Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner and Intermediate Modifications provided

Use this oblique workout along with proper diet and nutrition to get rid of your love handles! It’s the perfect routine for both men and women. There is no equipment needed for this workout, but if you’d like to increase the intensity then you may grab a pair of dumbbells.
Get Rid of Love Handles
Complete each exercise for 50 seconds before moving onto the next movement.
Side Plank Rotations / from Knees
Jack Knife / Modified
Side Plank Dips / from Knees
Side Oblique Crunch
Lying Leg Twist / Knee Twist
T-Rotations / from Knees
Cross Body Mountain Climbers / Modified
Around the World
hey everybody it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is an obliques workout there’s no equipment required for this workout but you may want to grab a light dumbbell for extra resistance you also may want to use a mat for comfort I’m going to be performing the intermediate to advanced exercises and follow me for the beginner modification alright let’s get right into this thing we’re going to burn out those obliques and love handles I’m going to grab my light dumbbell for this first one now we’re not going to be counting any repetitions on this we’re just going to be performing as many reps as we can in a lot of time period now Claudia is going to get into the side plank position from your knees I’m going to be up top you decide which variation is right for you go ahead and start with that one arm up top we’re going to reach through and back up rotating each time engaging that core and obliques again we’re just going to perform as many reps as you can get and that a lot of time period trying your best to keep that core nice and straight back stays straight ABS stay engaged throughout we’re going to split the time 50/50 on each side making sure to breathe and trying your best to stay balanced not about being perfect just about putting in that work getting a little bit better every time actually keep breathing almost there switching sides in five four three two one I have zero switching sides flipping around we’re trying our best to eliminate this downtime in between sides I want to keep that pace up good trying to best to stay balanced core stays tight making sure to breathe actually get a nice full reach through make sure that core and obliques are rotating on this one into the name the full range of motion and keep breathing guys you got it fighting through a fighting through let’s go four five four three two one and zero nice okay we’re moving right into a jackknife let’s go ahead and switch the opposite side God is going to do the modified version we’re going to start with one hand on our head opposite our mouth go and bring either one knee or both knees in well you do a side crunch so trine are best to bring that elbow to our knees making sure to breathe right bus to meet in the middle on this one again bringing that elbow to the knee now there’s also I guess a in between modification so if you’re doing both legs you can also bring them back to the ground in between if you need to a little harder to keep both feet up then tie your time we’re going hard and fast today again getting as many reps in as you can and this a lot of time period let’s switch sides in five four three two one zero flipping over opposite side again trying to eliminate that down time you got it and right into it nice work try to get as many reps in as you can and it’s a lot of time period come back get a little bit better every time you do this workout the one rep right in the neck and it has it starts to burn as it starts to hurt just becomes that much more important that you focus on what brought you here today to begin with what are your goals what are you working towards stay focused on it keep it up the front of your mind here we go let’s hit this one for just five more seconds and four three two one zero flipping over again we’re going to move into a side point dip so I’m going to get into a side point for my forearm and on my feet cloudy is going to be on your knees opposite hand on your hip drop those hips down and back up so you’re just dipping that hip get that hip to the ground back up until your hips are in line with the rest of your body good again making sure to breathe keep that core tight back stays straight you got it guys one wrap into the neck being on those obliques lighten on fire it’s okay now we know it’s working you got it one right into the next good good good keep it up no letting off the pedal right here four five four three two one switch sides right into it hit that other side now one side breaks the other side works good doing great so far just keep it up just keep moving how about that mental toughness on this one your body’s going to be screaming at you to take a break but your mind is tougher than that you’re gonna push through that burn let’s go come on you got it you got it how many can you get in this a lot of time period pushing yourself because nobody else is going to do it for you right here right here you got it keep it up let’s go five four three two one zero nice okay moving into a side oblique crunch now so legs are on the side both knees around the side one arm out one arm on your head or a crunching right here similar to a traditional crunch but we’re targeting that oblique no modifier for this one just get as many reps in as you can whatever that is we just encourage you to work at your own pace make this workout your own thanks for work guys keep it up doing great so far keep moving keep breathing and keep squeezing that oblique at the top of every rep make sure you get full range of motion all the way up all the way down you got it right here right here let’s switch size in five four three two one zero switching sides now alright and right into it you got it excellent work everybody again think about what brought you here today to begin with what is it what’s your why trying to tighten up those ABS trying to get better at your sport just trying to kick butt at life whatever it may be focus on it that motivation is going to be what gets you through