Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Did you know strength training can be done effectively from home? This full body dumbbell workout will help you to build strength and lean muscle in the most convenient and efficient way possible. This routine is great for both men and women. We do recommend having several weights nearby so that you can switch up the resistance depending on the movement. Let’s begin!
Warm up
Deep Squat + Overhead Ext
Multiplanar Lunge
Full Body Dumbbell Workout
A1: Arnold Press x 12
A2: Sumo Deadlift + Power Pull x 10
B1: Wall Curls x 12
B2: Squat + Reverse Lunge x 8
C1: Hip Up + DB Chest Press x 12
C2: Side Plank Elbow to Knee / from Knee x 12 each
Cool Down
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Lying Straight Leg Hamstring Stretch
Floor Angels