Beginner Difficulty with Low Impact Modifications Provided
beginner workout

No jumping, no crawling down on the floor, and no high impact moves. This standing low impact cardio workout will get your heart rate up and burn calories without abusing your joints. There’s no equipment required for this routine, but if you’d like to add some additional resistance then you may hold on to a couple of light weights or water bottles.

Warm Up
March in Place
Pull the rope
Opposite Toe Touch / Knee Touch

Standing Low Impact Cardio Workout

Arm Jack + High Kick / Low Kick
Wall Push Up + 2 High Knees
Alternating Bent Over Arm Swings
Overhead March in Place
Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Squat + Side Punch / Quarter Squat
Staggered Knee to Elbow Crunch
Push / Pull + Butt Kick
Twist + Straight Kick / Knee Raise
Sumo Touchdown + Reach / Adjust Depth
Seesaw Row

Cool Down
Wall Angels
One Leg Hip Hinge
Standing Quad Stretch

what’s a pastor tribe it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a low impact cardio workout for beginners there’s no equipment required for today’s routine but if you’d like to increase the intensity feel free to grab a couple of light hand weights or water bottles follow along with me for the standard moves and follow me for some easier modifications if you’re ready to begin let’s get moving [Music] let’s get started with a warm-up our first move for the day is going to be a march in place we’re gonna start with both elbows bent at a 90 degree angle and we’re gonna bring up opposite side leg now you’ll notice that we’re both bringing up that leg until it gets to about parallel to the ground but if you can’t get your leg up that high and that’s alright do the best you can this is after all just the warmup so make sure you’re moving at a warmup pace nice and relaxed here and the purpose of this warm-up is to increase your overall body temperature get your heart rate up and we’re even gonna improve your mobility and flexibility a little bit as well making sure to breathe and just keep moving and again your pace is gonna really be determined by your fitness level if you want to go much slower than us that’s okay if you want to go faster than us it’s gonna be important that you tailor today’s workout to your specific means and we’re gonna do our best to give you the tools to make that happen let’s go ahead and keep this one up four five four three two one zero alright this next one’s gonna really loosen up and warm up your back want you to sit with your weight back in your hips feet shoulder width apart and we’re gonna do a pull the rope so just as the name suggests we’re gonna act like we’re pulling a rope pulling back from those elbows every time squeeze that back we’re not just pulling with their hands but I want you to act like you have a rope actually attached to those elbows and somebody’s pulling those elbows backwards it’s gonna make sure that we engage those back muscles also make sure you get a nice big reach on every pull again we’re breathing here and moving at a warmup pace lovely plenty of time for the actual work coming up keep that back straight little weight back in your hips so it should be working your legs a little bit as well so don’t just be standing up big and tall instead make sure that you’re sitting back almost like you’re getting ready to sit into a chair let’s keep this one up four five four three two one zero all right one more moving the warm-up we’re going to loosen up our posterior chains feet are a little bit wider than shoulder-width arms are up I’m gonna do an opposite side toe touch working my weight back in my hips with a slight bend in my knees and touching opposite side toe and I’m actually just gonna go down and touch my knee and come right back up but of course I’m still emphasizing hinging at the hip and pretending like I’m trying to hit my rear end against the wall right behind me so we’re not squatting down and breaking and bending at the knees but instead it’s all about that hip hinge getting those hamstrings glutes and lower back to work and to get warmed up as well hmm trying to increase that blood flow back there standing up big and tall in between sets try your best to keep your head in line with your spine on this one so that means don’t have your head looking up at the TV or phone or computer or whatever you’re watching us on but instead keeping it in line with your spine and if you’re somewhere between these two and you want to reach down and touch your cheat your shin that works as well again we just ask that you make this move your own and five four three two one zero all right warm-up is complete workout starting I’m nice and warm let’s do it okay we’re gonna need our hand weights for the first one if you’re using them we’re gonna move into an arm Jack Plus high kick we’re gonna use a lot of compound moves today and this is one of them so we’re gonna do an arm Jack and I’m performing a high kick bringing that knee up and then kicking out and I’m gonna do a low kick so if you can’t bring your leg quite as high as Coach kozak just go ahead and do a low kick again making it your own making sure you have a slight Bend and the leg that’s on the ground it’s gonna give you a little bit more stability and balance this one’s not only gonna get your heart rate up that’s also gonna help you work on that stability and balance so where can your shoulders your legs your core all working together to make this one happen a lot of stabilization going on right now yeah there is my core exactly it’s a hidden ab exercise you don’t really look at it and say hey that’s an ab move but your ab really has to work that keep your self up right on this one whoo I think I should a breathe hill my shoulders – I’m definitely feeling on shoulders if at any point if these weights get a little too heavy for you feel free to drop them let’s keep this one up four five four three two one and zero all right set the hand weights down if you’re using them we’re gonna work our way on over to either a wall couch whatever you have access to we’re gonna do a wall pushup plus a high knee so we’re gonna go push up Jaime high knee and on this one and make it easier come closer to the wall to make it harder step back further from the wall we have our hands in line with our chest we don’t want them in line with our face but instead nice and in line with our chest and as we’re doing that push up making sure to bring our chest to the wall and not stretch on our face to the wall keep your core tight back stays straight and again making it easier if you need to by just bringing those feet closer to the wall and getting yourself into a more upright position or if you want to make it harder go ahead and step back whatever you do just keep moving and keep breathing you got it doing this one for 10 more seconds in total give me as many repetitions in as you can here in this a lot of time period let’s go five four three two one and zero ooh good one all right picking those hand weights back up if you’re using them moving into an alternating event over arm swing so feet are shoulder-width apart then over at a 45 degree angle with those palms facing down we’re gonna swing one arm up opposite arm back keeping your back tight core nice and straight and your head in line with your spine and modification on this one if you need to is just more or less weight that’s right and you can do this one with no weight at all as well making sure to breathe whatever you do do not hold your breath on this one try your best to keep your shoulders Square to the ground so we’re not twisting side to side but instead keeping those shoulders nice and square just moving from the arms and your mobility might not quite be what ours is but make it work for you and keep coming back and you’ll see your mobility improve yes exactly be consistent that’s what it’s all about it’s not about being perfect it’s just about putting in the work getting a little bit better that’s right every time part progress not perfection this one’s working your legs working your abs shoulders your back and your triceps another great compound move today’s workout is very efficient getting a lot of work in in a short period of time not much left on this one let’s go five four three two one zero Oh excellent all right we’re gonna take those hand weights or just you arms put them up overhead straight overhead now we’re gonna go a march in place so it’s an overhead march in place so the shoulders are gonna have to work just keeping those dumbbells over feeling and again if you need to drop the weights and just put your arms up overhead feel free to do so making it work for you that’s the key and if you need if you can get your knees all the way up and thighs all the way up to parallel to the ground great need to have them a little bit lower then that’s cool to just keep moving one step right into the next try to keep those biceps by your ears and as this workout progresses and it just keeps getting tougher it’s important that you remember what brought you here today to begin with what made you start this video what made you start this workout what are you looking to do what are you looking to achieve keep that at the front of your mind whether you’re trying to lose weight just get more fit or just get better at kicking life’s behind whatever it is stay focused on it you got it let’s keep this one up here we are four five four three two one zero excellent keep your hand weights if you’re using them for the next one we’re gonna do an opposite side arm and leg raise so right arm comes up left leg comes up and then we’re gonna alternate left arm comes up right leg comes up ideally we’re bringing that arm up and talked about parallel to the ground keeping a slight bend of the knee of that leg that’s our stabilizing leg the one on the ground make sure you don’t have that leg locked out keeping our balance trying our best not to lean in any one direction but staying upright that’s right and if you can’t bring your leg kick out to the side quite as high do what you can to keep yourself nice and stable and from leaning over like Coach Kozak mentioned and if you need to drop those hand weights feel free to do so and again this one’s gonna work our shoulders our legs adductors abductors glutes oh yeah core abs definitely feel the glutes working here oh yeah I like it feeling that little glue burn it’s always a good thing also working our balance and stability that’s right so very important we always work that as well comes in handy in our day to day life making sure we don’t fall or injure ourselves and if you need to find a focal point on the wall or fluor to help you keep your balance it’s just a good little trick to help you that’s it looking down you mean a lot more likely to fall or you’re looking all over the place instead find that focal point just keep your eyes locked on it you got it keep it up not much left on this one here we are four five four three two one and zero all right holding onto our hand weights for the next one feet are shoulder-width apart let’s get those hands up by your chin and rack position I’m gonna sit back weight back in my hips performing a full squat and I’m actually just gonna go into a quarter squat we’re both going to stand up and twist and punch in the opposite direction hand comes back and back into the next squat you decide how deep you want to go on that squat if you want to get that full depth squat or if you’re feeling more of the quarter squat today or if you’re feeling somewhere in between those two then go ahead and find your sweet spot that’s it making it your own and on that punch we’re twisting with our core not just punching our arm across but actually rotating with our hips and then pulling it back in and on that punch we’re pointing with that thumb and that’ll give us the right torque and twist on that punch pull it right back to the chin after every punch excellent making sure to breathe this one’s gonna work your glutes your hamstrings your quads your abs obliques shoulders triceps again we told you this was an efficient workout a lot of body parts getting hit in this one move and again we’re pretending that we’re trying to sit back into a chair and coming right back up that’s it making sure to keep your feet flat on that squat you don’t want to be coming forward onto your toes feet stay flat and watch those knees breaking at the hips first and then bend the knees don’t bend your knees first cuz that’s when you end up down at the bottom on your toes Pan’s coming back to your chin after every rap keep it up you’re doing great nice work come on let’s go remember and what brought you here today to begin with what is it what are you working on and five four three two one zero all right we only need one hand wait for the next one we’re gonna do a staggered me to elbow crunch so feet are in a staggered or split stance one leg back and that same side arm is gonna be up overhead we’re gonna bring that knee to your elbow return it back up keep a bend in that lead leg that lead knee for balance and if you’re feeling good on this one you can increase the pace or if you want you can go a little bit slower you decide what you need right now for your specific fitness level that’s right and we’re crunching every time we bring that knee into our elbow contracting those abdominal muscles it’s a great standing ab move you notice we’re working those ABS without having to crawl down on the floor excellent we’re gonna split time half in half on each side so let’s switch sides in five four three two one zero opposite side now switch arms up and right back into it good stand under control I want to go as fast as we can but at the same time maintaining proper form back stays straight this one’s working your legs your abs your shoulders your back all working together to make this move happen we should just call this the no muscle left behind workout ooh I like it be a very everything’s getting work yeah very applicable tighter huh keep it up keep moving think about how good you’re gonna feel when this workout is all done and you can cross it off your list right nice and accomplished that’s what it’s all about right there day after day putting in the work so you can see those results it’s not gonna be easy but it will be worth it keep it up here four five four three two one zero all right in this one you can either again next when you either use your two hand weights or drop them totally up to you we’re gonna do a push-pull plus butt kick we’re alternating side to side bringing that heel back and kicking yourself in your own butt keeping those arms parallel to the ground we’re pushing out with their palms and then we’re pulling back from our elbows engaging our back muscles Louie yes we are cuz I can definitely feel it exactly I said up to you whether or not you want to use those hand weights or not for this one that’s a deceiving move doesn’t look like much but it’ll get you fast oh yeah especially after everything else you’ve been working so hard on exactly it’s a very cumulative effect that’s for sure you got it just keep moving here and if you need to set those hand weights down mid set feel free to do so but just keep moving we want to keep that heart rate up excellent work come on let’s go every repetition is getting you that much closer to your goal and doesn’t matter how slow you’re moving you’re still laughing everybody else it’s just sitting on the couch and and not try and thinking about working out that’s it thinking about working out burns zero calories per hour come on let’s go not you you’re putting in the work right here right now let’s go four five four three two one zero excellent alright go ahead and set your hand weights down for the next one we’re gonna start with their feet shoulder-width apart and our arms out straight to our sides I’m gonna perform a twist plus straight leg raise and I’m gonna perform a twist and a knee raise and we are twisting into the knee or the leg that is being raised and the amount that you twist on this is really gonna depend on your fitness and flexibility levels so if you want to do a full twist where you’re almost looking back feel free to do so if you only feel comfortable with like a 45 degree twist then that works as well that’s right he wants you to stay healthy go ahead and keep a bend in the knee of that base leg we don’t want to lock that out moving at a controlled pace if you’re feeling good on this one you can move a little faster but again safety is our number-one priority here on this one that’s right this one’s great not only to get your heart rate up and to work that core shoulders and legs but also to gain some mobility in that thoracic spine which is so very important and again of course we are breathing not holding our breath keep it up stay focused on this one it’s all about concentration if you break that concentration you will fall and you’ll notice we’re not perfect on this one either it’s not about being perfect it’s just about putting that work in getting a little bit better every time you might find that your balance improves as you progress through this movement exactly first few were just a little shaky that’s it as you get used to it and your body gets used to the move let’s keep it up four five four three two one zero excellent so let’s go and pick up those hand weights again for the next one if you are using them we’re gonna do a sumo touchdown Plus reach you’ll feed her a little bit wider than shoulder width apart point out on those toes sit back with the weight in our hips I’m gonna go all the way down and I’m just gonna go about half away to our coach Kozak is going and we’re gonna curl up press reach over head back down and repeat so if you feel comfortable going all the way down and touching the ground we’ll keep in good form and keeping your back straight go ahead and do so but if you just want to go about half away and that’s really what you can do while keep in good form then feel free to do that making sure to keep your back straight on that sumo devil if you want to break and round and bend over like so but instead keeping the head in line with your spine sitting back with your hips feet stay flat don’t come back onto your heels or roll forward onto your toes curl up you get a nice big reach overhead finishing with those biceps by your ears again just be realistic with yourself on just exactly how far you can get down if you’re not quite where you want to be then that just means that you’d have a little bit of work to do and it’s room for improvement right luckily improvement and progress that’s it coming back getting a little bit better it’s so small steps day in and day out they’re gonna get you to your goal not gonna happen overnight hill but if you stay consistent you will get there come on keep it up remember and you’re a fighter not a quitter and not racing with us not competing with us they’re competing with the you from yesterday who couldn’t do it getting a little bit better every single day that’s it come on keep it up everybody you’re doing great get in there that’s it making sure to breathe don’t hold your breath not much left on this one let’s go for five four three two one and zero okay next one is gonna be a seesaw row feed your shoulder with the part that’s bend over on that 45-degree angle our arms are hanging down shoulders are nice and square let’s pull back from the elbow alternating arms so that see sorrow pulling back from the elbows like you had a string attached to the elbows squeezing your back up top every time again keeping your head in line with your spine bent over at that 45 degree angle hinging at those hips like you’re trying to touch your booty to the wall behind you and don’t be surprised if you feel this one in your legs as well and it is by design just keeping that solid basement foundation it is going to engage your legs and your core doing this seesaw row you definitely have to engage that core to stabilize that’s it again another efficient move getting multiple body parts of just this one move whatever you do don’t hold your breath just keep moving you got it let’s go let’s go [Music] many C so Rose can you get coming back getting a little bit better every single time pulling back from those elbows come on you got it you got it fighting through it don’t stop when it hurts stop when you’re done keep it up you’re almost there keep fighting keep pushing remember what brought you here today what are you working towards come on every rep you’re getting that much closer almost there almost there let’s go has fit driver let’s go four five four three two one zero and that is it you made it nice work let those hand weights down we’re moving into a cool-down next and the purpose of the cooldown is to allow our heart rates to come down slowly and at the same time gain some added flexibility so I need you to move on over to a wall or something comparable we’re gonna do a wall angel great one for back and shoulder and chest mobility go and put your head up against that wall shoulders against that wall and entire upper body the best you can now let’s bring those arms up overhead you have a bun in your hair it might be a little hard and now we’re going to pull those elbows and then extend those arms up overhead trying our best to keep our arms flat on the ground I’m sorry flat on the wall while also keeping your upper body flap against the wall this one’s going to test your flexibility and mobility much harder than it looks quite a challenge but it’s a great one to help improve your posture really get you back to that natural upright position also a great one to expose any weaknesses that you may have making sure that breathe not a race on this one just nice and controlled moves the workouts done just time to loosen up those shoulders because they did get a lot of work in today sure did said I’m feeling mine but it’s a good pain that’s how I know it’s working let’s keep it up four five four three two one zero shake those shoulders loose let’s move on to our posterior chain we’re gonna do a one leg hip hinge feet are shoulder width apart that’s going to put one leg out on that heel pull those toes back now bending over only at the hips hinging at those hips keeping our back straight coming down as far as you can while keeping a nice straight line throughout your spine feeling a stretch all down the back side of that one leg that’s it send it out making sure we’re pulling back on those toes that’s going to help us to also stretch out our calves another body part they got some good work in today and it’s just a static stretch we’re just gonna hold here and breathe nice big deep breaths in and out and again you really doesn’t take a lot of range of motion on this one it’s not like bending over and trying to touch your toes our goal is to really just hinge at those hips and keep our back straight four three two one zero stand up and let’s switch opposite side leg now again coming down on that heel pulling back on those toes hips go back as we bend over keeping our back straight trying our best to keep those shoulders retracted head is in line with our spine and not about being perfect just trying our best on this one we’re all in it together a little bit better every time it’s a good time in the workout to take a second here to be proud of what you’ve achieved so far today we all live such busy life going from one task to another all day every day I think it’s important to take a second to say hey you know what I think I’m doing all right I can cross this one off the list and just be proud of yourself for the work that you’ve put in so far today no matter what else the rest of the day brings you this workout is done let’s hold it four three two one zero stand up nice and slow felt nice I did I liked that one okay we’re gonna move on to a standing quad stretch next so this one you can either do on your own or you can grab a wall a chair a couch whatever you have access to I’m gonna go and just hold on to the wall for this one today let’s go and pull one foot back like we’re trying to touch that foot or that peel to your glutes you see Claudia is doing the more advanced version with that opposite side arm up I want you to try to keep that knee down and not pull it out to your side by pulling it out to your side actually limits the amount of stretch that your quad is getting so keeping it down and nice and close to you oh I also test your balance as well they both do even if you’re using the wall or chair don’t kind of test your balance or you can put your arm on to the side if that helps you keep out whatever helps you get there making sure to breathe and just keep pulling that foot back stretching that quadricep and all these static stretches we’re trying to get to about 85 90 percent of what you’re capable of want to get a good stretch but it shouldn’t be really hurting three-two-one zero down nice and slow let’s switch sides now pull it on up and it’s totally common for one side to be tighter than the other definitely really depends on your day-to-day activities that’s the story of my life right one side weaker hurts more than the other you know are always trying to to build up those weaknesses right correct those imbalances exactly yeah just it’s all part of this this fitness game understanding what our own individual strengths and weaknesses are and and working on them again not about being perfect we’re just all trying to get better making sure to breathe nice big deep breaths in and out and five four three two one zero that’s it you made it excellent work work excellent work to you out there excellent work has Fit tribe please support our mission of keeping these great workouts free by donating to our patreon page you can download our app or by picking up Assam has fit gear or my book is stay fit for life and if you enjoyed this workout routine with us today we ask that you please give it a big thumbs up and hit that red subscribe button so that you never miss another brand new workout from Hospit again thank you so much for giving us the pleasure of working out with you today I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout