The lying cable internal rotation is a great rotator cuff exercise for rotator cuff strengthening. This deltoid exercise can be completed by both males and females. It...
Author - hf-wp-user
The cable upright external rotation or cable shoulder clean is a great rotator cuff exercise for rotator cuff strengthening. This is an excellent shoulder workout that...
The seated cable military press or cable shoulder press is a great shoulder exercise for your shoulders, deltoids, and triceps. This deltoid exercise can be done by both...
The cable lateral raise or cable side raise is a great shoulder exercise for your shoulders and medial deltoids.This shoulder workout can be done by both men and women...
Side to Side Pull Ups – Back Exercise Demonstration – Hard Pull Up – Advanced Pullup
The side to side pull up is a great back exercise. This is an advanced pullup that can be completed by both males and females. Hard pullups can be done both at home or...
1 1/4 Pull Ups – Back Exercise Demonstration – Hard Pull Up – Advanced Pullup – Pullups
The 1 1/4 pull up is a great back and biceps exercise. This is an advanced pullup that can be done by both men and women. Hard pullups are a great exercise that can be...
Jumping Pull Ups – Back Exercise Demonstration – Jump Pull up – Beginner Pull Up
The jumping pull up is a great back exercise and is sometimes used as a beginner pull up. The jump pull up can be performed by both males and females. This is a great...
The eccentric pull up or negative pull up is a eccentric exercise and negative exercise. This back exercise can be done by both men and women. Negative workouts are...
Isometric Pull Ups – Back Exercise Demonstration – Isometric Exercises – Isometric Back
The isometric pull up is a great isometric exercise. This back exercise is great for both men and women. Pullups can be done at home or in the gym.