Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Interval training is unmatched in its ability to burn body fat and improve strength at the same time. Use this HIIT workout for fat loss and building lean muscle to supercharge your results. The only equipment required are dumbbells and we do recommend having a few different weights available so that you may switch up the resistance as you go. You may also want a bench, chair, or box but it isn’t required. Let’s burn it out!
Warm up
Multi-Planar Lunge
Wall Facing Squat (prison hands
Hamstring Sweep
HIIT Workout for Fat Loss
DB Reverse Lunge w/ Pause
DB Side Raise
High Plank Reverse Row / from Bench
Narrow Press + Iso-Hip Up
DB Front Curled 1 ¼ Squat
High Plank Walkout / from Knees
DB High Snatch Pull
Half-Kneeling DB Shoulder Press
Lying Leg Raise / Knee Raise
DB Sumo Deadlift
DB Zottman Curl
DB Bent Over Row
Push Up + Pause / from Bench
Lateral Lunge
Straight Arm Reverse Fly
High Plank Knee Up and In / from Bench
Lying Dumbbell Triceps Ext
DB Squat + Kick
Cool Down
Standing Quad Stretch
Wall Overhead Extension + Angel
90-90 Hip Stretch
V Sit Reach