Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided
intermediate workout

Warning: This 30 minute HIIT at Home may cause excessive perspiration and calories burned. The total body workout only requires a pair of dumbbells and includes modifications to make it easier to customize the routine for your fitness level. Ready. Set. Let’s do this!

Warm Up
Opposite Toe Touches / Knee Touches
Arm Pullover + Knee Raise
Jumping Jacks / Butt Kick Jack

30 Minute HIIT at Home with Dumbbells

Dumbbell Clean + Reverse Lunge / Front Squat
V Sit Fly / Modified Feet Down
Bent Over Row + Fly
Goblet Squat + Twist
High Plank Triceps Kickback / from Knees
Curtsy Lunge + High Pullback / Curtsy ΒΌ Lunge
Reverse Curl + Front Kick / Knee Raise
Chest Squeeze + Shoulder Press
Kickstand Skier Swing
High Plank Row + Press / from Knees

Cool Down
Toe Touch to Scarecrow
Straight Arm Wall Chest Stretch
Standing Quad Stretch

[Music] what’s up has four tribe it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a total body hit workout with weights the only equipment required for today’s routine is a pair of dumbbells and the weight that you use is completely dependent upon your fitness level you can follow along with me for the standard moves and you can follow me for some easier modifications if you’re ready to go let’s get this thing started [Music] all right let’s get today’s routine started with the warmup all right first move is gonna be a opposite side toe touch feet are shoulder width apart arms overhead and with that opposite side arm I’m gonna reach over and touch that opposite side toe and I’m going to reach over and touch opposite side me so depending on your flexibility level you can choose which one is right for you I want you to have a slight bend in those knees and then use your hips as a hinge driving your hips back behind you getting a nice stretch and your hamstrings glutes and lower back so we’re just pretending as though we’re gonna touch that touch that wall behind us with our rear end that’s it I’ll make sure we’re stretching out that posterior chain so try your best not to turn this into a squat and this is just a warm-up so go ahead and make sure you’re moving at a warmup pace whatever your warmup pace looks like there’s gonna be plenty of time here coming up easy that’s it plenty of time to get crazy I like that making sure to breathe throughout let’s do this one four five four three two one and zero next on the list we’re gonna do an arm pull over plus new race feet are shoulder-width apart both arms swing up overhead and at the same time we’re bringing up alternating knees so performing a knee raise ideally we’re getting that thigh up until it’s about parallel to the ground doing the best you can to accomplish that that’s right so if you’re only about right here that’s alright make it this workout work for you you might find that as you go through this warm-up you get a little bit better at bringing that knee a slightly higher I said as you go through these warm-up moves they’re also mobility moves so that mobility is going to improve as we go through it let’s have those palms facing inwards facing one another get a full range of motion stretch with those shoulders as we bring those shoulders up overhead sounds also loosening up your shoulders your lats and your upper back as well little chest two very efficient oh yeah and making sure to breathe and don’t turn this one into a high-intensity exercise again it’s just a dynamic warmup move let’s continue this one for just last five seconds here four three two one zero are we’re gonna get your heart rate up with the next one I’m gonna do a traditional jumping jacks starting with my feet together and jumping out bring my arms overhead I’m gonna do a butt kick so of course I’m mimicking the move with my arms but except I’m swaying from side to side and just kicking my butt that’s it again decide which one is right for you and throughout today’s routine you’ll have the opportunity to pick which workout which variation or modification it fits your fitness needs again making sure to breathe not holding your breath last one and the warm-up here no matter which one of these you choose make sure you’re staying nice and light yep with your ground contacts returning energy back into the ground not just banging you got neighbors underneath you don’t want them to hear you alright finishing up the warm-up here in five four three two one zero alright hope you’re warm I’m aware you go I’m ready let’s do it okay we’re gonna need our dumbbells for the first one we’re gonna do a dumbbell clean variation I’m gonna do a dumbbell clean plus reverse lunge and I’m gonna do a dumbbell clean to a front squat so we’re gonna start with those dumbbells at our side we’re gonna swing them back swing them up and as we’re bringing them up I’m gonna drop and do a reverse lunge now I’m gonna drop into the front squat I’m gonna alternate which leg I’m using you decide again which variation is right for you the reverse lunge is a little more challenging as it forces you to use one leg at a time either way both variations were aiming to drop those knees until they get to about a 90 degree angle whoa