Intermediate Difficulty
intermediate workout

No weights, just a chair, bench, or step

Tabata Workout

3 Rounds of 25 seconds work followed by 10 seconds of rest:

Dip + knee to chest x 25 seconds
High knee toe taps / Run in place x 25 seconds
Negative pistol / Slow Squat x 25 seconds
Forward / back jumps x 25 seconds
Push up + Scapula push up x 25 seconds
Burpees or modified burpees x 25
One leg deadlift x 25 seconds
High plank walks x 25 seconds
Manna legs straight x 25 seconds
Squat jumps / squat x 25 seconds

Tabata training style workouts – High intensity interval training gets you more fit in less time, makes you smarter, and supercharges your metabolism. The workouts usually include short bursts of intense exercise followed by short breaks to recover. A Colorado State University study found that thanks to a boost in your metabolic rate, you can burn as many as 200 extra calories in the next 24 hours from only 150 seconds of intense exercise.

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