If you’re reading this then you survived Monday! It was a tough one let me tell you. For me it was primarily the incredible soreness I’m still feeling from Saturday’s track workout. I am no Flo Jo and my quads, hamstrings and even the bottom of my feet reminded me all day long. I practically shuffled around the office today, not cute.

That however did not stop me from getting my workout in. No excuses around here! Since I missed my strength day on Sunday, I did the HASfit 20 minute upper body and 20 minute lower body workouts. I used 5 lb weights for both videos which is a light weight for me normally but considering I’m still feeling the effects from Saturday, I did not want to push it. Followed up with Shredding 8 Minute Abs. Does anyone else despise the lying leg raises in this video as much as me?

I mean really, who smiles during iso squats?

Monday’s workout was HASfit 20 minute upper body and 20 minute lower body workouts followed by Shredding 8 Minute Abs.

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