it’s a great total body move swinging those dumbbells back forward and then absorbing that energy with our legs someone’s working your quads your hamstrings your glutes your back your traps all getting hit biceps forearms easier to name the muscle groups that aren’t being worked on this one remembering to keep your core nice and engaged throughout the entire movement that’s it back stays nice and straight keeping good posture I don’t want to break and round that back excellent let’s go let’s just hit this one for the last ten seconds here we go let’s go get as many repetitions in as you can that’s a lot of time period four five four three two one zero keeping the pace up or moving to the floor for the next one we’re gonna sit down in a v-sit position we’re gonna lean back on a 45 degree angle I’m gonna bring my feet up and I’m gonna leave my feet down we’re gonna do a v-sit fly keeping a slight bend in those elbows keeping your upper body on a 45 degree angle ABS stay tight just holding and maintaining your body in this position is gonna be a challenge and then we put those elbows bent it’s like we’re trying to wrap our arms around a tree and hug a tree so we’re not changing that elbow Bendele angle but maintaining that throughout squeezing your chest up at the top keeping those abs tight just to stay on this nice 45 degree angle – any time you need to rest your feet down on the ground or even lower your weight feel free to do so definitely you notice I have a couple of pair of dumbbells so I can switch up as I need I don’t encourage you to do the same if you need to do so come on keep those ABS nice and engaged we’re feeling them oh yeah pound pound move working your chest shoulders ass all at the same time last ten seconds again we’re not counting any reps today just getting as many reps in as we can and this a lot of time period four three two one zero all right yeah even that pace up back on our feet this next one’s gonna work your back feet are shoulder-width apart then over on a 45 degree angle palms are facing inward we’re gonna pull back on our elbows perform a bent over row back down now then over fly similar that last fly we just did alternate between the two so pull back straight on those elbows and then with your elbows bent we’re pulling apart on that reverse fly like you’re trying to scoot some of the other finger in the middle here back you’re just trying to squeeze it one right into the next these two moves are working both working your back but they’re working different parts your back and this is the point of the workout when you realize you may need to drop your weight a little bit it’s okay if you have to grab a couple of water bottles for these types of movements yeah and you can you make it work for you we’re all different Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all solution and it together working together one rep right into the next has fit tried whoo you got to keep in that pace up whatever you do don’t slow down don’t give up just keep moving keep fighting keep grinding through it come on come on come on let’s go last ten seconds on this one how many can you get pulling back on those elbows squeeze in the middle of that back there five four three two one and zero excellent alright we only need one dumbbell for the next one so I’m gonna increase my weight just a little bit as am i but if you only have one set of weights don’t worry about it we’re gonna hold that dumbbell in a goblet position of top feet are shoulder-width apart we’re into a goblet squat plus twist weight goes back in my hips going down to my thighs are parallel to the ground and as I come up I’m gonna twist to one side back to a middle down twist to the opposite side one repetition right into the next this is a great alternative to a regular squat cuz it’s really going to get your core involved at the same time so not just working your legs like a tree additional squat but really focusing on getting those abs involved as well weight goes back in your hips on every squat make sure you’re keeping your feet flat on that squat you don’t want to be coming forward onto your toes you sure to breathe weight back in your hips and off your heels as you sit down stand up explode up twist oh and make sure not just twisting with your your arms but actually rotating with your hips and your core you’ll know the legs starting to burn and remember has to try when it starts to get hard for up to you to remember what brought you here today to begin with whatever it is that motivates you staying focused on it come on use it for five four three two one and zero excellent okay we just need one dumbbell again for the next one I’m gonna go back down let’s do a slightly lower weight going to the floor in a high plank or push-up position I’m gonna come up off my knees onto my feet and I’m gonna actually be on my knees in the high plank position you corne back straight we can do a high plank tricep kickback pull back that one dumbbell to our upper arm is parallel to the ground to your body now only bend at the elbow can contract that tricep up at the top keep your abs tight core straight try not to have your body rotated to one way that’s