Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner Modifications provided

Try these 6 exercises to tighten and strengthen your core. You won’t need any equipment for this lower ab workout, but you may want a mat for comfort. Let’s do it!
Lower Ab Workout
Complete each exercises for one set of 60 seconds:
Flutter Kicks / Knees Bent
Plank Pike / Plank
High Knee Up and In
V-Up / Split V-Up (one leg)
Upright Bicycles / Feet Back Down
Mountain Climbers
hey everybody it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a lower abs workout this workout doesn’t require any equipment but depending on the service that you’re working out on you may want to use a mat I’m going to be doing the intermediate to advanced exercises and follow me for the beginner modification [Music] alright we’re getting right into this thing no waste in time let’s go down to the ground from moving into a flutter kick so I wouldn’t place those hands at the small of your back and tailbone I’m gonna have my legs out straight for this one we’re Claudia’s gonna have her knees bent at about a ninety degree angle you decide which variation is right for you but either way we’re going from about a zero to a 45 on those flutter kicks give the abs tight once you also if you feel a little strain or pressure in your low back curl that chin in a little chin tuck and that’ll help keep your lower back on the ground on this one we relieve any little lower back tension that you may have again make sure to breathe this is a great one for those lure that lower abdominal area just burning it out right here guys and as this workout progresses and it keeps getting tougher it’s so important that you focus on what motivates you what brought you here whether you just want to have a killer six-pack trying to get better at sports or just trying to dominate at life whatever it may be focus on it and stay focused out it on it throughout this workout let’s go ten more seconds on these flutter kicks I know it’s burning fly through that burn guys fight through it and five four three two one zero alright let’s turn over we’re getting into a low plank position clutter is just gonna get in that low plank position and hold well I’m gonna do a plank Pike so I’m gonna bring one knee up curl my chin and tuck in and return next leg tuck in and return you decide which one of these variations is right for you if you’re good just holding that plank position or if you want a little extra work you want to get a little crazy with me on this one if you’re doing this plank variation make sure you return all the way back to square your back straight in between anyway we’re keeping that core tight you don’t want your butt up in the air and you don’t want it sinking on this one make sure to breathe and go to that happy place on this one got em one wrap into the next stay tough on this one guys it’s all about that mental toughness if it were easy everybody be fit but they’re not come on let’s hit this one for ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero nice we’re getting into a high plank position also known as a push-up position Claudia’s gonna be on her knees I’m gonna be up on my hands we’re going one knee up and then twist that knee in alternating knee up and in whether you’re up on your feet or on your knees the move is the same keep your back nice and straight core nice and tight and just keep moving this workout will be over with before you know it think about how good you’re gonna feel when this is all said and done and then you can check this off your list for the day just keep grinding one wrap into the next come on let’s go you got it pushing past that burn that burns got nothing on you come on let’s go you got it all day long but we can feel it working that’s all right that’s a good thing that means it’s work and we can feel it let’s go push past it push past it you got it one into the next guys let’s hit this one four five four three two one zero all right we’re returning to our backs we’re gonna do a v-sit I’m doing both legs Claudia’s doing one arms up overhead legs are out straight at the same time we’re gonna crunch up and bring those legs up our body gets into a bout of V shape hence the name V sit bring those arms up and over you decide if you’re gonna use one leg or if you’re gonna use two this one is brutal probably my least favorite that’s alright that’s why I’m working on it I’m not perfect just running it out trying to get a little bit better every single day let’s go guys what you got don’t hold your breath on this booklet put it all out there only ten more seconds on this one let’s go almost there almost there who keep fighting keep grinding what you got let’s go last ten seconds one into the max here it is push through right to the end and five four three two one zero alright moving into an upright bicycle next leaning back on a 45 degree angle legs are out straight will bring an opposite knee to opposite elbow Claudia’s gonna go ahead and return that Lake to the ground in between sets where I’m gonna keep my legs off the ground we want to try to keep a 45 degree angle as best as we can on this one really engage those ABS there’s gonna take everything you got just keep moving don’t stop no matter how bad it hurts no matter how bad it burns you’re tougher than that burn you guys got it let’s go come on go go go go go what you got putting it all out there last ten seconds that’s it that’s it come on don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop five four three two one zero we’re turning over last one for the day we got mountain climbers up into a high plank position bringing those knees up into your chest Claudia’s gonna do the modified variation where she’s stepping up and I’m bringing those knees explosively in and kicking them back this is it right here guys this is what you came here for stay focused on your goals what you’re working on what’s your why come on that’s it go to that happy place and keep moving everything you got put it all out there let’s go what you got what you got I want you to exceed your own expectations today that’s it come on don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop when it hurts stop when you’re done let’s see it come on you got it you’re a fighter not a quitter you’re a fighter not a quitter you got it ten seconds that’s it come on you could do anything for ten seconds you got it five four three two one zero oh I think that works I think it’s safe to say that was effective nice work out there guys way to push through right to the very end if you enjoyed today’s workout you’ve been working out with us for a while you’re starting to see some results we encourage you to please go check out our patreon page we can find out more about how you can support our mission keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoyed this horrible workout with this amazing oh yeah this video a big thumbs up and please subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you never miss a new workout from husband make sure to check out has been calm for hundreds of free workouts free meal plans and our free complete fitness programs and if you are on Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat come find asset because we want to connect with you again thank you so much for suffering through this one with us today I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout