Beginner Difficulty with Intermediate Modifications provided

Today’s routine will get your heart rate up without any jumping or impact. We’ll complete just one round of each exercise so there are no repeating movements. Each round will be 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest. This low impact HIIT requires dumbbells and we strongly recommend having at least two sets of weights available so that you can change the weight as needed for each exercise and muscle group.
Warm up
Hamstring Sweep
Side Leg Swings
March in Place + Chest Opener
Dumbbell Low Impact HIIT
Reverse Grip Bent-over Row
Squat + Reach
Arm Crossover + Butt Kick
R Side Plank / from Knees
Reverse DB Curl
Goblet Reverse Lunge / No DB’s
Seesaw Neutral Press
Hot Feet
Lying Dumbbell Chest Press
DB Hip Up / No DB
L Side Plank / from Knees
DB Overhead March in Place / No DB’s
DB Reverse Triceps Kickback
DB Sumo Deadlift Pulse / No DB’s
Straight Arm Reverse Fly
Split Stance Chop / No DB
Wall Push Up
Split Knee Drive
Punch + Kick / No DB’s
DB Hammer Curl + Front Squat
Cool Down
Lying Figure Four
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Downward Dog / Kneeling