Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner

Standing Abs Workout
Nordic Skiers / without Weights
Twist + Straight Leg Kick / + Low Kick
Bow Extension / without Weights
Standing Twist / without Weights
Windmill / without Weights
Standing Side Crunch
Rotating Good Morning
Crossover Toe Touch / Knee Touch
Oblique Rotations / without Weights
Leaning Lifting Crunch
hey everybody it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a standing abs workout this workout doesn’t require any equipment but if you want to add a little extra resistance you can use a pair of light hand weights or a couple of water bottles I’m going to be doing the intermediate variation and follow me for those beginner modifications all right let’s get right into it we’re going to start with a nordic skier I’m going to grab my light hand weights for this one Claudia is just going to do the body weight variation we’re going to start in a staggered stance same arm is going to be up of the leg that is back opposite arm is going to be back both arms are straight let’s go ahead and switch those arms and at the same time bring that knee up as we crunch in with our ABS now throughout the course of today’s workout we’re not going to count any repetitions it’s just going to be about getting in as many reps as we can in allotted time period making sure to breathe throughout the course of today’s workout we’re going to stay nice and light on the balls of your feet on this one you don’t want to be stomping back with that opposite side leg really focus on contracting those abs in that core as you bring that knee into your midsection we’re going to go half and half on both sides excellent work and keep it up getting right into it today we’re going hard and fast working those abs and core without ever getting onto the floor alright we’re switching sides here and five four three two one zero okay opposite side now remember that same arm is up that the leg is back now it’s a little bit confusing on this one bringing that knee up and contract those ABS keeping that core tight back stay straight excellent work you got it one rep right into the next and it’s all about just getting in as many reps as we can working at a pace that you feel comfortable with whatever that is whether it’s faster than us slower than us we just encourage you to make this workout your own today actually keep this one up for just ten more seconds you got it you got it in five four three two one zero I’m going to set my hand weights down for this next one we’re going to have our arms out other side we’re going to go either a low kick or a high kick plus a twist so that leg stays straight we’re going to twist into the side of that leg that’s kicking up after doing the high kick and going try to hit touch that toe to your hand doing a low kick that’s totally alright just get the leg to a level that you feel comfortable with again breathing keep that core engaged throughout trying our best to get a nice full twist nice let’s see what have you had a 90 degree twist to do some math there for a second but if you can’t quite get the full twist that’s alright just keep coming back make this workout your own and you’ll get a little bit better every single time nice keep it up and let’s do it four five four three two one zero all right I’m going to grab my hand wait for the next one we’re going to do a bow extension so feet are shoulder-width apart going to reach up to your left side we’re going to right knee up and crunch in and down to that knee every time I want you to reach up high your left side return that leg to the ground and then crunch up now if on this one you can’t quite get that knee all the way up again totally okay make this workout your own come back and you’ll get a little bit better every time you repeat it this workout is mainly focused on working your core but we’re also going to get multiple body parts involved in this one as I’m sure you can already tell getting your heart rate up along the way and we’re going to burn some calories a lot of work in in a short period of time keep it up switching sides and three two one zero opposite side now so reaching up to your right bring that left knee up and crunch down and then do it excellent work that time of the workout it’s important to you to start focusing on what brought you here today to begin with what motivates you what drives you what is it stay focused on it whatever it is that got you here today to start this workout it can be that same thing and it gets you through to finish it nice come on keep it up guys come on put it all out there kill most abs start to engage weave them every time squeeze your core squeeze it nice and five four three two one zero bath pace we’re moving right into a standing twit feet shoulders apart a little weight back in the hips elbows are bent and we’re twisting side to side handy twist now it’s not just your arms are moving right actually rotating that’s your core here arms are really just along for the ride good a little weight back in your hips you want to be standing up big and tall on this one weight back the hips sitting down that core engage on every rep fast pace right here let’s go come on so we’re going hard and fast today let’s make it count one well let’s go what you got what you got breathe guys don’t forget to breathe so very important you got it throughout the course of today’s workout you need to switch up do some of my modifications and claudius we just encourage you to make this work out your own make it work for you nice work keep it up whew abs are working burn so good guys burn so good keep it up really focus on keeping that core tight throughout don’t just swing your arms but actually make that core work you guys let’s hit this one for just five four three two one zero he’s using your hand weights we only need one for the neck going into a standing windmill we’re going to point both toes slightly to your left one arm up we know a windmill first thing that’s going to happen is your hip then go out to your side and then you can bend over looking straight up at that arm the whole time now on this one if you can’t quite reach all the way down and you can just come to your knee that’s alright again make this routine your own the key on this one is to really kick that hip out to your side on every repetition a great one for your overall core especially hit your obliques on this one try about to stand straight back up in between repetitions nice work come on keep it up grind it out guys grind it out you got it one rep right any to the next getting that just that much closer to your goal with every repetition you got this side for just five more seconds four three two one zero opposite side now toes point other way one arm up right into it no downtime today just getting as many reps in as we can and a lot of time period good look it up as you go down and then try to reset back square in between reps boom my obliques are on fire you are must be working and I’m not even holding any weight that’s a good thing that means it’s working that feeling you feel that little bit of fire that’s a feeling a change that’s the feeling of those those ABS being challenged that’s a totally good thing you got it guys keep it up one into the next making sure to breathe focus on that breathing don’t forget about it so very important let’s hit this one for just 5 4 3 2 one-zero okay good we going to set those hand weights down if you’re using them we do a standing knee to elbow crunch so feature with the park bring that knee out to your side bring your elbow to it now on this one if you can’t quite bring that knee all the way to your elbow and you’re more like here then that’s okay again just make it your own but our overall goal is to bring that knee all the way up and out to the side and we get this oblique crunch right crunch that side current set oblique on every single repetition well we feel it working whoo turning burning getting that much closer to your goal with every rep focus on what brought you here today what is it come on let’s go focus on that goal what motivates you what drives you come on keep it up guys keep it up good hard and fast today giving it everything you got what you got what do you made of right here let’s see it lets see it guys come on put it all out there pushing yourself because nobody else can or will do it for you let’s go come on let’s hit that’s one for just 10 more seconds what you got for 10 more seconds that’s nothing you got it you got it and five four three two one zero okay moving on to a twisting good morning feet shoulder-width apart hands on our head we’re going to slight bend the knee drive those hips back to our upper bodies travel up to the ground and as we stand up we’re going to twist to one side up twist to the opposite side so on every rep as we’re coming up starting to to 90 degree twist to our side and as you’re bending over I want you to drive those hips back just a slight bend in the knees throughout so as you’re coming up you’re twisting so it’s not up and then twist but it’s up and twist up and twist good it can’t quite Bend as far down as we are flexibility not quite there yet it’s alright do what you can because it’s just you know halfway here that’s alright again your flexibility and mobility will improve every time you come back and repeat this routine just another great everybody’s gotta start somewhere that’s right and no one starts up at the top that is a consistent theme every winner was once a beginner don’t forget that come on keep it going guys you got it so take this one for just 10 more seconds you got to just get that much closer every single rep grind it out feel that core working engaging nice focus on it three two one and zero okay we got crossover toe touch knack feet a little wider than shoulder width hands are straight up a little bit in the knee I’m going to go cross over touch my apps to side toe where quality is going to cross over and touch your opposite side knee alright so again that mobility and flexibility talk if you’re not quite down to your toes okay start with your knees and you keep coming back and doing this workout you’ll eventually get to the point where you can touch those toes right maybe you got a goal from the knees to the shins first maybe it’s not right from the knees to the toes like that in between face but that’s a great thing about these workouts as you can see yourself improve step by step along the way these results are not going to come overnight I’m not going to lie to you but if you keep coming back and keep putting in the work it will work for you how about consistency in it that’s how you get successes made it’s putting in those small efforts day in and day out the work that you’re putting in today they’re going to be the results that you experience tomorrow let’s see it right here come on you got it guys we’ll have a lot left getting closer to the end with every rep getting closer to your goal with every rep grind it out right here let’s go five more seconds on this one that’s it that’s it and four three two one zero I’ll grab my hand weights the next one doing a oblique rotation he shows a park bent over on a 45 degree angle arms hanging down straight now keeping those arms straight we’re going to rotate to the right and then rotate to the left keep those arms straight engage your core and your obliques on this one and again your range of motion might not quite be what ours is right now and that’s all totally okay we just wanting to keep your arms straight make sure that that core is doing all the work you’re not just swinging your arms up but your core is under control making sure to breathe throughout you got it you got it guys stick with it keep fighting whatever you do don’t give up if you’re using weights and it’s too much for you no problem feel free to drop those weights what you need to slow your pace down a little bit totally okay but we don’t want you to do a quit don’t give up don’t hit that pause button you don’t have that much left no we do not keep going keep working keep driving you got it you got this you got it come on come on keep telling yourself you got it how’s it of thinking here you got it come on you can do anything that’s right that includes completing this workout yes ma’am let’s hit it for ten more second almost there come on right to the very end you’re a fighter not a quitter let’s see it five four three two one zero nice set those weights down we’re going to do a leaning lifting crunch hands around our head feed your shoulder width apart we’re going to lean to our left and as we lean back to the right bring that opposite side leg up opposite now lean to the right and back to the left and bring that leg up so lean one direction and as you come back during that leg up as you crunch it so it might take you a couple of repetitions to kind of get the hang of this one can we take a little bit of extra coordination but that’s okay stand focus keeps focused on it this is it right here for you those obliques working we like it a little bit of burn you feel it’s just change happening like that lactic acid firing your muscles fuel because you’re using on totally acceptable gotta fight through that burn yeah I’ll be stronger than that burn not about being perfect it’s about just putting in that effort day in day out right here get after guys you got it we’re getting so close to the end I can feel it come on that’s it ten more seconds that’s it come on nothing grind it out how many can you get boom boom let’s go five four three two one zero that’s it you made it you’re all accidental work out there thank you so much for joining us if you like this workout and you’ve been working out with us for a while starting to see some results we encourage you to please go check out our patreon page where you can find out more about how you can support our mission of keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoy working out once today we ask that you please give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you are notified every time has fit releases a new workout make sure to check out has sitcom for hundreds of free workouts free meal plans and our free complete fitness program and if you are on Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat whatever social media outlet you use we’re there and we want to connect with you thank you so much for giving us the privilege of working out with you today I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout.
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