Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner and Intermediate Modifications provided

Get ready to blast your chest with this routine. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a willingness to work. It’s a great workout for both men and women at home.
Chest Workout at Home
Complete 2 rounds of 50 seconds of each exercise:
Hand Release Push Up / from Knees
Lying Dumbbell Fly
Wide Push Up with Fingers Out / from Knees
Svend Press
Dumbbell Floor Press
Iso Hip Up Dumbbell Pullover / No Hip Up
[Music] hey everyone is your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is the chest workout it’s a great routine for both men and women it only requires a pair of dumbbells the weight that you use today will be totally dependent on your fitness level I’m going to do all the intermediate through Advanced modifications today and I’m going to do all of the beginner modifications now you will see me use a mat because we’re going to do some movements from our knees so depending on your surface get a mat or a towel just to give yourself some comfort there’s no warm-up required for this workout but if you’d like to do one get your heart pumping get the some blood in your muscles you can go and click the link up top and start the warm-up otherwise we’re going to get right into this thing let’s do it ready oh I’m ready don’t leave me hanging sorry oh my goodness ok we’re actually going to start down on the ground and we’re going to do a hand release push-up so I’m gonna do it from up top of my feet Claudia is going to go ahead and do it from her knees so that’s why she set up for mat so hands shoulder-width apart we’re gonna go and bend at the elbows lower your body all the way down bring your hands up and press back up so it’s a hand release push-up we’re actually totally bringing our hands up off the ground on this one so you’re forced to press up from a dead stop position bring that core up with you keep your core tight on this one it’s really easy to like just press up and then let your butt hang behind you but don’t do that bring those hips in that core up with you along the way making sure to breathe all the way up all the way down and you’re gonna notice we’re not going to count reps today but instead we’re just gonna get as many done in the allotted time frame good that much more on this first one keep it going I know we’re jumping right into a tough one today and three two one zero good okay we are going to need your dumbbells for the next one we’re staying down on the ground we’re moving into a lying dumbbell fly so we’re lying back feet are flat on the ground a little bend in both elbows we’re going to spread your arms lower the dumbbell stretch your chest all the way down and then squeeze your chest bring the dumbbells back together so stretching your chest keeping a little bit in those dumbbell or a little bit in your elbows and pull them back together really feeling that chest stretch on this one and be careful not to bounce your arms off the ground at the bottom of the position definitely be easier just to let them flop in get a little rebound going really want you to avoid that today control the dumbbells throughout the movement feel that chest engage as it stretches and contracts up at the top now you notice we’re both doing the same movement on this one so it really just comes down to you choosing a weight that you feel comfortable with we encourage you to make this workout your own today good get as many reps in as you can a lot of time period you start to feel comfortable with it you pick up the pace a little bit not much lifting on this one we’re almost there let’s go for 10 more seconds on this one good 5 4 3 2 1 nice okay dumbbells to the side moving into another push up variation this one specifically really targets the chest we’re gonna have your fingers out on this push up variation hands are a little bit wider than normal finger out push up let those elbows come out to your side as you lower your body and press back up again you decide if you want to be up on your feet or if you need to be on your knees for this one stay nice and controlled to lower your body into your elbows get to about a 90 degree angle and back up good starting to feel it now any time you know claudius get up feeling it is when she’s getting tired but usually when I’m quiet it is he is usually when you’re quiet I don’t want anybody to hear me suffer although he probably would love to unfortunately I don’t have that luxury keep it going guys you got it squeeze that chest up at the top stretch and squeeze good let’s go for just five more seconds four three two one zero and we are done with our that one really stinks grab one dumbbell we’re on our feet we’re gonna keep this pace up we’re doing a spin press squeezing the dumbbell on either side our arms extended out in front of you squeeze it as you pull it in and press it out won’t you try your best to keep your arms parallel to the ground and keep squeezing don’t just hold it but actually squeeze and force that chest to engage good my chest is starting to feel it yeah listen really does not feel that good after those push-ups feels amazing I love when people are like how do you work your chest without getting down on the ground for push-ups yeah good answer right here you really can squeeze good making sure to breathe guys keep it up fighting through that burn our arms are burning – you’re not alone keep it going it’s going ten seconds on this one fight through it fight through it you got it almost there in five four three two one zero okay let’s go to the ground okay doing a dumbbell floor press we need both dumbbells for the next one lying flat on our back if you would put your feet down for balance so we’re just going to do a stander to floor press or chest press lowering the dumbbells trying to keep them on over your elbows not bouncing your upper arm off the ground lower them and press them back up all the way up all the way down now ideally we’d have a bench for this one and we could get a little bit rate more range of motion in our chest if you have advantage feel free to use it otherwise getting down on the ground works great too good pushing through getting as many reps in as you can and that a lot of time period but again being careful not to bounce those arms and cheating yourself on idea nice work keep it moving pushing through all your chest shoulders and triceps are probably starting to catch on fire a little bit that’s alright that’s just that lactic acid starting to burn you can fight through that signal don’t listen to it your muscles got plenty left just keep it moving all the way up all the way down nice good good good keep it up let’s go another 10 seconds on this one how many reps can you get let’s go push your pace guys push the pace breathe we got it let’s go 5 4 3 2 1 0 good ok next we’re moving into a dumbbell pull over so again from the ground I’m gonna do an ISO hip up we’re actually bring my hips up or Clawd easy to keep her hips down you choose which one is right for you today both palms are facing one another slight bend in the elbows bringing those dumbbells all the way back feel that stretch and pull back over until your arms are perpendicular to the floor good breathe and if having two weights is too much for you and you need to drop one you can just go ahead and move it back with just one dumbbell and just right on over your chest again it’s important you just make this workout your own guys being careful not to bounce that or bounce your dumbbells off the floor either just a light tap and if you don’t quite have the mobility to go all the way back without causing pain in your shoulders then maybe you know half the way back here and forward is okay that’s actually this exercise will actually help you improve your mobility so you’ll get a little better at it every time just keep coming back repeating it you’ll get a little bit better every time I swear keep it up let’s go ten more seconds on this one almost there homo sir read you got it let’s go five four three two one zero nice all right so we’re only going to take a 10-second break that’s the end of round one so you pretty much just have enough time to turn around and get ready for these hand release push-ups one more time through so we’re up in push-up position hand three two one drop it all the way down release hands up and press up so this second round now that you’re a little more familiar with the movements when you try to pick up the pace pull it all out there give it everything you’ve got no holding back let’s go let’s go out there and get it three nice one wrap right into the next keep that core tight make sure to bring your hips up with you do not let your hips sink down to the ground good one into the next breathe you got it keep it going guys you’re doing great like through that burn this is definitely one of the tougher ones today go one right into the next almost there let’s go ten seconds last ten seconds honey can you get how many can you get good five four three two one zero Oh horrible dumbbell flyes our necks getting right into position grab both your dumbbell no break no stalling let’s go one fly right into the next a little bend in those elbows like you’re wrapping your arms around a tree and squeeze that chest up at the top good work keep it up you got it getting a little bit better with every rep focus on what brought you here today whatever that is whatever goal you’re working on think about it be there right now kind of use it throughout your day good stay focused one wrap into the next breathe feel that stretch and squeeze you got it you got it good no letting up no letting up let’s go ten more seconds that’s it fight through it will serve let’s go five four three two one zero okay dumbbells are to the side we have our last set of push-ups for the day hello fingers out push-up so fingers out this time again we’re up hands are a little bit wider than normal or all the way down all the way up bring those elbows to a 90 degree angle feel that chest engage good you got it guys think about what brought you here today you can do it stay focused stay motivated keep pushing yourself because nobody else is gonna do it for you all comes down to you it’s all in your head right here no giving up good pushing through pushing through we’re burning to thousands maybe millions at home all that same burn you’re not alone we’re fighting through right here let’s go come on has fit tribe let’s go what you got what you got let’s go five four three two one zero up on our feet we need one dumbbell we got spin press next doubles up squeeze that dumbbell bring it into you squeeze and press it out this one’s pretty deceiving I’d say uh yeah like it doesn’t look like much but when you combine it with everything else it definitely works good you got it guys we don’t have much left you’ve been saving it now’s the time to put it out there no more push-ups you know why push cross that off the list can you tell those are Claudia’s favorite just keep that in mind come on definitely get you through this let’s go say focus you got it good job guys let’s go ten more seconds on this one time is flying by flying by go and five four three two one zero to the ground we go we need both dumbbells we got dumbbell floor press depending on the weight you chose today you’re either gonna go fast on this one or struggle to get just a few reps out either way what’s important is you just keep moving don’t pause this video don’t take a break you have to switch to some of the easier modifications that’s okay we just keep going you got it we’re going hard and fast today very efficient workout getting a lot done in a short period of time good job guys good job keep it up breathe about halfway done with this one already nice work good keep grinding keep grinding you got it let’s go ten more seconds on this one that’s it you can do anything for ten seconds come on let’s go don’t give up don’t slow down you got it let’s go five four three two one zero or right into the pullover so cool hips up go hips up if not this is it start pulling over no break one right into the next slight bend in those elbows feel that stretch and pull over this one not only works your chest but also get a little added bonus of getting some back in and if you’re doing the ISO version you get some glutes hamstrings core hitting a lot of muscles with this one exercise you got it good four guys no shame if you got to drop a dumbbell no shame if you got to switch it to one that’s very true just keep moving that’s what it’s all about don’t give up come on not cheating me if you do cheating yourself don’t cheat yourself let’s go you’re better than that you’re worth more than that let’s go this is it last set let’s go ten more seconds it ah so close here it is here it is let’s go five four three two one zero and done as if my arms can get me up off the ground after that one huh thank you so much for joining us today if you liked this workout you’ve been working out with us for a while we’d ask you please check out our patreon page where you can help support us in our mission to keep these great workouts for free for everyone around the globe that’s right and if you like this workout and we know you did go ahead and give us a big thumbs up and subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you never miss a workout some has fit make sure to check out has fit comm for hundreds of free workouts just like this one free complete fitness programs meal plans all there for you for free that’s right and don’t forget to find us on your favorite social media whatever that is we’re on Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat Pinterest you name it we’re everywhere come find us there’s so many hard to keep track of come find us we’d love to connect with you online yes thank you for giving us the pleasure of working out with you today I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia chess is feeling good and we will see you at your next workout.
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