Advanced Difficulty
advanced workout

WARNING: This advanced workout routine does not include modifications modifications.

Are you looking for a serious challenge? Try this 35 Min Advanced Dumbbell HIIT workout and push yourself to your limits. This total body routine will help you to simultaneously build strength, improve lean muscle, and torch fat. Ready. Set. Let’s go!

Warm Up
Dynamic Chest Opener
Multi-Planar Lunge
One Leg Good Morning
Faux Jump Rope

Advanced Dumbbell HIIT Workout

One Arm Ovhd Reverse Lunge
Bear Plank Push Up + Walkout + Push Up
One Arm Ballistic Row
Lateral Broad Jumps
March in Place
Alternating Hollow Body Dumbbell Press
Hollow Body Elbow to Knee
Hollow Body Rockers
One Arm Squat Thrust + Straddle Lunge
March in Place
Dumbbell Snatch
Split Squat Switch Clean + Press
Side Plank Knee to Elbow + Kick
Donkey Kicks
March in Place
Bear Plank to Low Squat to Ovhd
Reverse Curls 0-90 90-180 0-180
Ballistic Push Ups
Wall Mountain Climbers
March in Place
Iso Hold Lying Leg Twist
Kickstand Skiers
Ventral Raises
Burpee + Knee Tuck

Cool Down
Wall Overhead Shoulder Ext
Wrist Fist Flexion to Extension
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Downward Dog to Child’s Pose

what’s up has fit tribe it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and this is an advanced hit workout with dumbbells now if you’re used to doing our normal routines and relying on modifications then this is not the workout for you because there are going to be no modifications today today’s routine is meant to push you to your limits now if you’re ready to step outside of your comfort zone let’s do it [Music] [Music] [Music] alright let’s start with the warm-up what I like to call the calm before the storm we’re gonna do a dynamic chest opener to start shoulders are back elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle let’s push that chest forward and then squeeze that chest together so we’re taking it to both ends of our range of motion pulling back on those elbows and then pressing them together as we go through this dynamic stretch your range of motion should improve just a little bit and you should be able to pull those elbows back a little more every time trying your best to reach with your chest and your shoulders and not with your head and neck making sure to breathe this one’s great for warming up chest shoulders upper back all at the same time let’s do this 1 4 5 4 3 2 1 and 0 moving to the floor for the next one we’re going to get into a high plank position we’re doing a multi-planar lunge a lot of muscles getting hit with this one stretch so from the high plank position let’s step up right foot by our right hand and with that right hand let’s reach through to our left side twist rotate and look up at that hand as we extend repeat keep your back nice and straight and then let’s reach up and breathe throughout again this is a great one for hamstrings lower back inner thighs thoracic spine lumbar spine shoulders chest all warming up with just this one move again moving at a warm-up pace here don’t want to go too crazy save some in the tank for this workout we have coming up we’re gonna switch sides in three two one right hand down right foot back now let’s go left foot up by that left hand and opposite side now again same move going through that full range of motion twisting as far in as we can reaching through and then reaching up looking at that hand controlling your breathing on this one and also controlling that pace you may find one sides a little tighter than the other on this and that is totally common I just discovered my left hamstring is a little tight right now and that’s alright that’s why I’m going through the warm-up repeating this four three two one zero excellent okay we’re coming back up on to our feet we’re gonna start with our feet shoulder width apart and we’re gonna do a one-legged mourning hands or on our head let’s put one leg out straight onto that heel slight bend in that back leg now we’re gonna hinge at our hips keep it on back straight feel that stretch in that hamstring and then come back up all one side at a time again slight Bend and that back leg pulling back on those toes of that lead leg one leg good morning again just hinging at the hips don’t turn this into a squat but instead drive those hips back keep your head in line with your spine this one’s warming up the hamstrings glutes lower back whole posterior chain on this one we’re gonna switch sides and then three two one zero switch opposite side now again drive those hips back give those shoulders back and again don’t feel the need to get that much range of motion on this one you’re probably not gonna be able to go too far down with that front leg extended and straight not gonna quite get the extension you might normally if you’re just doing like a reach to the toes driving those hips and glutes back to the wall behind you every time head stays in line with the spine breathing in on the way down breathing out on the way up four five four three two one zero excellent okay let’s do one to get our heart rate up for the workout we’re gonna do a full jump rope light jumps staying on the balls of our feet small little circles with their hands just like we’re jump roping now if you have a jump rope and you actually want to do a jump rope feel free to do so but it’s not necessary for the