Beginner Difficulty with Intermediate Modifications provided

If you love no repeat routines, then this beginner’s HIIT workout with dumbbells is made for you. This workouts includes only one round of every exercise. Each round will be 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest. You will need dumbbells and we strongly recommend having at least two sets of weights available so that you can change the weight as needed for each exercise and muscle group. Let’s start moving!
Warm up
Step Back and Reach
Toe Touch to Cactus Arms
Arm Crossover + Butt Kick
March in Place
30 Min Beginners HIIT Workout
Push Press
Reverse Lunge / No DB’s
Hollow Body / Knees Bent
DB Bent-over Row
DB Sumo Deadlift / No DB’s
Plank / from Knees
Opposite Elbow to Knee Crossover
Lying Dumbbell Chest Press
DB Posterior Swing
Run in Place + Punch Out
DB Hammer Curl
Prone Pullbacks / Feet Down
High Knee Reach + Pulldown
DB Goblet Squat + Twist / No DB’s
DB Side Raise
Butt Kick Jacks
DB Hip Up / Hip Ups
Cool Down
Seated Toe Touch to Chest Opener
90-90 Hip Stretch
Page Turner
Side Lying Quad Stretch