Ultimate Warrior Difficulty
Complete as many rounds as needed for your fitness level:
1. Single Leg Wall Sit with Knee Wxtension x 30 seconds each
2. Supinated Pull Up + Iso Leg Raise x 8
3. L-Sits x 15 seconds
4. Fallout Push Ups x 8
5. Duck Walks Front to Back x 15 seconds, Side to Side x 15 seconds, Front to Back x 15 seconds, Side to Side x 15 seconds
6. Handstand Shrugs x 8
7. Hanging Knee Twists x 16
8. Wall Planche Push Ups x 8
9. Lunge + Hamstring Curl x 30 seconds each
10. Towel Pull Ups x 8
11. Superman Plank Hold x 60 seconds
12. Handstand Pushups x 5
13. One Leg Squat Jumps x 12 each
14. Pronate 90 Degree Hold + Knee Raise x 30 seconds
15. Leg Raise + Reverse Crunch + Toe Touch x 15
16. Pike Push Ups x 15
17. Overhead Air Squats x 90 seconds
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