DVD Questions and Answers

Do I need exercise equipment?

No equipment is required. You may want to have dumbbells for the strength training workouts, but depending on your strength level you may be able to use water bottles or items found around the house.

Do I need exercise experience?

No experience is required! We pride ourselves on giving you all of the tools needed to adapt the routine to your body and specific needs. We provide seated chair exercises, exercises for beginners, and exercises to challenge those who have been working for years.

Is this appropriate for someone with X condition?

Ultimately, that’s a great question for your doctor. But we can say we always encourage you to adjust the workout routine to your needs and never push you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing.

Can I perform the exercises seated in a chair?


How long are the workouts?

The videos are between 15 – 40 minutes in length, but that includes the warm-up and cool-down which are performed at a relaxed pace. Don’t be alarmed if you’re not able to exercise for that length of time yet, because we encourage you to go at your own pace and only complete as much as your body allows.

Who are the workouts designed for?

Most will be over 50, over 60, over 70, over 80, or 90. That’s a large age range which is why we provide different variations of each exercise to allow you to choose what works best for your body.

Do the workouts include warm-ups and cool-downs?


How heavy of weights should I use for the strength training?

The weight you use will be totally dependent on your fitness level, but most will use between 1lbs – 15lbs (.5kg – 7kg) per dumbbell. We recommend you start light and work your way up as needed.

How do I access the exercise program calendars?

We include a link to the calendars inside the DVD case for you to print or download the calendars

Should I take rest days?

The work and rest days may be moved around to adapt to your schedule, but be sure to take 2 rest days per week. Your body needs rest to recover. While your rest days shouldn’t include deliberate exercise, we do encourage you to be active on those days (e.g. walking, gardening, etc.)

Can I use the HASfit Senior Exercise DVD along with another program?

Yes, our exercises for seniors, elderly, and older adults work really well to complement other exercise programs you may be engaged in such as walking, running, yoga, tai chi, dance, and more.

What if I have other questions?

Our HASfit customer support is always ready to help! Just email support@hasfit.zohodesk.com