Beginner Difficulty with Low Impact Modifications Provided

Experts agree, strength training is one of the core tenants of all exercise programs. Use this full body dumbell workout for beginners to build strength and lean muscle in only 20 minutes. You’ll need dumbbells for this exercise routine and we do recommend having varying weights available so that you may change up the resistance depending on the movement and muscle group.
Warm up
March in Place + Chest Opener
Pull the Rope
Opposite Side Toe Touch
Strength Training
A1: Shoulder Press x 10
A2: Dumbbell Squat x 10
B1: Dumbbell Bent Over Row x 10
B2: High Plank / from chair x 30 sec
C1: Reverse Lunge / Chair Supported Split Squat x 8 each leg
C2: DB Reverse Fly x 12
Cool Down
Seated Toe Touch to Scarecrow
Side Lying Quad Stretch
Hands Behind Head Chest Stretch