right shoulders nice and square I can sure to breathe don’t hold your breath this one’s gonna work your core just to maintain this position and of course also working your tricep squeezing up at the top that tricep kickback that opposite side arm shoulder and chest is working again another very efficient move come on keep that breathing going don’t hold your breath hey who hurt you if you do we’re gonna switch sides and five four three two one I’m standing up whoo these ones insides right back into it sir and you get the hang of it you can pick up the pace again getting as many repetitions in as you can and this a lot of time period come on right here slugging through that burn it’s you versus you not competing with us not competing with anybody else just trying to be a little bit better than you were yesterday come on you got it you got it how money can you get your last 10 seconds keep grinding through it can’t stop won’t stop four five four three two one zero oh goodness keeping the pace up okay we’re on our feet we’re gonna do a little combo move here one hand on your hip feet are shoulder-width apart we’re gonna do a curtsy lunge plus high pull back I’m gonna step behind drop both knees reach to that opposite side foot and as I step up pulling back on that elbow do a high pull back and I’m only gonna do about a quarter of a curtsy lunge here so if you can’t quite get down to the depth that Coach cozec is that’s okay follow me you decide which variation feels good for you today maybe you start with one you need to move on to the other that’s okay maybe you start with Coach Kozak’s variation but you decide to drop your weight that’s fine whatever you need to do make it work for you dropping down those knees you can do about a 90 degree angle we’re standing up pulling back on that elbow and Ojai pull back boom pop it every time you gotta keep breathing keep moving let’s go guys switching sides in five four three two one zero opposite side right into it though no downtime or going hard and fast today getting as many repetitions and as you can this one’s working your hamstrings your quadriceps your glutes your upper back your shoulders even a little bit a forearm and grit all working together to make this move happen you got it fighting through that burn I’ll learn to be stronger than that burn right here you’re in control that’s right it’s all mental not even physical come on let’s go how many can you get how many can you get pushing yourself here four five four three two one and zero excellent all right we’re gonna need both dumbbells for the next one I’m gonna do a reverse curl plus a front kick and I’m gonna do a reverse curl plus a knee raise feet are shoulder-width apart elbows are in palms are down at the same time I’m gonna keep those elbows in as I perform a reverse curl plus an alternating front kick and I’m gonna do just the knee raise and bring your knee as high as you can you decide which variation is right for you maybe you’re not bringing your legs quite as high as we are maybe you’re bringing them higher either way try to keep those dumbbells under control on the way up and the way down yes we’re aiming for some speed that doesn’t mean that you don’t want to stay under control so don’t just let the Dumbo’s flop down every time you also don’t want your elbows to flare out I said keep them in it’ll keep those biceps nice and isolated working your biceps and your forearms and that curl keeping our heart rate up with these kicks and knees any point you feel like you have to have your elbows flare up and you may have too heavy of a weight and that’s it time to switch it up making it work for you right here whoa how many can you get let’s go last 10 SEC for arms are burning biceps are burning that’s how we know it’s working has fit Drive four three two one zero Axl burn carp moving right into another upper body one all right we’re gonna do a shoulder press plus a chest squeeze feet of shoulder width apart weight back in your hips pressing straight up overhead complete that shoulder press back down elbows to a 90 bring the elbows together squeeze your chest back to the starting position that’s one press overhead squeeze back together this one’s working your chest your shoulders as well as your triceps even a little bit of core just to stabilize and keep you reading this position again we’re not keeping count so complete as many reps as you can and it’s a lot of timeframe and if you want to use lightweight and go fast here feel free to do so you want to mix it up and go heavier and get less reps it’s another way to attack this workout making it work for you just make sure to breathe because it will take your breath away that’s it focus on that breathing focus on proper form and focus on what brought you here today what’s your why what’s your reason for being here what’s your purpose you’re trying to lose weight get more fit just be better than you were yesterday whatever it is stay focused on it grinding it out four five four three two one and zero oh oh alright next we’re gonna do is a kickstand posterior swing feet are shoulder-width apart we’re gonna put one foot back into a kickstand stance so most of