Fitness Posters – Whatever you do, do not give up because for once this is for you.

Gym Poster – The beginning is always tough, but once I’m in it I become unstoppable.

Fitness Posters – What doesn’t kill me makes me awesome instead.

Workout Poster – Look in the mirror… that’s your competition.

Running Motivation – Complaining won’t burn calories.

Training Poster – Train like a beast. Look like a beauty.

Gym Shirts – Life is like exercise. The harder it is, the stronger you become.

Exercise Poster – Exercise keeps your spirit lifted and your mind healthy and active.

Fitness Posters – I should never have taken this Mayan calendar so seriously. After 3 weeks of eating cakes and cookies, you’re telling me the world isn’t ending?

Exercise Posters – For every minute you spend debating whether or not to work out, you could be working out.