Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner Modifications provided

Use this lower ab workout to tone your mid-section and improve core strength. You won’t need any equipment for this one, but you may want a mat for comfort. Let’s get moving!
Lower Ab Workout
Toe Taps / Knees Bent
Leg Circles / Knees Bent
Hello Dolly / Knees Bent
In and Outs / Feet Back Down
it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak\par and I’m Claudia and this is a lower abs\par workout this workout doesn’t require any\par equipment but depending on the service\par that you’re working out on you may want\par to use a mat I’m going to be doing the\par intermediate to advanced exercises and\par follow me for the beginner modification\par [Music]\par alright we’re getting right into this\par thing no waste in time let’s go down to\par the ground we’re going to start with a\par heel tap I’m going to do a heel tap with\par a straight leg Claudia is going to\par perform a heel tap with her knees back\par good place those hands under your glutes\par I legs are straight Claudia’s are bent\par so we’re going to go all the way up all\par the way down tapping those heels and\par return back up making sure to breathe\par now we’re not going to count any\par repetitions today it’s just going to be\par about performing as many reps as we can\par in the allotted time period now we place\par our hands under our glutes and lower\par back just to kind of take a little bit\par of pressure off our lower back but it’s\par totally optional just go ahead and keep\par grinding it out give me as many reps in\par as you can you’re going to get a lot of\par work in in a short amount of time today\par the important part is to just keep\par moving and keep breathing try your best\par not to pause this video or stop it just\par keep fighting through right to the very\par end you’ve got it just come on keep\par moving\par one rep right into the next pushing\par yourself on this one pushing yourself\par because nobody can or will do it for you\par and again it’s just a heel tap not a\par heel bounce very important distinction\par on that one let’s hit this one for just\par 10 more seconds you got it one right\par into the next come on you got it four\par three two one zero all right we’re\par moving right into a leg circle I’m going\par to perform my leg circle with my legs\par straight Claudia’s going to perform it\par again with those knees bent\par but we’re performing a nice full circle\par when you get down to that bottom change\par directions and go in the opposite\par direction now don’t worry if your circle\par don’t look all that pretty it doesn’t\par really matter what matters is that you\par keep moving\par and keep grinding it out come on don’t\par forget to breathe on this one you got it\par throughout the course of today’s workout\par it’s gonna burn it’s gonna hurt and it’s\par important for you to focus on what\par motivates you and what brought you here\par today to begin with and without that\par you’re going to want to quit so just\par stay focused on whether you want to lose\par weight tighten those ABS up or just\par overall get better at kicking life\par behind whatever it is keep it at the\par front of your mind and keep moving you\par got it guys come on keep it up how many\par circles can you get one right into the\par next come on let’s go\par one to the next guys let’s hit this one\par for just ten more seconds\par you got it Reed come on come on come on\par keep fighting keep fighting four three\par two one zero no rest removing into a\par Hello Dolly next so I’m going to have my\par leg straight where Claudia is going to\par have her knees bent but we’re just\par opening those legs and closing them back\par up if you have your legs straight those\par legs are round about a 45 degree angle\par come on let’s go how many can you get\par again pushing the pace guys you got it\par a lot of working in a short amount of\par time today they focus just keep grinding\par keep moving do the best you can and if\par you have to alternate between some of my\par moves and some of Claudia’s moves\par whatever you got to do just get her done\par that’s it come on that’s alright we’re\par hurting too we’re right there with you\par come on as you can see I’m burning\par Claudia’s burning keep moving if you\par gotta set your feet down for a second\par that’s alright let’s hit this one for\par ten more seconds and five four three two\par one whew okay we’re coming up and do it\par in and out now so go ahead lean up it’s\par get onto those forearms legs are out\par straight we’re gonna bring the knees\par into your chest and then straighten the\par legs back out and on Claudia’s variation\par you can see she’s resting her feet\par down in between repetitions and if two\par legs is just too much for you alternate\par legs so up me into the chest rest one\par leg and on to the next one we just\par encourage you to make this workout your\par own this is a tough workout we never\par said is be easy but we said it’d be\par worth it think about how good you’re\par going to feel when this workout is all\par done keep coming back and every time you\par perform it we get a little bit better\par just set many more reps that many more\par of the harder variations\par getting better every time not about\par being perfect just putting in the work\par get your lows results come on keep\par moving keep moving I got this one for\par just 10 more seconds you got it don’t\par stop don’t stop five four three two one\par zero good thank you so much for working\par out with us today\par if you like this workout you’ve been\par working out with us for a while and\par you’re starting to see some results we’d\par encourage you to please go check out our\par patreon page where you can learn more\par about how you can support our mission of\par keeping these great workouts free and if\par you enjoyed working out with us today\par please go ahead and like this video and\par don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube\par channel that way you are notified every\par time half it drops a new workout make\par sure to check out has fit comm for\par hundreds of additional free workouts\par free meal plans and our free complete\par fitness programs also don’t forget to\par Like us on whatever your favorite social\par media network is whether it’s Facebook\par snapchat Twitter Instagram we’re there\par and we want to connect with you again\par thank you so much for working out with\par us today been our pleasure I’m coach\par Cosette and I’m Claudia and we will see\par you at your next workout\par
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