Beginner Difficulty with Low Impact Modifications Provided

Use this full body workout to build lean muscle and improve strength. One of the best things about strength training at home is you can easily increase or decrease the difficulty by adjusting the weight of your dumbbells. We’ll provide modifications along the way, so that you can customize the routine for your specific needs. You may use a chair, bench, or box, but it isn’t required. Let’s begin!
Warm up
Hamstring Sweep
Deep Wall Squat + Reach
Beginner Strength Training
Sumo Deadlift + Hammer Curl x 12
DB Shoulder Press x 12
Staggered DB Single-arm Row x 12 each
Overhead March / No DB x 45 sec
DB Goblet Side Squat / No DB x 12
DB Reverse Fly x 12
DB Triceps Kickback x 12
DB Reverse Lunge / Supported x 8 each
Pushup from Incline / Wall x 12
Hip Up + Iso-Squeeze x 15
Reverse Crunch / One Knee x 45 sec
Side Plank / from Knees x 30 sec each
Cool Down
Wall Chest Stretch
Standing Quad Stretch
Seated Toe Touch