our weights on that four front leg swing the dumbbells back and then forward but we’re using our hips hips go back hips go forward even though the arms are the one that you really see moving exercise is really about that lower body driving those hips back standing up straight and squeezing those glutes up at the top all of the energy and force in those hips is what’s driving those dumbbells up I got a slight Bend and both knees hips go back hips go forward squeeze those glutes up at the top equal time on both sides so we are gonna switch it up here and five four three two one opposite side and then right going that’s it no down time now heart rate up keep working keep focus here it is come on heads for tribe what do you got right here proving it to yourself rat by rep remember those who think they can and those who think they can are both right which one are you come on ask yourself who do you want to be what do you want to be let’s make it happen you make you let’s go up one into the next squeeze those glutes squeeze and squeeze them squeeze them let’s go come on keep it up four five four three two one zero nice all right just one dumbbell needed for the next one we’re gonna go down to the floor and do a high plank position and I’m doing a high plank for my knees again you decide which one’s right for you so with that one hand on the dumbbell one hand on the floor I’m gonna pull back on my of perform a high plank row now I’m gonna twist to the side T rotation press straight up back into my side back down to the floor that’s one repetition and then for mine from the knees you notice I have my left knee down on the ground while extending my right leg into the press it’s a great full body move very functional move working everything from your back your chest shoulders abs as well as your lower back and legs all working together keep your back nice and tight core stays straight you want to have a big arched back and you don’t want your butt way up in the air either nice and control and as many in as you can right here come on we’re gonna switch sides halfway through ten more seconds on this side keep cranking them out what do you got right here four five four three two one zero opposite side now right into it and begin so one definitely takes some concentration as well as coordination piece together all these individual parts of the move stay focused making sure to breathe what if you do now holding that breath when you get up here in this high plank position comes very tempting to hold your breath but don’t do it you will regret it on right into the next come on guys what brought you here what is it what are you working on when it gets tough you need to be tougher staying focused on it let’s go the last 10 seconds of this one come on keep it up keep it up keep it up how many can you get four five four three two one zero excellent alright we only need one dumbbell for the next one I’m gonna go a little bit heavier we’re gonna move into that goblet squat plus twist grabbing that dumbbell up at the top feet are shoulder width apart weight back in the hips squat and then twist side to side as we go through the move making sure to breathe and use that core use those apps on that twist on the bottom of that squat both feet should be flat don’t allow yourself to come forward onto those toes and if you’re having a hard time probably means you don’t quite have the flexibility you need to and your posterior chain your hamstrings and your glutes so it’s something to work on keeping good posture throughout don’t bend over with your back either how many can you get right here has they tried cranking them out don’t listen to those legs well they’re telling you they don’t have anything left they’re lying to you it’s all mental you’re running the show not those legs that’s right come on mind over matter that’s it my hand over legs mind over burn you’re a fighter you’re not a quitter let’s see it right here how many can you get last ten seconds come on push push push let’s go five four three two one zero oh goodness to the floor we go only one dumbbell needed go the high plank position high plank tricep kickbacks I’m gonna be up on my feet and I’m gonna be down on my knees pullback from the elbow to the upper arm is parallel to the ground now just extend from the elbow working those triceps working your core chest and shoulder on that stabilizing arm again whatever you do don’t hold your breath you know you will regret it come on you got it right here one repetition into the next what brought you here today focus on it what are you trying to get – come on your dreams won’t become a reality through wishing but through work and that’s what you’re doing right here putting in the work rep after rep switch in size in 5 4 3 2 1 right in the next side come on let’s go ah no downtime no arrest think about how good you’re gonna feel when this workout is all done and you’ve been crossing it off your list come on come on come on Gate move and keep fight you’re not alone or right there with you no or – come on thousands maybe millions of us at home has for tried doing the same workout same move feeling that same burn 4 3 2 1 0 ah shake them loose