitely on purpose try to get down to your thighs pair with the ground squeeze those glutes right at the top if you can’t quite get down as far as we are that’s alright we just encourage you to get down as far as you can while keeping your feet flat and back straight we don’t want you bending over at your back on this one and if you’re really feeling the force to bend over forward it’s going to be because of lack lack of flexibility in your backside let’s try to keep those feet flat back up shoulders back there it is two more guys my legs are already feeling it I know burn so good we’re right there with you everybody right there we smile through it last one let’s go ahead to try where you at excellent okay don’t go anywhere we’re going to stay right in this spot we’re doing one arm dumbbell snatch he feels feet wide have one arm out to your side we’re going to drop one dumbbell in between your legs going to do a half squat way come back in the hips now we’re going to raise that elbow up as high as you can and flip that dumbbell over and we’re doing one side off all right nine repetitions on total four on each all right let’s go sit back wait in the hips the elbow as high as it can go and then flip and snatch it over return it back down big power boom sit last one excellent okay inside switch inside a good visualization for this one one let’s pretend like you’re zipping up a jacket very similar movement pattern to that and bring that elbow as high as you can last one and then flipping it over nice job excellent okay we’re moving to the floor for the next one and get those abs involved even more I’m losing my dumbbells as you see I’m going to keep mine well what can I do a reach crunching but I’m going to do a dumbbell reach crunch arms are straight up in the air we’re going to bring your shoulder blades up off the ground and reach to the ceiling squeeze your abs and back down were doing 15 in total and begin you decide if you want to hold on to these dumbbells for extra resistance or if you want to swap them out and just use your body weight squeeze those ABS over the top while your legs are resting your abs are working that’s the beauty of these super sets I can keep the pace up come on almost there squeeze those ABS up to the top don’t reach with your neck and instead reach with those arms and no shoulder blades last one right here excellent nice work however standing up just your weight if you need to moving back into that sumo deadlift plus hammer curl I think I might increase a little bit here and again it’s eight repetitions on this one feeder wide good posture weight back in the hips let’s get it going sit back until those thighs are parallel to the ground palms are facing inward on that hammer curl and again just holding a nice solid foundation down here at the bottom as we perform our curl just a way of adding it some extra time under tension and an isometric hold down here at the bottom halfway point and squeeze those glutes at the top those knees out don’t allow them to break in a slight point out on the toes working those glutes hamstrings quads cool anymore guys forearms biceps all getting hit on this one another compound move I swing finishing strong zero all right let’s move right into those snatches little mark one arm at a time feet a little wider and shoulder-width drop the weight back in the hips half squat elbow up big power pull come on let’s go you’re a powerhouse power factory right on this one let’s go on last one on this side big power boom drop boom alternate sides right into it sit pull come on guys what do you got right here remember it’s not about how bad you want it well how hard you’re willing to work for it let’s see it right here last one and to the ground otta me keeping the pace up on this last superset moving to the ground go into those reach crunches you choose if you want dumbbells or not so here we are 15 reps begin with the shoulder blades up off the ground squeeze and contract those ABS I’ll put the top on every rep you got it Claudia sounds like you finet your puddle of flips oh yeah I have a massive pop total that’s what and they’re making a large noise but hey must be doing something right yeah five four guys come on keep it working everybody what would you come here for stay focused on it let’s go let’s go and last one right here zero shit up okay we have one last time around let’s get it going together yup Maria has four tries finishing strong right here proving it to yourself come on we’re going to separate those who who want it and those who just want to talk about it which one are you let’s go feed your wiring shoulder width way back in the hips let’s hit sumo deadlift curl back down use those legs drive off your heels on the way back up don’t want to be on your toes on this one get those feet flat weight is back in your heels and in your hips excellent halfway point right here you only have four more of these come on make them count hold that bottom position with good posture core stays tight come on finishing strong everybody we’re yeah it has four tribe we’re yeah two more there it is we’re all hurting together you sweat we sweat let’s go hey you’re not alone last one ah those off okay here we are the last set of one-arm snatches let’s get it going weight back in the hips elbow high and begin big power pull one big power pull to come on prove it to yourself everybody laughing right left come on that’s it whoo touch inside what’s inside and begin come on what do you got left put it all out there don’t hit that pause button don’t stop just finished strong line that’s it how good we’re going to the floor Oh finish those ads off do it we’re almost there everybody almost there come on let’s get there together and crunches in three two one begin squeeze those ABS up at the top nice and control them will and the way down sweat you in the way down you want to do a lie back down come on that’s is it right here finishing strong breathe squeeze those ABS and hold at the