Intermediate to Advanced Difficulty
This killer 35 minute total body workout only uses body weight exercises. The routine is not intended for beginners, there are no modifications in this one so this is for those who want a challenge today. Going to suggest repetitions along the way, but feel free to make it your own if you need more or less.
Body Weight Exercises
Complete two rounds:
Deep overhead squat stretch x 15 seconds
Cossack squat x 20
Elevated Pike Push Up x 8
Bulgarian split squat with ground touch back up to back bend cactus arms x 8 each leg
Downward Dog + Chataranga Push Up x 8
Side chair lunge x 8 each leg
Feet elevated chair dips (knees bent) x 8
Dragon squat (step behind, drop back knee near front heel) x 8 each
Plankups x 8
Elevated circular pushup walk x 2 revolutions
Bulgarian split squat jumps x 8 each
Elevated pike shoulder tap x 20
Surrender x 12
Reverse Back Pushups x 8
Sumo Deadlift Jumps x 12
Squat up x 12
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