only one dumbbell again for that next one moving into that curtsy lunge + high pull back feet are shoulder-width apart we’re gonna step behind drop both knees down reach and then pull back and up on that elbow again if you can’t go quite as low as Coach Kozak you can turn it into a quarter curtsy lunge and come right back up to starting position with the high pole you decide which variation is right for you based on your strength stability and flexibility requirements it come on let’s go whatever you do don’t slow down don’t stop moving if you got to drop the weight feel free to do so I totally do bodyweight if you need to that’s it buddy way will work really well or a water bottle or maybe it’s too easy you need to pick up the weight whatever it is keep fighting with us right here how many can you get we’re gonna switch sides in five four three two one zero whoo right into it come on let’s go let’s go what do you got pushing it pushing it pushing it pushing yourself because nobody else can or will do it for you ah this is all about you right here and it’s not about being perfect you’ll see us make some mistakes along the way it’s just about putting in the work and not giving up almost there guys let’s go for five four three two one and zero nice all right go ahead and grab that second dumbbell for the next one moving into that reverse curl plus either front kick or knee raise palms are facing down elbows are in not a full range of motion curl all the way up with nice control up and down making sure to breathe keep those wrists nice and straight and locked in we don’t want to have what I call spaghetti wrists nope keep those hands and wrists in line with your forearms I also help you work that grip as well as working those biceps come on good posture shoulders are back and we’re cranking them out whoo you got it keep it moving go to your happy place on this one that’s it fighting through that burn you are stronger than that burn right here last ten seconds on this one come on it’s flying by flying by you got it you got it four five four three two one zero all right back to back another upper body one pop those dumbbells up we’re gonna go chest press I’m sorry shoulder plus-plus chest squeeze you know those workouts getting to me yep straight up overhead and then bring those hands together in front as you squeeze your chest so they’re gonna finish off those shoulders it’s on purpose fighting through that burn if you need to lower the weight feel free to do so but don’t give up notice I didn’t increase my weight this time around no did I come on we got it right here keep moving come on one rep right into the next you got it don’t give up don’t slow down remember it’s not about how bad you want it it’s about how hard you’re willing to work for it and that’s what you’re doing right here rep after rep let’s go last ten seconds let’s go let’s go make a count has four tried make a count four five four three two one zero right into those kickstand skier swings I’m gonna increase my weight on this one feet are shoulder-width apart one leg is back slight bend in both knees hips go back hips forward as you swing those dumbbells straight up I want you to squeeze both boots up at the top make sure to keep that back straight head is in line with your spine and this one’s all about those hips and your arms are just along for the ride squeeze those glutes touch the wall with those glutes pushing them back every rap that’s it Claudia squeezing them up at the top don’t hold your breath nice consistent breathing come on let’s go pushing it right to the ant ride don’t stop don’t stop come on you need to drop the weight that’s alright but don’t give up let’s switch sides and five four three two one opposite side now and right into a teller come on we’re almost there near in the end focus on what brought you here what is it what are we working on the heavy rap getting you just that much closer picture that goal yours at the top of the staircase every repetition is just one step closer towards it every workouts just one step closer come on let’s go come squeeze those glutes at the top and 5 4 3 2 1 zero last one right here has to try keep that energy up only one dumbbell needed for the next one we’re headed to the floor got that combo move high plank row Plus press I’m gonna be up on my feet I’m gonna be down on my knees chorus nice and tight pull back from that elbow rotate press overhead and return this is it how many can you get one into the next you get a pile of sweat under you like I do careful in how to slip on it come on focus on the each individual step hold Batman elbow rotate and then press notice I’m concentrating on the move making sure I did everything right here you don’t want that but way up in the air and you don’t want your hips sinking nice straight body nice straight core breathe 1 into the next getting closer with every rep we’re gonna switch sides and 5 4 3 2 1 0 last side let’s go let’s do it finishing strong what brought you here today a has been tried getting so much closer to the end focus on it thinking about how good you’re gonna feel when you get to that finish line almost there almost there you got it keep