Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Here’s a full body HIIT workout that you can perform just about anywhere. The only equipment you’ll need is a pair of dumbbells and the weight that you choose will be completely dependent on your fitness level. However, we do strongly recommend that you have a few different weights available so that you may switch up the resistance as needed. This exercise routine will be performed Tabata style, so it inlcudes 4 rounds of each movement. You’ll perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. If you’re ready, then let’s get it.
Warm up
Overhead Squat
Downward Dog to Frogger Step
Straight Leg Kick + Twist / Low Kick
30 Minute HIIT Workout at Home
DB Push Jerk
DB Curtsy Lunge + Curl / Reverse Lunge
DB Bent-over Alternating Row
Forward & Back Hops / 1,2,3,4
DB Push-up + Row / from Knees
DB Rotational Goblet Squat
Lateral Hops / Side to Side Step
Hollow Body DB Chest Press / Knees Bent
DB Duffin Row
Sumo DL Pause Jumps / No Jump
Side Plank Rotations / from Knees
DB Straight Arm Jacks / No DB
Cool Down
Standing Toe Touch to Cactus Arms
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Page Turner