this workout come on stay focused on it let’s go what you got what you got put it all out there breathe squeeze and contract those ABS at the top every time squeeze that oblique you got to fight through that burn come on you’re stronger than that burn let’s see it right here let’s go let’s go let’s go yeah just ten more seconds on this side almost there almost there no letting up four five four three two one zero nice okay we’re turning to our backs for the next one I’m going to do eight lying leg twists Claudia’s going to do a line knee twist so hands out your side try your best keep your shoulder blades flat on the ground my legs are up straight Claudia’s knees are bent and we’re twisting so just using those obliques power and through on this one again trying your best keep your upper back flat on the ground and if you don’t have the full range of motion on this one to get your legs your knees all the way side-to-side that’s okay do the best you can you can just do a 45 to 45 or whatever feels right for you again we just encourage you to make this workout your own this is a tough workout it may be short but we are going non-stop that constant time under tension it is really going to work those obliques you got it make sure to breathe whatever you do do not hold your breath on this one you got it I know it’s burning fighting through that burn learning to love that burn you got it right here guys one ripping the next come on you’re a fighter not a quitter let’s see it right here let’s go let’s go let’s go ten more seconds on this one that’s it almost there breathe let’s go five four three two one zero all right I’m going to do a key rotation where Claudia is going to do a key hold from her knee so you decide which one is right for you I’m going to switch side to side what Claudia is just going to come up on one side and hold keeping that core tight I have stay nice and locked in you decide which one is right for you either way keep that back straight if you’re doing the version from your knees you’re going to switch halfway through breathe keep that core nice and engaged while you’re sitting in this key rotation hold yeah keep those abs tight if you’re doing them version from your knees go ahead and switch sides as you’re doing my version just keep on moving let’s go whatever you do keep fighting name of the game today well hurting and burning together thousands maybe millions of us doing the same workout all on the same boat today all here fighting let’s go come on what you got what you got put out there guys thank you sure to breathe let’s go here it’s hit this one for just ten more seconds there you go guys almost there fighting to the end and five four three two one and zero nice okay we’re moving into a cross body mountain climber either from up on your feet or your knees I’m going to bring that knee in and to the side knee up into the side I’m on my feet Claudia’s on her knees but the basic move is the same not just bringing the knee straight up but actually bring it across to that opposite side we’re just getting in as many reps in as you can this one’s not only great for working the core beliefs but also it’s a calorie torture as well you’re going to burn some fat on this one call that extra credit come on keep moving guys what you got don’t give up don’t pause that video is what you came here for focus on that why what brought you here today come on keep it up keep it up let’s go don’t give up you got it don’t stop when it hurts stop when you’re done come on let’s go just ten more seconds on this one that’s it that’s it fight through it fight through it you got it four five four three two one zero okay we’re going to be up on our feet to the next one I’m going to grab my dumbbell flyes just can use your bodyweight see they’re nice and wide closed they pointed out just a little bit arms are straight up we’re going to do an around-the-world we’re going to do a side Bend and you have been down as far as you can and then turn pivot reach and return so we go down as far as you can without having to pivot and then when you can’t anymore go ahead pivot and reach down to that foot you can’t quite get all the way to the foot that’s okay do the best you can I know this one takes a little bit of coordination we even had to practice this one earlier is that right but it does work and you can immediately feel like hitting those obliques so again it’s okay if you can’t quite reach all the way down do the best you can this one definitely has the added benefit of getting a little bit of mobility and flexibility working it as well nice let’s get into that rhythm one into the next this is it last oblique move of the day come on what you got let’s go put it all out there guys fucking through to the very end let’s go push in yourself nobody else can do it for you what do you got right here prove it to yourself not us not competing with us competing with yourself just getting a little bit better every single day you’re feeding that you from yesterday come on what you got last 10 seconds keep focused almost there let’s go let’s go four five four three two one last one and zero high to work that high five that was a hard and fast today nice work today guys thank you for sticking with it right to the very end if you like this workout you know working out with us for a while you’re starting to see some results we’d encourage you to please go check out our patreon page where you can find out more of a hike and support our mission of keeping these great workouts free if you enjoyed this workout routine with us today we ask that you give it a big thumbs up and please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss a workout from Hospit make sure to check out has vakama we have hundreds of free workouts just like this one free meal plans and our free complete in its program if you’re on Facebook Instagram Twitter snapchat come fine has it because we want to connect with you thank you so much for working out with us today it’s been our privilege I’m out of breath I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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