that oxygen flowing let’s go keep breathing through the movement do not hold your breath doesn’t matter how slow you’re moving still lapping everybody on the couch who isn’t even trying that’s right come on jokes on them that’s it we’re making improvements together let’s go guys almost there come on let’s go last 10 seconds well you got finishing strong everybody in it to win it in it together you got this tribe let’s go three two one and zero oh that was tough nice work nice work Claudia high-five nice work to you oh man fuck burn so good we’re gonna move into a cool-down next slowly come up onto your feet take a couple of big deep breaths and the purpose of this cooldown is just to allow our heart rates to come down slowly as well as gaining some extra mobility yes first one we’re gonna do is gonna be a toe touch if you showed with the part slowly reach down as far as you can weight back in the hips and then come up slowly with the arms extended overhead and then hold down from those elbows stretching our back and do a scarecrow repeat slowly reaching as far down as we can coming back up with the arms extend it overhead and then we’ll whole we back on those elbows I was gonna stretch those shoulders as well as your back and scapula’s coming up got a lot of work in today yeah we did total body it’s important that we hit this recovery moving slow and controlled the workouts done this part’s just all about recovery focusing on that heart rate bringing it down nice and slowly pull down on those elbows and shake those arms loose this is good next one we’re gonna do is for our chest again got a lot of work in today we’re gonna need to head on over to either a wall or a door frame with a straight arm wall chest press so get that arm nice and straight and get our bodies close to the wall and then turn away from the wall keeping that arm is parallel to the ground the best that we can just turning away static stretch opening up that bicep chest and shoulder nice big deep breaths and you may not be able to get as close to the wall or door frame as you as we are but again like coach cho’s echo he says take it to about eighty ninety percent of what you’re capable of doing we definitely want you to experience any pain yeah we just want a good stretch but shouldn’t really hurt per se all right let’s switch sides and five four three two one zero shake it loose let’s go opposite side next same move again trying to eat that arm well parallel to the ground sides a little bit tighter for me definitely meet you and it’s totally common as we always say they have one side be a little tighter than the other that’s right don’t panic nothing to be alarmed about again feeling it all throughout really the forearm bicep tendon shoulder and chest as you turn away and feel that stretch nice big deep breaths here hold it for five four three two one zero excellent all right last one on the agenda we’re gonna do a standing quad stretch this one you can either do on your own or if you want to walk on over to a wall or a couch something to hold on to so we’re just gonna pull back that foot trying to bring that heel to your glutes keeping your knee in tight to your side you don’t want it to flare out no flare as you see claudia has her opposite side arm up helps a little bit for balance if you are doing it on your own without holding on to something helps if you focus on something right ahead of you exactly again pulling that foot back to your glute aiming for eighty ninety percent of what you’re capable of and again how about being perfect this is gonna test your balance especially after that tough workout yes let’s just hold this one for five four three two one zero opposite side now again you decide if you want to hold on to something or who if you want to test your balance like we’re attempting to again just that much more of a challenge after that tough routine and here’s a quick moment to just be proud of what you’ve achieved so far today yourself on the back you did it you got to do it you got to take these these little moments in between to be proud of yourself on the way don’t just be proud of your when you reach your goal but instead you got to enjoy the milestones along the way and this was a tough workout and you should be proud that you made it to this point I consider every workout a milestone that’s it you got to keep your sanity to keep moving that’s one of the secrets staying on your path to success ice enjoying those small little victories along the way four three two one and zero that’s it you made it nice job nice work to you out there has fit tribe thank you for sticking with us right to the very end please support our mission of keeping these great workouts free by downloading our free app it’s available for both iPhone and Android you can also pick up a shirt head our shop whole promise we’ll send you a clean one brand new no sweat or by picking up my book stay fit for life give this video a big thumbs up and hit that red subscribe button so that you never miss another brand new workout from has fit again thank you so much for joining us today it’s been our privilege I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout