Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner and Advanced Modifications provided

Your body is the greatest tool you’ll ever be given. Use it to push, push, twist, and jump your way through this 20 minute home workout without equipment. Follow Claudia for the easier modifications and make this workout your own.
Home Workout without Equipment
Complete each exercise for 2 rounds of 50 seconds:
Bear Plank Lateral Walks / High Plank Lateral Walk (from hands)
Lateral Hop + Squat Jump / Lateral Step + Squat
Alligator Walks / Walk in Place
Forward & Back Hop / 1,2,3,4
Superman Push Up from Knees / Ballistic Push Ups from Knees
Cross Body Switch Knee / Cross Body Knee
Bear Plank to Walkout / Walkout from Knees
Switch Jump Squats / Switch Jumps
Plank up downs / from Knees
Side Shuffle + Reach Jump / Side Shuffle + Overhead Squat
Iso Squat Walkouts + Push up / Iso Squat Walkouts
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