Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Arm Workout for Women & Men
Complete each set with between 15-30 seconds rest.
Part 1: Biceps
A1: Bent Over Spider Curls 4×8
B1: Wide Grip Curls x12 x10 x8
B2: Reverse Curl + Wrist Curl x12 x10 x8
C1: Forearm Bicep Twists x12 x10 x8
C2: Kneeling Hammer Curl x12 x10 x8
D1: Zottman Curls x Burnout
Part 2: Triceps
A1: Diamond Push Ups / from Knees 4×8
B1: Dumbbell Extension 3:1 Tempo / from Bench x12 x10 x8
B2: Dumbbell Narrow Press / from Bench x12 x10 x8
C1: Seated Bent Over Triceps Kickback x12 x10 x8
C2: Dumbbell Elbow Out Ext / from Bench x12 x10 x8
D1: Tabata Triceps Popups / from Knees 4 x 20 sec work / 10 sec rest
hey everybody it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a muscle building arms workout this routine is broken up into two parts in part one we’re going to blast your biceps and in part two we’re going to absolutely crush those triceps and this workout will also be using multiple muscle building techniques that will require you to have at least two pairs of dumbbells one lighter and one heavier pair of dumbbells so you can switch up the weight as needed the only other equipment you’ll need is either a chair a box or a step let’s get started [Music] [Music] we’re going to start off with a set of bent over spider curls so we’re going to choose away it’s a little bit on the heavier side we’re bending over performing a nice concentrated curl we’re going to four sets of eight repetitions on this one so go ahead and bend over feet are shoulder-width and over on that 45 degree angle with those palms hang forward arms straight down now curl all the way up to your shoulders and slow and controlled on the way back down making sure to breathe throughout all about that control on this one palms stay up making sure to control that eccentric portion of the lift as well don’t just allow them to fly back down and if you chose a weight that doesn’t allow you to stay under control no big deal just lighten the load a little bit last one right here nice and control good okay go ahead set those weights down we’ve got about a 15-second break and they’re getting right back into it so throughout the course of today’s workout we’re going to mixing up the weights as we go make sure that you’re choosing weights that challenge you but at the same time allow you to use proper form alright let’s pick up those weights for that next one next set of eight again keep that back straight core tight on this one all the way up all the way down those arms that upper arm try your best keep the upper arm straight up and down perpendicular to the ground and bring those palms all the way up to your shoulders getting a maximum contraction making sure to breathe two more stay under control nice and last one right there nice work all right go down two to go they also fill this in my back side as well well yeah when you’re holding yourself and you’re using your lower body for foundation you’re gonna feel out there too it’s okay we’ll call that a little bit extra credit hey I like it I like extra credit no well there you go nothing wrong with that all right here we are third set let’s get into it guys those weights back up right into it concentrate and let’s begin nice full range of motion all the way up all the way down throughout the course of today’s workout I really want you to focus on what brought you here today to begin with what is it what motivates you what drives you why are you working out and that’s going to be the thing that gets you through this workout because without that why last one here it gets harder to finish ah nice okay just one more of this first set of spider curls this one can also be performed with an EZ bar if you have access to it high shaking those arms lose already starting to feel a little pom oh nothing wrong with that is why I didn’t go to too heavy when we got look long workout ahead of you okay look at this glass set of these spider curls and make sure you use those legs help pick up the dumbbells alright let’s hit it last set again nice and under control full range of motion keep that back straight on this one nice really control that eccentric lowering phase no swinging on this one just stay under control good you got it mark almost there stay tough and last one here we go squeeze those biceps up at the top nice job next we’re going to do a killer superset we’re going to go back and forth between a wide grip curl and a reverse curl plus wrist curl so we’re going to do a set of 12 a set of 10 and a set of 8 working up in weight as we go so starting with your lighter weight doing the wide grip curl so on this one really we’re just pretending like we’re holding onto a barbell with a wide grip on that curl so we’re doing 12 repetitions all the way up and all the way down keeping those wrists nice and straight full range of motion all the way up and all the way down again this is going to be your lightest weight of the three we’re going to go back and forth between these two moves and if you do have access to a barbell feel free to grab it and grab it with a wide grip good posture shoulders are back on this one core stays nice and tight got three more little bend in those knees all the way up all the way down squeezing those biceps up at the top last one is right here and done good okay you can go ahead and set those down next move it into that reverse curl so it’s palms are facing down elbows are in get to the elbows or 90-degree angle and then curl with the wrist complete the curl and all the way back down again set at 12 so a little lighter on this one work up and weight as we go alright next step palms are down elbows are in so come up into those elbows hit a 90 pearl wrist complete the curl and then finish one of our goals and today’s workout is to hit both bicep heads as well as the forearms none of these muscles are getting left behind in this one again stand nice and under control we’re really hitting an ice and Master isometric contraction once those elbows hit that 90 degree angle just force it hold that position for a moment while we hit that wrist curl again nice and under control not a race on this one today and this muscle building workout good the own that burn start to kick in alright that’s how we know it’s working it’s just that lactic acid and our my muscle fuel that our muscles use is going to push past that burn last one I’m using a five pounder and and she’s feeling it yeah this really burns so so going to set that weight down we have our next set of 10 repetitions so move up and wait any weight anywhere between 5 to 20% you choose what is right for you and again I’m moving back into those wide grip curls alright let’s get started here and three two one alright nice wide grip control that eccentric portion on the way down making sure to keep breathing good squeeze those biceps up at the top control that negative portion don’t just allow the dumbbell to flop back down halfway through good you got it one wrap into the next every rep getting just that much closer to your goal focus on it would you come here for today kill those biceps building my rep here it is nice and controlled last one squeeze and down alright shake those arms loose it’s a quick break moving back into that reverse Plus wrist curl another set of 10 adjust your weight accordingly let’s get it started here and in five four three two one all right palms are down get that wrist curl in nice full range of motion you always tell where your weaknesses are because it gets so much tougher even when you’re using the same weight and that’s alright because that means we’re working on it now to make sure we attack those weaknesses not avoid them not going to get me stronger by avoiding them that’s for sure on this one it’s very important to keep those wrists nice and straight we don’t want spaghetti wrist as you come up on this one good one wrap into the next you got it making sure to breathe and control that negative lowering phase you have two more guys right through that burn guys wait through it we’re burning to come on you got it we can feel it working ah nice last one here it is here it is get after it boom and finish strong good all right and that was terrible and terrible and amazing at the same time take those arms boost they have just one last set and they’re super set going back to those wide grip curls this time just for eight repetitions so this time feel free to bump that weight up don’t be afraid to go heavy do you want the want to build some muscle you gotta use some real way true here we are okay last set eight on these wide grip curls let’s get it three two one nice and controlled good again pretending like you’re holding onto a barbell on this once will affect your grip right so you’re going to keep those wrists nice and straight pretty much helps it focus on keeping those pinkies up and curled in and not like not allowing your grip to change yeah control the way down and the way up you got it one wrap into the next come on grind through it guys almost there and you have your last one coming up right here last one make it count nice and control and the way down whoo all right feeling good feeling good come on guys get that energy oh yeah just one more in this superset of the reverse curl plus wrist curl again it’s a set of eight going up and wait on this one maxing it out doing what you can use my power blocks for this one I love these power blocks are adjustable dumbbells not allow you to get a lot of different weights in and small amount of space there’s a link available in the video description if you want to check these out alright let’s get it last set of eight and palms are down boom curl and finish strong there it is one of the next she feels elbows in on this one wrist a nice tight and lot complete that wrist curl and everyone trying your best not to swing I know Haziq your arms get tired halfway it definitely becomes more tempting you use momentum just grind through it finish however you got to finish it right here come on what did you come here for guys what is it what’s your goal what are you working on Gilmore here it is almost there homestretch on this super set last one boom here it is finish strong ah control the way down nice work good job continuing on to the next superset we’re going to be alternating between forearms biceps twists followed by a kneeling hammer curl so again we’re going to be doing sets of twelve ten and eight starting with our lightest weight for the first set of twelve and working our way out working our way up so we have those palms facing forward go ahead and curl up until those elbows get to a 90 degree angle curl those pinkies and then all the way in throw them back out and then complete the curl control all the way down so again up to a 90 pinkies curl in back out complete the curl all under control three this one is a great time under tension move and we’re talking muscle building techniques for the biceps all about that time under tension and this really accomplishes that good making sure to breathe throughout stay focused concentrate on every little part of this move hit everyone again eliminating any momentum a nice full range of motion it’s 12 reps on this first one good you got it one into the next come on you’re a machine you could do this all day long keep grinding them out right here guys you guys you have two more almost their whole range of motion okay let’s hit that last one boom pinkies in back and up good okay so for the next one we’re doing that kneeling hammer curl so should be able to go probably a little bit heavier on this one so we’ll go onto our knees and the purpose of coming to our knees on this is it really eliminates the temptation to use momentum and to swing back on this one and the knees it’s a lot harder to cheat basically right so good posture on this one palms facing one another just bring those biceps I’m sorry those dumbbells up to your shoulders and control the way back down again twelve reps on this one nice and under control keep good posture I’m not popping them up right but instead keeping it under control you got it one wrap into the next you’ll knows biceps grow with every rep getting there come on getting closer to that goal with every rep everything you want is at the top of that staircase and with every rep or climbing one stair up one at a time come on no elevator up to that goal no elevator my guys just got to put in the work right here and last one last one control all right very good set those dumbbells down check out the arms next set set of ten for each again moving back into those forearm bicep twists check those arms out not much of a break here we are five seconds getting ready to go it’s show time all right arms are up right into it whoo these ones with the wrist twisting are not my friend today they work do it as one into the next all right working on our weaknesses today a little bit stronger rep by Rep fighting through that barn remember you don’t have to listen to that burn that lactic acid kicks in it’s all about that mental toughness that was the halfway point just pushing past here it is push past that that burn you got it one into the next guys almost there come on right through it but focus on what brought you here today to begin with team or whatever it may be come on almost there I’ll burn into last one right here last one finish strong oh nice work nice I like it all right I’m gonna move up and wait for these hammer curls on this next one to choose that weight that’s appropriate for you again don’t be afraid to go a little heavier on these hammer curls your hammer curl should be a little bit stronger of a movement than let’s say the forearm twist or some of the other moves we’re doing today back down to the knees here we are for 10 reps you ready come on let’s go let’s go has to try bear yeah let’s start 1 to 10 reps 1 into the next control you got it that’s the name of the game today that’s it nice and controlled one wrap into the next feel it working here we are come on there it is halfway good form no swing spike through that burn you got it come on getting stronger every rep what you got let’s see it right here nice almost there and last one then it’s strong all right just one more set of each of these again we have a last set of eight of the forearm coming tomorrow feel free grab what you need this one’s my last set of hammer curls whoo she’s going up heavy here we go all right there again these little rest periods are totally necessary if you’ve been doing some of our other workouts you use the faster pace sorry but we need these longer rest periods so that your butt muscles can recover from body building muscle building techniques that’s true okay that being said it is time to go though all right here we are curl up twist and finish the set is eight repetitions last at ease and then no more come on and it’s just that strong you got it again fighting past that burn learning to love that burn because when you feel that burn you know that it’s working halfway point that burn is the feeling of change change doesn’t happen without being challenged muscles are being challenged right now come on you have two more guys you can do it there were easy everybody be fit but they’re not last one right here come on whoo all right doing good feeling good again my kind of push the weight a little bit here on my last set of hammers encourage you to do the same last set of eight repetition a couple deep breaths shake those arms out getting into position and again it’s eight reps starting at five four three two one zero let’s hit it right here didn’t say it would be easy but it will be worth it but in that work day after day just get mad much closer to your goals come on bones under control you got it squeeze more biceps up the top almost there fights last line fight fight fight ha nice for fighting there with you alright we’re finishing up with a burnout round we’re going to do zapman curls which is palms up on the way up and down on the way down we’re not going to count any reps but we’re going to do 60 seconds we’re going to start off with the highest weight that you can perform four to five repetitions if you don’t have a heavy enough way for that that’s okay just use the highest weight that you have and as soon as you can’t complete any more set that weight to the side immediately pick up your next lowest weight and keep grinding a mouth look at all 62 the full 60 seconds so again not counting any reps just boom boom boom boom boom so we have our heaviest weight here ready to go we can perform and we’re going to burn it out with you we’re going to burn it out with you all right palms are up on the way up and then they’re down on the way down we got 30 set I’m sorry 60 seconds starting in three two warm arms up at the top with those wrists over and down again get as many repetitions as you can in this 60 second time period just a complete burnout set giving it everything you got on this one three one into the next when you can’t complete anymore go ahead and set that weight down and move on to your next lowest weight and keep moving good come on everything you got on this one one right into the next come on getting as many reps in as you can so all mentalness burn out round come on keep it moving let’s go about halfway through guys to stay focused on what brought you here today to begin with using the best form you can come on let’s go we’re yeah has bit Drive we’re yeah come on thousands maybe millions of as at home doing the same workout you know that same burn you are just give it everything you got no holding back come on let’s go one right in the next there come on alright guys about ten more seconds that’s ten seconds you got it go go go go go go go go come on finish strong finish strong let’s go four five four three two one zero and done all right we’re going to get started with four sets of eight of a diamond push up so this push up really concentrates on those triceps really isolates them we’re going to put our hands in a diamond position nice and close together Claudia’s going to do this one from your knees I’m going to do this one on my feet but you could also do this one with your feet elevated on your bench or chair it’s going to allow those elbows to come out to the side keeping your core and back straight we’re doing eight repetitions all right let’s get into it in three two one and begin nice and controlled doing the best you can to get a full range of motion these are tough even from the knees this is a tough move keep that core tight back stay straight two more you should have breathe in on the way down breathe out on the way up that’s one excellent okay so it’s a short break just enough time for those triceps to get a little bit of recovery in and then we’re moving right into that next set so again four sets in total this one’s back to back to back to back all right let’s go getting in position now and three two one next eight repetitions begin all the way up all the way down excellent making sure whatever you do do not hold your breath on this one again breathing in on the way down and exhale on the way up last one right here good okay that’s halfway done my triceps are already feeling it yeah this is not my favorite it’s really one of the worst ones ever it work translation one of the best words that I mean it we are we’re all going to love the way our triceps luck but terrible all right here we go next one and three two one begin again full range of motion on this one keep that back straight core stays tight nice work and if you started on your feet you need to drop to your knees totally okay I encourage you to make this workout your own almost there fight through it guys that’s one right here all right what if it is strong I got just one more of these that’s it sometimes these bodyweight ones are the biggest killer hey yeah if you think about it holding onto some dumbbells isn’t gonna be as heavy as moving your own bodyweight all right last one right here then and strong guys let’s go in three two one right into it nice full range of motion think about what brought you here today to begin with what is it to be an important theme throughout today’s workout stay focused on your why come on let’s go three more almost there last three only two more let’s hit it boom just one more you got it you got it ah excellent nice work next we’re going to do a killer superset we’re going to do two exercises back to back first we’re going to do a dumbbell tricep extension followed by a dumbbell narrow press I’m going to do the moves from the floor but if you do have a bench feel free to grab it and you can do them from your bench we’re going to do each exercise for a set of twelve ten and then eight wouldn’t be working your way up and wait as you go through getting a little bit heavier every single time so on this dumbbell tricep extension we’re going to do it with a 3:1 tempo which means we’re going to take three seconds on the way down one two three and then one second on the way up again hitting that one for twelve repetitions here we go in three two one begin palms are facing one another only bending at those elbows nice and slow on the way down one two three and up good one two three one on the way up you got good keep that pace up throughout the course of this set I know it can be tempting to really pick up the speed as you go but you got to take it slow 1 2 3 up good palms are faced with one another really focus on just bending at that elbow not allowing any other muscles to take over like just bending at that elbow we really isolate those triceps muscle building is really all about time under tension if two more guys so by using this slow technique really allows you to get that time under tension last one all right now we’re transitioning right into an arrow press so keep those elbows in down and up press keep those elbows in your chest will get hit a little bit on this one but really you’re not hit those triceps so we’re hitting 12 repetitions on this narrow press again 1 right into the next you’re breathing in on the way down out on the way up keep those elbows and upper arms tucked to your sides that’ll help allow you to get more concentrate on those triceps one more right here boom guys excellent ok you can set those weights down so that was our set of 12 of each and now we’re going to move up and wait just a little bit for this next set of 10 of each you decide what weight is right for you maybe you’ll keep the same weight this time and move up and wait the next time again it’s all about making this workout your own you see I’m using my adjustable dumbbells here these power blocks if you’re interested in them we do have a link in the video description you can check them out okay I’m getting in ready position set of ten of each exercise getting a little harder every time here we go three two one again control that descent and one on the way up excellent again as those triceps get fatigued it’s going to be just that much harder to control that negative lowering phase so you just really need to concentrate on it that much more excellent breathe guys whatever you do do not hold your breath halfway nice going to fly by right here when those triceps start to burn and catch on fire and just remember that’s just that lactic acid just that muscle fuel that your muscles use creating that nerve response you don’t have to listen to that burn you’re stronger than that burn right here last one right here guys and then we’re going to transition right into that narrow press there we go ten presses go one two three keep it up full range of motion all the way up all the way down keeping those elbows in you got it almost there last one boom done okay let’s set those dumbbells down alright so that was the second one two down one to go with the next set word performing eight repetitions of every one I’m going to go up and wait just a little bit so we’re taking just long enough a break for you to adjust your weight accordingly you decide what’s right for you we have eight repetitions of each you claudius whipping out the big the big dawgs for this one all right ever go guys let’s go last set of these flogging through that burn three two one control that way down excellent job we’re gonna hit all three tricep heads today breathe nice and controlled on the way down I know it’s easy to forget about that part specially the way weights get heavy but control one two three up two more come on almost there here we go last one right here all right hit those eight presses let’s go one right into the next go one two three four keep it up five almost there six seven last one eight who drives are starting to feel good all right we got another superset coming up so this one we’re going to need either your bench or your chair we’re going to do a seated dumbbell tricep kickback for the first one and then we’re going to do a dumbbell about extension for the second one we’re going to do both of these for a set of twelve ten and then eight just like the last one working our way up in weight going to sit down at the front of your chair or seat like you to bend over about a 45 degree angle first we’re going to do is raise those elbows up so your upper arms are about parallel to the ground now we’re going to perform a tricep kickback all right we’re doing this one for 12 repetitions let’s go in three two one and begin and again using that elbow as a lever or as a hinge and only bending from that elbow keep those palms facing inward making sure to breathe squeeze those triceps up at the top you have two more almost there squeeze those triceps last one and gone all right excellent using that chair going to move it out of the way otherwise you go ahead and continue to use your bench we’re going to lie down on our backs performing a dumbbell elbow out extension so on this one palms are facing forward and going to keep those dumbbells touching one another and allow them to drop down elbows come out and then extend straight back up for 12 repetitions just right over your chest correct all right right into it and starting in three two one begin again key on this one is to keep those ends of the dumbbell touching as the dumbbells come down really isolates those triceps doesn’t allow any other muscles to get involved we don’t want to turn this into a chest press or while your shoulders you get involved again hitting this one for 12 repetitions almost there breathing in more guys breathing in on the way down out on the way up last one excellent alright I was probably a little too light on that first one so I’m definitely going up on this next one at our set of 10 repetitions coming up so those triceps kickbacks alright let’s get you down my seat over then over on that 45 degree angle elbows are up and let’s hit it for 10 repetitions begin full range of motion squeeze those triceps up at the top there we go this weights a little more appropriate weight I’m feeling it guys hope you’re feeling it too let’s go that challenges the feeling of change happening that’s what Oh last angle bypassed all right right into it going through the ground or lying down on your bench dumbbell elbow out extension 10 repetitions it’s the pace up and to the dumbbells are together and begin drop them straight down and back up good again don’t be afraid to change the weight as needed it’s encouraged you want to build serious muscle you can’t be afraid to go heavier on the weight nice work guys and repetitions on this one you’re almost there guys you have two more after this and one last one and done good okay I am going to stay with my weight and I’m gonna go heavy I’m going to go up again okay last set of eight repetitions for this next one again you choose that weight that is right for you and you come back next time you get a little bit heavier that’s what it’s all about just that little bit of improvement every single time progress all right whew this is going to feel good I already tells us that picking up these dumbbell alright let’s go eight repetitions in three two one and begin full range of motion squeeze those triceps up at the top halfway try your best to avoid swinging Mills dumbbell then it would be easier if you did last one guys and nice okay to the ground we go or line down on your bench last set of these elbow out extensions for eight repetition getting started and three two one zero actually ends of those dumbbells stay together get nice full range of motion control that descent that lowering phase don’t just allow the dumbbell to fly down but instead really control it three more flying through that burn guys let’s go you’re stronger than that burn you got it one into the next last one excellent alright guys I got good news and I got bad news the good news is you’re almost done with your triceps the bad news is we’re going to finish up with a tricep pop up burnout so we’re going to do a Tabata style burn out 20 seconds of work ten seconds ten seconds of rest we’re going to do that four times glad I didn’t do this one for our knees I’m going to do it up top they’re both tough we’re going to go ahead and get those hands out in front of you so not in line with your chest if they normally would for a push-up but then set out in front hands are just shoulder-width apart you’re going to drop those elbows in and down to the ground and then back up we’re going to do that for 20 seconds straight then we’re going to hit a 10 second rest repeat 4 times here we go we’re going to get started and five four three two one zero here it is put it all out there guys the name of the game is getting as many good form repetitions in as you can being sure to breathe keep that core tight back straight elbow stand don’t allow your shoulders or your chest to get involved three two one zero all right ten seconds rest I promise you this ten seconds is going to go by fast so don’t go too far shake it out getting started in three two one right into it so that’s one down three to go how many can you get guys want you to challenge yourself here at the end it’s you versus you looking in that mirror because that is where your competition is you got it keep it up almost there four three two one zero good that’s halfway down two down two to go and are you so good two one zero go it burns so good that’s right Claudia here we go elbows stay in don’t allow them to flare out and if you started on your feet you need to drop to your knees that’s totally cool just keep moving don’t hit that pause button don’t give up you got it almost there so three two one zero all right we just have one last one give those arms a good change one more that lactic acid moving three two one let’s go last one you got this guys pushing through let’s goes what you came here for come on fighting to the end you’re a fighter not quitter let’s see it right here last 10 seconds what do you got put it all out there come on come on come on three two one zero ah ah nice or not nice work oh yeah nice work out there and I guess it wasn’t a terrible survivor life I marry a little better thank you so much for working out with this today if you like this workout you’ve been working out with us for a while and you’re starting to see some results we’d encourage you to please go check out our patreon page we can find out more but I can support our mission keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoyed this workout routine with us today we ask that you give it a big thumbs up and please subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you never miss a workout from hospital make sure to check out has become a rib hundreds of free workouts just like this one our free meal plans on our free complete fitness program and if you are on snapchat Twitter Instagram Facebook like us follow us tweet at us because we want to connect with you thank you so much for working out with us today it’s been our privilege I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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