Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Build muscle and strength with this complete back workout. You can complete this workout either at home or in the gym. This is a great routine for both men and women. It only requires a pair of dumbbells, but you may also use a barbell for some movements.
A1: DB Bent Over Row / Pullups 5×5
B1: Dumbbell Sumo Stiff Leg Deadlift / Barbell x15 x12 x10 x8
B2: Dumbbell High Pull / Barbell Hang Clean x15 x12 x10 x8
C1: Dumbbell Upright Row / Barbell x12 x10 x8
C2: Dumbbell Reverse Fly / Band Pull Apart x12 x10 x8
D1: T x 30 sec
D2: I x 30 sec
D3: Y x 30 sec
E1: Plank Scapula Pushups from Knees / on Feet x 60 sec
hey everybody it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a muscle building back workout this workout uses multiple muscle building techniques that require you to have at least two pairs of dumbbells you’re in a lot one heavier and one lighter pair so you can mix up the weight as needed we’re going to be using a variety of equipment today such as a pull-up bar a barbell and resistance bands but just to reiterate you’re really only required to have just the two pairs of dumbbells if you haven’t warmed up already go ahead and click the link up top and that will send you over to our warmup all right let’s get it going you [Music] we’re going to do some strength work to start so we’re going to do five sets of five of either a pull-up or a dumbbell bent over row so if you’re going to do the bent over row with your dumbbells be sure that you pick a pair of dumbbells that’s a challenging weight for you and we’re just going to break at our hips at a 45 degree angle you’re going to pull back from the elbows whether you’re doing the pull-up or yeah the dumbbell bent over row focusing on full range of motion you’re doing the pull-up you’re trying your best not to swing and keep that pull up nice and under control sit now depending on your pull-up strength you may want to adjust this exercise you can do so with a resistance band resistance band you can also do so by doing a jump pull-up or you actually jump up and then just do the negative portion or the lowering phase back down so there’s a couple different variations if you’re new to pull-ups and trying to get into them alright let’s go ahead and get into that second set of five again breaking it the hips for the bent over row and pulling you back on those elbows for you got one more and five if your weight is still a little too light not much of a challenge feel free to increase yeah so again we want you to customize this workout for yourself and for your own fitness level if you start with the pull-ups and maybe you move on over to the dumbbell version that works too so just dissolve all about challenging yourself – so challenging yourself pushing yourself just getting that extra 5 percent right here ok let’s go ahead and get that third set and we’ll give you a little bit different view for this next one pull them back from those elbows three four last one right here fine and done end of the third set just two more sets remaining shake it out shake it out we’re doing these for strength purposes so on this one don’t be afraid to challenge yourself infinitely and pick the weight up a little bit yeah did you start it with the 15 and I moved up to the 20 15 I don’t was too light for five rounds so again customized this workout to your own specific needs okay let’s hit that for set going back from those elbows is a key on both of these movements that’s the cue it’s all about good form here on you bent over rows breathe read in on the reason on the lowering phase and exhale on the push or that the hard part of hardest part of the movement is when you should exhale right exactly all right we only have one more set to go shake it loose shake them off this is our stuff up there we go getting our compound movements out of the way here let’s hit this last one and ten last in ten seconds get in your ready position let’s go five four three two one last set make it count three got two more four and five whoo all right felt every last one of those good job we’re going to do a superset next 15 reps 12 reps 10 reps and then 8 working up in weight as we go back and forth between a sumo stiff leg deadlift I’m going to use the barbell Claudia is going to use dumbbells feet or wide little point out on toes slight bend in your knees I’m going to drive those hips back and we’re going to perform 15 sumo stiff leg deadlift just keeping slight bend in your knee throughout back stays straight and you decide which variation is right for you today should be feeling a big stretch in your back side on this one had more if you’re going to work your entire posterior chain from your track rhomboids lash lower back hamstrings glutes it’s a great overall movement keep your knees on this window allow them to clap in back nice and straight and tight and here’s a lot for the guys see all right excellent ok next we’re going to alternate this with either a barbell hand clean or a dumbbell high pull high pole so again I’m going to use the barbell we’re both going to start by having a little bender nice we’re going to drive our hips back bring our hands down just below our knees and then we’re going to bring our elbow as high as we come up on the balls of our feet and that’s where mine stop I’m going to bend over as you said 45 degrees and it just load using my hips and I’m going to bring my dumbbells up here and drop back down into the movement again now I’m going to finish and actually catch the barbell on top in a clean and catch back down you decide which one is right for you we’re doing 15 let’s get into it right now breathing through out really want you to focus on using and engaging those hips and I’ll show you what looks like from the side guys driving those elbows and hands up and we have five more to go after this four three two one use your last one right here all right zero excellent okay so as we said we’re going