sake of this warm-up making sure to breathe here light ground touches if you have neighbors underneath it we don’t want them to hear you stand light on the balls of those feet keep that breathing going here and the purpose of today’s warm-up is to get a little bit of mobility work but to also increase our overall body temperature and to get our heart rate up and that’s what we’re doing right here keep it up not much left let’s go last ten seconds staying focused you’re starting to think about what brought you here today to begin with birth three two one zero that’s it time for the workout let’s do it okay we’re gonna need one dumbbell for the first one we’re gonna do a one-arm overhead reverse lunge so start feet shoulder-width apart let’s pop that one right dumbbell up opposite arm out now with our right leg let’s step back drop both knees to a 90 degree angle and back up full extension on that reverse lunge we’re doing all one side at a time now we’re not counting any repetitions today it’s gonna be just about you getting as many reps in as you can and allotted time period we’ll switch sides halfway through keeping good posture dropping that back knee straight down and whatever you do don’t bounce that back knee off the floor stay in balance feeling that core engage just to keep you in this position excellent so it’s working your hamstring quadriceps glutes ABS shoulder triceps all working together here and we’re gonna switch sides in five four three two one zero switch it up and keep it moving keeping the pace up today it’s gonna be a battle to you versus you want you competing with yourself not competing with me or anybody else just getting a little bit better every single repetition every workout small victory every repetition here come on making sure to breathe in on the way down breathe out on the way up excellent keep that breathing going staying focused on it today’s to be very important let’s go last ten seconds on this side legs are starting to feel it already four three two one zero all right dumbbell down no weights for this next one we’re gonna move into a bear plank position so that’s on our hands and knees we’re gonna pop up off of our knees we’re gonna do a bear plank push-up now we’re gonna walk out into a high plank push-up walk back push-up walkout push-up you get the idea repeat every time on each side doing a push-up so it’s a regular pushup walk back bear plank push-up and that bear plank push-up forces you to do triceps a little bit more that both making sure your core is working and even your legs are working here to help stabilize you great total body move again remembering to breathe breathing in on the way down and out on the way up excellent one right none next year come on let’s go let’s go try it we’re yet more than halfway done with this one keep driving here keep working let’s go last ten seconds how many can you get keep it up four five four three two one zero excellent okay we’re back up onto our feet and we need just one dumbbell it’s gonna be a new one for a lot of you we’re gonna do a one-arm ballistic row beater stagger one dumbbell we’re gonna start with our arm extended pull back on that elbow and I’m gonna let go of the dumbbell come back and grab it full extension now if you can’t quite handle this fast rows are okay but give it a try an explosive move we’re letting go of that dumbbell pull them back on that elbow and then grabbing it again so it’s a ballistic exercise again do not hold your breath here try our best not to drop that dumbbell through the floor you might not be perfect just getting it a little bit better every time we’re gonna switch halfway through keep it up keep it up again how many can you get we’re switching it up in five four three two one zero opposite side now again staggered stance pullback in that elbow and grab a little bit harder on your non-dominant side totally normal again we’re here to challenge ourselves today learn some new movement patterns force our body to do some stuff it’s not used to doing it but that challenge is where change comes from come on can’t be changed without some challenge come on keep that back straight all about speed speeds be working through it working through it here let’s go five four three two one zero accidentally go ahead and set that dumbbell off to the side back to the lower body into a lateral broad two feet working together down big lateral jump down big lateral jump soft landing but they’re weak in our hips every time so we’re breathing in on the way down breathing out as we explode and jump up so you focused on that breathing do not hold your breath and again really controlling our body weight shouldn’t be pounding into the floor if you have neighbors underneath you we don’t want them to hear you baby power on every jump here exploding laterally again probably not something you’re doing all the time it’s a very important movement pattern good do not hold your breath let’s go keep it up keep it up last ten seconds fighting through with me working together four five four three two one zero excellent alright now we’re moving to a simple march in place opposite arm and leg is working together now the purpose of this is a lot of your heart rate to come down but not be a complete break if you need a complete break feel free to take one grab some water otherwise just keep moving here with me you’ll see how important these are throughout the workout just for us to let that heart rate come down give it a minute to recover before we continue hops at arm and leg or working together we’ll need both dumbbells for the next one we’re going to the floor grabbing those dumbbells and three two one zero so go ahead and grab both dumbbells we’re gonna do an alternating hollow body dumbbell press let’s show you what that looks like from the floor lying on our back both dumbbells extended up go and tuck that chin bring those shoulder blades off the floor legs out hollow body position one arm pressing at it so keep that opposite dumbbell up as we press it you should have your lower back glue to the floor on this one if you feel that lower back starts to arch you can bend your knees to bring it back down but ideally we’re keeping those legs out straight keeping those abs engaged throughout not allowing those abs to take any rest on this one just an isometric hold and as we hold this position and press also a great anti rotation movement as with our abs and core force to stabilize pressing one dumbbell at a time this is working your chest shoulders triceps and core all working together here for another five four three two one zero don’t bowls are off to the side but work and stay in this hollow body position arms are out this time overhead we’re going on elbows to knee so again keeping that head and chest up off the floor I started back up off the floor and we’re bringing our elbows in our knees together and then extending gonna feel those ABS start to burn that’ll learn to love that burn pushing through it you are stronger than that burn prove it to yourself right here today is gonna be just as much of a mental challenge as it is a physical one think about how great you’re gonna feel when you’re all done with this workout then you can cross it off your list fighting through with me let’s go try keeping that lower back glued to the floor it’s the last ten seconds on this one they extend and contract four five four three two one next move into a hollow body rocker back into that hollow body position and now we’re gonna rock up a hand down up and down F stay tight and contract it throughout keeping those core tight under control trying your best to maintain this position if you need to you can bend those knees but again ideally keeping those legs out straight rocking back and forth controlling with those ABS for five four three two one zero excellent okay no Dumbo’s for the next one we are up on our feet we’re gonna do a one-arm squat thrust + straddle lunge we show what that looks like we’re gonna squat down right hand on the floor jump back jump forward stand up right leg back straddle excuse me straddle lunge back down left hand on the floor jump back jump forward left leg back front leg straight repeat right arm step back right leg left hand step back left leg you got the idea how many can you get here it’s like a cross between a lunge and a one-armed Burpee here very challenging move also works your brain here as you’re trying to remember what you need to do next great total body move everything from those legs core upper body of course cardiovascular all working together here keep it moving again not counting any reps just challenging yourself to keep moving and to get as many in as you can in this allotted time period come on let’s go try prove it to yourself how strong you are right here what do you got one into the next come on let’s go let’s go I’m burning there with you keeping it move last ten seconds how many can you get four five four three two one zero excellent all right moving back into that march-in-place again opposite arm and leg working together if you need a straight up break right now now is your time to do it to grab some water otherwise I challenge you to keep moving where are we are allowing that heart rate to come down but at the same time ideally we’re not stopping from completely moving right here we’re gonna use both dumbbells on the next one next couple we have some Olympic lifting inspired moves we’re doing a dumbbell snatch next so immensely prepare yourself for it here we go grab those dumbbells in three two one zero both dumbbells needed we’re gonna start with our feet shoulder-width apart slight bending our knees let’s hinge at those hips bring those dumbbells down until about knee length and then elbows high explode overhead and snatch keep that head in line with your spine as you perform the hang or the loading phase and then explode bring those elbows up catching them straight up overhead gal it’s all about speed here how many repetitions can you get this one’s working your hamstrings glutes lower back upper back and core a little bit of shoulders all working together here whatever you do do not hold your breath for breathing in on the way down and then exhaling on the hardest part of the move as we explode up one right into the next here tribe you are a machine prove it to yourself right here proving to yourself how strong you are both mentally and physically keep grinding right here come on let’s go let’s go what do you got how many can you get we have last 10 seconds keep it going keep it going four five four three two one zero all right we have another Olympic inspired move next we’re in do a split squat switch clothes clean the press mouthful I know we’re gonna clean the dumbbells up palms face them together step back into a split squat at the same time switch our legs step up and press back down opposite leg steps back set back split squat switch stand up and press repeat down switch step up and press down switch step up and press just as much a mental exercise on this one as well once you get the rhythm down pick up the pace making sure to breathe again not holding your breath here the hardest part is that switch at the bottom trying to stay low throughout it so it’s working those shoulders quads hamstrings glutes ABS triceps all working together come on what do you got one of the next come on try pushing through that pain pushing through that burn right there with you let’s go almost there finish strong finish strong four five four three two one zero and break excellent dumbbells are down don’t eat them for the next one we’re gonna move into a side plank position we’re gonna do a side plank knee to elbow plus kick so up on that left forearm come up into a side plank the opposite hand on your head we’re gonna go knee to elbow and then bring that leg straight up kick knee to elbow kick another tough one trying your best keep that core tight and straight not allowing that hip to sink making sure to breathe st. focus on that core keeping it engaged we’re gonna go half and half on each side somebody’s not much left on this side keep it going doing the best you can to bring that knee to elbow and then to touch that toe four five four three two one switching sides same move trying to eliminate down time here up into position and begin trying to best keep balanced as well no holding your breath keep breathing staying focused not about being perfect it’s about giving it everything you got and getting a little bit better every workout excellent work tried keep it up keep it up not much left on this one it’s deceptively tough four five four three two one zero all right we’re turning over and do a high point position we’re gonna do a high plank donkey kicks high plank or push-up position we’re gonna ballistically jump up kick your own butt and return keep that core tight tacking this core with these couple moves here and return try your best to keep that core tight and engaged and you are not holding your breath come on one right into the next big explosive butt cakes and return trying our best to be soft on those landings wanna be too hard slight bending your elbows so I was working your shoulders triceps chest core hamstrings glutes lower back well working together here four five four three two one zero excellent all right we’re back on our feet moving into that march in place again opposite arm and leg moving together that nut heart rate slowly come down but we’re still moving good time the routine to remind yourself what brought you here today to begin with what made you hit that play button what’s your why trying to lose weight get an elite shape gain muscle whatever it is stay focused on it realize the only thing standing between you and your goals is the work that needs to be put in and that’s what you’re doing right here right now nice big deep breaths not much left and we’re moving back into it we’re moving to the floor getting in a bear plank position here and three two one zero to the floor so bear plank position starting under knees coming up off our knees and we’re gonna jump up and do a low squat arms overhead good posture hands back down back into bear plank just transitioning in between the two movements it’s also not only great for those legs and that core but also great for that lower body mobility helping you get down into that deep squat position again do not hold your breath here staying focused on breathing one into the next you gotta try keep that back straight good posture as you bring those arms up and overhead again one into the next another one that doesn’t look like much but it catches up to you puts those legs to work here finish strong on this one last ten seconds fighting together try fighting together four five four three two one zero whoo-whee burning so good both dumbbells needed for this next one we’re gonna do a little curl variation reverse curl elbows are in palms are down we’re gonna go zero to ninety zero to ninety repeat so we’re going only up halfway keeping those elbows in palms facing down great one for biceps forearms and grip so not going all the way up yet all the way down and then to that and halfway point good time to catch your breath here as well our arms are working but don’t forget to breathe now let’s go 90 to 180 repeat 90 180 halfway down – all the way up shoulders stay back the hill knows the harms working I’m burning right there with you fighting with it let’s go try let’s go let’s go now let’s go all the way down all the way up zero to 180 come on how many can you get grind through it even the lightest weight starts to feel heavy at this point come on to those elbows in palms facing down how many can you get right here make a count try make a counter work those biceps I’m feeling it too let’s go ten seconds come on come on come on four five four three two one zero set those dumbbells down moving through the floor we’re gonna do ballistic push-ups five at a time you can do these from on your feet or from your I’m coming up on my feet I’m going all the way down jump up repeat so 1 2 3 4 5 and then we rest a couple of the big deep breaths here and then right back into it so five at a time 1 2 3 4 5 getting air every single time big deep breaths and then back into it go 1 2 3 4 5 yeah a deep breath stretch those shoulders out break doesn’t last long and go 1 2 3 4 5 excellent we got one last one come on try make it count right here fight with me 3 2 1 let’s hit it 1 2 3 4 5 ah excellent up on our feet we’re gonna need you here a wall high counter top couch or a chair for this next one we’re gonna go wall mountain climbers hands about chest level so it’s one leg up and we’re switching legs on about a 45 degree angle bringing those knees up nice and high we’re switching legs or driving right through that wall do not hold your breath keep moving knees up nice and high on every rep like we’re trying to push that wall straight over working your legs core upper body all fighting together come on thrive keep pushing pushing right to the end don’t quit when it hurts we’re gonna stop when we’re done sprinting to that finish line together come on come on come on keep driving keep driving ten seconds don’t stop don’t stop five four three one zero accident all right moving into that march in place for the last time opposite arm and leg working together here you’ve made it this far tribe now’s not the time to give up it’s the time to empty out that tank finish strong again it’s all about that mental toughness working on that mental toughness today pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone pushing yourself to get a little bit better every repetition that’s what we’re doing right here right now we’re gonna need those dumbbells for the next one we’re moving to the floor grab those dumbbells in three two one zero picking those dumbbells up lying down on our back lie so hold plus lying leg twist hold those dumbbells straight up with those feet together you’re twisting side to side trying our best to keep our upper back on the floor staying under control so it’s really targeting those obliques not allowing yourself to bounce your legs up off the floor going to instead really focus on staying under control try not to slide across the room like I’m doing so what happens I think when you get this sweaty come on working with you here folks work in together keep breathing do not hold your breath here fighting together come on where you at trap where ya getting a little bit better on every repetition pushing through that burn learning to love that burn come on fighting together let’s go at last 10 seconds we’re yet finish it strong finish it strong four five four three two one zero we’re on our feet and we’re gonna need both dumbbells we’re gonna do a kickstand skier swing kickstand stance most your body weights on this front leg what’s up on the ball of the foot slight bend in both knees swing those dumbbells back hinging at the hips hips back hips forward now my arms are really just along for the ride I’m focusing on those hamstrings glutes my lower back working and hinging together that’s where all of your power comes from staying balanced keep that head in line with your spine doesn’t require all that much range of motion on the way down keeping that back straight squeeze those glutes up at the top on every rep standing up big and tall excellent come on push through it right here right here you got it we’re gonna switch sides in five four three two one switch sides same move eliminate that downtown come on how many can you get tried come on remember thousands maybe millions of us at home feeling that same pain feeling that same burn you’re feeling it we’re in it together all in those hips come on squeeze those glutes at the top every time drive on those hips back behind us good good good good almost there let’s go last ten seconds on this one how many can you get breathing it on the way down out on the way up four three two one zero moving into a ventral race gonna burn out those shoulders palms facing backwards dumbbells all the way up and over all the way down trying our best to eliminate momentum on this one sure it’d be easier just tell how those dumbbells a flop back down then we wouldn’t be getting the same results control that descent that negative lowering portion of the move this one’s working your traps upper back even a little bit of lat posterior shoulders and core all working together keep a slight bend in those knees breathing in on the way down breathing out as we exhale and drive those dumbbell straight up overhead come on in it to win it right here not much less fighting through this is what you came here for what did you come here for remind yourself of it what is it what’s that why what are you working towards it focus on in here four five four three two one last one zero dumbbells are down last one right here we’re moving into a Burpee plus knee tuck squat down weighting your hips hands on the floor legs back legs forward up big jump knee talking how many can you get this is it right here everyone finish your tank see what you got hand three two one let’s do it together come on I’m hurting too I’m right there with you feeling that same burn that you’re feeling keep it moving what do you got right here right now come on ride it out last set how many can you get it’s you versus you competing with that you from yesterday that couldn’t do it but today you’re getting it done those who believe they can and those who believe they can’t are both right which one are you prove it to yourself right here it’s right come on let’s go almost there almost there and five four three two one zero and that is it whoo take a big deep breath here you earned it we’re gonna move into a cool down so I can gather myself move on over to a wall a doorframe we’re gonna do an overhead shoulder extension get that back flat up against that wall or door palms are facing inward we’re gonna bring those arms all the way up overhead whoo and back down my arms or shoulders are spin try best to keep that head on the wall as well and the purpose of this cool-down is to allow your heart rates have come down slowly and get a little bit extra mobility work in especially after that tough workout we could really use it I can tell my shoulders are gonna feel it tomorrow making sure to breathe nice and slow focusing on getting that heart rate down there it is four five four three two one zero whoo all right now we’re gonna work on those wrists again we spent a lot of time down in that high plank position today so let’s give them some recovery work when to a wrist fist flexion so bring those arms out hands come down and as they’re coming down making a fist flexing and then open those fingers up slowly as we pull back and do an extension repeat into a fist as we come down feel that stretch and then slowly open them up pull back on those fingers as we pull them back making sure to breathe this may be the first time my shoulders are feeling a burn on this one call that some extra credit excellent all the way back all the way forward both ends of that range of motion for those wrists 4 5 4 3 2 1 all right moving to the floor gonna get out one knee that’s got on your right knee opposite leg up a 90 degree angle we’re gonna do a kneeling hip flexor stretch I want you to squeeze those glutes squeeze your abs that’s first step now slowly come forward with your abs tight and your glutes tight it doesn’t take much range of motion do you feel that stretch in your hip flexor and through your quadricep and if they’re not tight then you can come all the way forward and never feel stretch we keep those glutes tight abs tight squeeze come forward and hold just an isometric stretch any of these isometric stretches were trying to get to here 85 90 percent of what you’re capable of trying to feel a good stretch but you don’t want pain hold hold hold four three two one switch it up now opposite side again same thing squeeze those glutes squeeze those abs and ever so slowly and gently come forward if you’re feeling knee pain on this one feel free to put a towel or a pillow mat underneath your knee that’s on the floor and it alleviate some of that tension again all the plyometrics jumping today our hip flexors and quadriceps took a beating it’s a great one to help them recover holding for five four three two one zero all right let’s come down onto both hands we can do a little yoga inspired move next we’re gonna go from downward dog to Child’s Pose so come up under your feet and hands I want you to dry those hips back like somebody’s pulling your glutes back behind you relax at the shoulders pull them back forgetting his back as far as you can keeping those legs nice and straight feel that stretch in your calves hamstrings glutes lower back shoulders all feeling stretch together and now let’s come down onto our knees hands in front relax those shoulders as we sit back and try to sit our glutes on the back of our legs or calves again feel those shoulders relax into that Child’s Pose nice big soft deep breaths here and let’s go through it one more time coming up onto our hands it’s just a great one to help their spine recover loosen it back up pull back on those hips and if you want you can walk the legs out a little bit right to left helps you get a little extra stretch on both sides or you can just do the traditional up to you again nice big deep breaths and let’s sit down into that Child’s Pose one last time I just want you to get down here and relax relax relax now is the perfect time to just take a second be proud of what you’ve achieved today give yourself a pat on the back and realize it if working out we’re easy everybody be fit everybody would be working out but that’s not the case so it makes you so special for showing up putting in the work today the day after day doing what it takes to get it done no matter what else the rest to date your day brings you can be proud of yourself for getting this done in three two one zero slowly coming up don’t want you to pass out you can stay down on the floor if you’d like I gotta stand up nice work out there tribe boom thank you so much for working out and pushing it through with me today you can tell by the looks of my shirt and this puddle underneath me I enjoyed today’s workout hope you did too and if you did we’d ask you please support our mission of keeping these great workouts free you can do so by going and downloading our free app it’s available for both iOS and Android you can also stop by our store pick up some has fit gear or our diet guide eating for life make sure you give this video a big thumbs up and follow us on your favorite social media network again i’m coach Kozak thank you so much for joining me today I will see you at your next workout