Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Let’s work together to improve our overall fitness with this 30 minute hiit workout with weights. We recommend having several dumbbells available to you so that you can mix up the resistance depending on the exercise. We’ll perform just one set of each movement in this full body, no repeat workout. You won’t find any jumping in this routine, so it’s great for those who want to take it easy on their joints. Let’s go!
Warm up
Downward Dog to Multiplanar Lunge
Side Leg Swings
Butt Kick + Overhead Reach
HIIT Workout with Weights
One Leg & One Arm Press / Two Legs
DB Pause Squat
One Arm DB Snatch / High Pull
Narrow Push Up / Incline
High Plank Knee Up & In / Incline
Goblet Cossack Squat / No DB
Seesaw Row
Svend Press
DB Reverse Lunge
Side Plank / from Knee
Zottman Curl
Seesaw Chest Press
Sumo Deadlift + Calf Raise
Long Arm Crunch / No DB
Staggered Skier Swings
Straight Arm Reverse Fly
DB Slams
Cool Down
Wall Chest Stretch
One Leg Hamstring Stretch
Figure Four