Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Build muscle and strength with this chest and back workout. You can complete this workout either at home or in the gym. This is a great routine for both men and women. It only requires a pair of dumbbells, but you may also use a barbell, bench, stability ball, resistance band, or pullup bar for some movements.
Chest and Back Workout with Dumbbells at Home
Part 1: Chest
A1: 2:1 Press to Negative Fly x15 x12 x10 x8
B1: Underhand Chest Press x15 x12 x10 x8
B2: Dumbbell Low Fly’s / Band x15 x12 x10 x8
C1: Dumbbell Fly 4×8
C2: Dumbbell Chest Press 4×15
D1: 1 ¼ Push Up / from Knees 3 x 30 seconds
E1: Pushup Hover x 60 sec
Part 2: Back
A1: DB Bent Over Row / Pullups 5×5
B1: Dumbbell Sumo Stiff Leg Deadlift / Barbell x15 x12 x10 x8
B2: Dumbbell High Pull / Barbell Hang Clean x15 x12 x10 x8
C1: Dumbbell Upright Row / Barbell x12 x10 x8
C2: Dumbbell Reverse Fly / Band Pull Apart x12 x10 x8
D1: T x 30 sec
D2: I x 30 sec
D3: Y x 30 sec
E1: Plank Scapula Pushups from Knees / on Feet x 60 sec
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