to move it up we’re doing twelve repetitions next yep we’re aiming for about a 15 second rest in between and ideally you want to move up in weight if you have it and you know as you do more of these workouts we’re moving up in a way you’ll get better at guessing what weight is going to be appropriate for these different movements come back you’re just a little bit better at it going back into that sumo stiff leg deadlift yeah imma show you guys what looks like from the side so weights back in the hips slight bend in the knees and drive those hips forward and back for 12 repetitions put the back straight I want you to breathe in on the way down read out as you come up flex those glutes up at the top half way through good thanks full range of motion if you’re using the barbell try your best not to bounce off the ground but keep it under control two more last one right here well up we drop these weights for a little bit check out your arms here for 15 seconds changing weight if you need to for the next set yeah 12 repetitions of either the hand clean or the delightful yep you decide which one’s right for you my traps are starting to feel it I hope you guys are too okay here we go let’s hit it for 12 reps ready position into it good don’t hold your breath make sure to breathe halfway point right here and last one nice job all right excellent do you think I’m actually gonna stick with this wait for the 10 but depends all right there we go I’m gonna love mine just a little bit for this next one not too much we can help you out here sir thank you very much I guess I’m going to customize this workout to meet your needs I thought it’s best to have some variety when it comes to equipment and weight yeah so you’re able to explore some these different muscle building techniques okay we have 10 repetition sumo stiff leg deadlift feet are wide using that posterior chain back stays straight let’s get it guys get after it right here our sleazy my glutes at the top of that movement there that goes at time of the workout I feel it becomes even more important to focus on what brought you here today to begin what what is it what are your goals what motivates you last line after this bowl come another 10 nice drop the weight for a second ok I’m going to go back down just a little bit for my hand Queens that next set of 10 don’t be afraid I know it don’t not be afraid to change the weight for every set yes okay here we go let’s get in this next one we got ten repetitions ready and begin halfway guys two more nine and ten job excellent work okay here we go we go one more time around the horn yep copy wait if you’re going to eight repetitions of that do most if like last out of these all right I think I’m going to go up to sleep we encourage you to challenge yourself challenge yourself within still being able to use good form and safe form but don’t be afraid to push your weight you want to gain muscle can’t be afraid to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone okay feet are wide let’s hit it hey guys here we go and begin weight back in those hips every time focus on keeping your back straight halfway two more breathe last one right here perfect eight nice work everybody weights down okay we have one last bet I’m going to get crazy for my last set of cleans form probably won’t be perfect but you know what I’m going to push it a little bit here okay we have one last set of eight yep these are clean or that high pull pull yep take a couple of deep breaths next set here in five seconds last one of the superset whoa eight reps let’s get it guys three two one on it there go push it would you come here for three two one last one zero ha excellent job yeah nice job the next superset combines two exercises we’re going to do 12 sets then 10 sets and then eight first movement is going to be an upright row keeping good posture pulling up with your elbows either with the barbell or dumbbells or the dumbbells and then we’re going to use either a resistance band which is what I’m going to use or dumbbells same movements light then the elbows Claudia’s going to do a reverse fly and I’m going to do a band pull apart so choose your appropriate weight we’re getting started with those upright rows we’re going to do 12 repetitions to start hands shoulder width apart whichever version you’re doing the cue is still the same it’s pull up at your elbows good posture pull up at your elbows trying your best to avoid using too much momentum as you get fatigued there’s a good chance you’re going to want to start using some momentum and if you’re pushing the weight a little bit is okay just don’t get too crazy and cheat too hard got three more breathe and last one coming up and 0 ok I’m going to use a band for the next one Claudia’s going to use dumbbells we’re doing the same overall movement I actually have three bands here a lighter a medium and a heavy that same basic movement is a slight bend in your elbows and then you’re going to pull apart from those elbows and squeeze them under your back and I’m doing the traditional fly so I’m bent over at a 45 degree angle right at my hips we’re going to perform 15 pulling back 12 I’m sorry 12 vertices Pilates always keeping me in line what would I do without her okay keep those elbows bent throughout the movement you’re really going to want to start to extend and play reading out your arms but I want you to avoid that temptation just pulling and squeezing those elbows few more guys that middle of your back 11 last one 12 good okay so we can set that down with our next set of 10 of the upright row so go ahead if you’re going to change your weight now is the time to do so I’m going up mine just a little bit I’m going to stick with mine for now you definitely are not my stronger body part my back and I show this when I’m feeling after the Queen so you know hey we know it’s working right okay let’s hit ten repetitions on this one good posture pull back pull up from those elbows let’s go you really have to get in a good mindset for this one push through that pain and you’re halfway there breathe two more we’ve got nine and ten all right burn so good feel good guys we’re getting there rep by Rep okay let’s hit ten reps on either band pull apart or your reverse fly you decide which one you’re going with 15 second rest in between these sets let’s thank okay jumping the gun no no it work cited okay now you can go okay hold art slight bend in those elbows we’re hitting a total of 10 repetitions breathe excellent work guys halfway mark one into the next focus on what brought you here today to begin with what is more what’s that goal what are you working on and ten nice ok one more of each back to those upright rows all right I might up my weight a little bit here I’m pushing the weight a little bit on this next one and the last one so again my form is going to be perfect but that’s okay pushing pushing the envelope on this okay do the best I can let’s hit a truss guys let’s do it last set of these see laughs way hot last one right here ah all right shake them out no more of those congratulations until that one in the middle of the night yes okay I feel it right now middle of the night okay so let’s go ahead and pick up either your band or your dumbbells this next one’s you only have one band easy way to make it harder is to double up the band yes okay so let’s hit that last set eight repetitions whole apart now I want you to pretend on this one like somebody has their finger in the middle you’re back you’re pulling your elbows apart you’re squeezing that’s why there that’s what’s gonna work your rhomboids really all those relaxed line whoo here we go hit it whoo Soto so good nice job we have a burnout tri-set next we’re going to start with some key swings you’re going to bend over at a 45 degree angle holding dumbbells oh she’s going to extend and pull back keeping her arms straight on this one we’re going to do that one for 30 seconds then we’re going to move into some eye swings so our arms are going to come straight up and she’s actually going to have her palms facing one another there we go thumbs are off on this one and then lastly we’re going to do Y so keeping those thumbs up Y swings or hands walk on the side so I want you to choose a real nice light weight for this one this one is going to this one is much harder than it looks let’s put it that way okay so we’re doing a minute and a half straight starting with the bent over T so go ahead and bend over arms are straight back is straight and pull apart so we’ve already put in a lot of work today and this is just kind of a burner right yeah this is a nice burn out you need a finisher this is about control is that correct yes definitely standard control on this one just stay consistent moving throughout keep your core nice and tight yes that’s they focus on that you don’t want to be hunched over doing those arms out into they’re parallel to the ground whoo starting to feel that burn I was talking about I’m only having only a three pound dumbbell hit this one four three two one now we’re going straight up overhead so thumbs up palms facing one another through the front trap raise or a I swing depending on who you talk to nice and under control feeling that burn now in the trap you feel it working right through it stronger than that burn nice work we’re hitting this one four five more seconds three two one right into the Y swing now so off to the side about 45 this little ventral raise is really going to finish off those shoulders a minute upper back so it’s not that comfortable no it isn’t come on boy keep pushing push past your own expectations for yourself push past those limits let’s hit it right here key cushion only you can push yourself nobody else can do it for you let’s hit it for five four three two one and zero who knocks right we’re going to finish your back off with some scapular push-ups so we’re both going to get down into a low plank position I’m going to be up on my feet and then Claudia is going to be down on her knees you’re going to lower your upper body while keeping your core straight squeeze the middle of your back and then extend and stretch up squeeze your back in your scapula together back and forth so we’re doing this for a total of 60 seconds there’s not a lot of range of motion in this one and we are definitely going to get some ab work in on this one as well as well as lower back not just all upper back we back and forth between the two then if you start up on your feet and you need to drop to your knees feel free to do so 60 seconds in total halfway done last thing you’re back for the day we’ll fight through it do your best to keep going through that full range of motion coming up and down squeezing your back together really beginning to feel this one to my crown how are they so much that will make no mistake about it only 10 more seconds he fightin almost there three and three two one zero thank you so much for working out with us today if you like this workout you’ve been working out those for a while and you’re starting to see some results we’d encourage you to please go check out our patreon page where you can learn more about how you can support our mission of keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoyed working out with us today please go ahead and like this video and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you are notified every time half it drops a new workout make sure to check out has fit comm for hundreds of additional free workouts free meal plans and our free complete fitness program also don’t forget to Like us on whatever your favorite social media network is whether it’s Facebook snapchat Twitter Instagram we’re there and we want to connect with you again thank you so much for working out with us today it’s been our pleasure I’m coach Cosette and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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