top every single rep squeeze and hold them you got it you got it and you’re in the end here we are three more two one and zero whoo oh man anyone job ah shake those legs arms loose whatever you got Oh excellent work out there I swear Claudia had coach nice work to you we’re going to go through oh thank you anything and we’re going to go through a little bit of a cool-down next and the purpose of the cool-down there’s a lot of your heartrate to come down slowly and at the same time gain some extra mobility and flexibility we’re going to start with an upright external rotation keeping good posture let’s bring your elbows out and out to a 90 degree angle now going to rotate those hands back and then forward we’re going to go through this full range of motion bring the arms parallel and then perpendicular to the ground your shoulders are going to love this one feeling that stretch as you go back every time and on this last one let’s pull those hands back and just hold pull those hands back and you bring the elbows forward my big deep breath that’s it and relax keep pressing back you pressing back sorry I didn’t mean to stop I’m going to say you’re throwing me off here my bad my dad hold it for five four three two one yeah there we go shake them loose backside okay we’re going to move into a chest opener stretch out those check your chest and your shoulders once you go in interlace interlock your fingers behind your back now let’s pull your shoulders back as you drive your chest forward and arms back feel that stretch in your chest and shoulders if you want some extra resistance and stretch you can bend over and bring the arms up and over you decide which variation is right for you you just want us to here or if you want to bend over either way just a static stretch on this one cool in that chest apart good give it good let’s hold it for five four three two one and if you bent over come up slowly yeah definitely I want you pass them out Adonis okay moving into a standing quad stretch next great one for those quadriceps you can either hold on to a chair a couch or wall or whatever you got or just do it on your own if you’d like to have on one foot I’m going to bring my opposite side arm up kind of helps me keep my balance also find a focal point for your eyes if you need to trying your best to bring that foot and heel back to your gluts is your ultimate goal on this one without necessarily bring your leg out to the side again if you need to hold on to something we encourage you to do so for five four three two one zero I’ll shake that leg loose let’s hit that opposite side now and begin again I was a good time in the workout to just take a second be proud of what you’ve achieved so far today there’s a lot of things you could have been doing with your time it’s very easy to waste time or sit around thinking about working out it’s a lot harder to actually get it done and you got it done today right you invested in yourself that’s it we commend use your proud we thank you for joining us today getting it done four three two one zero all right let’s move through the floor for the last couple first one can get those hamstrings nice and stretched out hamstrings and gluts lying down flat on our back or one leg down opposite leg come up straight keeping that leg straight and just bring it up as high as you can while keeping your opposite leg flat and keeping this leg nice and straight and not bent at the knee just pull them back and holding static stretch on this one right here and you can feel that stretch in your hamstring or your then that’s okay that’s okay you got way more than us that’s great – exactly and you probably yeah wouldn’t be hard hard to achieve all right and holding us a 3 2 1 0 bend that knee and then we’re going to take that same leg we’re gonna reach across when do lying cross body knee if you need to use that opposite side arm to bring it across keeping your shoulders flat on the ground as you do this one we’re enough me across far as you can feel that stretch in your lower back hamstring glutes piriformis well getting stretch on this one hold for three two one zero bring it back to square ok let’s finish it doing the same move on the opposite side now one leg up straight hamstring glute remember to keep that opposite side leg flat on the ground easy of things to do is yeah I’m doing I’m getting better at it I’m getting better at well not really so don’t keep that way and you might ring at one side of your body is tighter than the other totally my left side is super so don’t be surprised or worried about that hey that’s why we’re here none of us are perfect we’re all just working to get better alright now let’s go ahead and relax that leg now let’s bring that knee across body pull with giving us some help with opposite side arm if you need to up suicide hand pulling reaching across feel that stretch in your lower back gluts that’s it holding strong here last big deep breaths – five four three two one zero and that’s it you can come on up nice and slowly or you can hang out on the girl you can just lie on the ground unfortunately where you have to stand okay No thank you so much for working out with us today then our privilege and pleasure if you enjoyed today’s workout you know working out those for a while you’re starting to see some results we’d encourage you to please go check out our patreon page some major thing that helps us keep this great service free and if you enjoyed this workout with us today we ask that you please give this video a big thumbs up and hit that red subscribe button so that you never miss a brand new workout from Hospit again check out HazCom where we have hundreds of free workouts free meal plans and our free complete fitness programs and if you are on facebook Instagram snapchat Twitter whatever your social media favorite is find us we’re there we want to connect with you thank you so much for joining us today I’m coach Kozak and Claudia and we will see you at your next workout