Beginner Difficulty

You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great. This 12 minute beginner strength training routine is the perfect place to start. HASfit’s weight training beginners and easy workout is great for both men and women. The beginners workout only requires a pair of dumbbells.
Beginner Workouts Instructions: Complete two rounds of each exercise.
Dumbbell Split Squat x 20 seconds each side
Standing Curl + Arnold Press x 45 seconds
RDL + Dumbbell Shrug x 45 seconds
Hip Ups + Dumbbell Chest Press x 45 seconds
High Plank from knees + Dumbbell Row x 45 seconds
Dumbbell Squat x 45 seconds
Bent-over Reverse Dumbbell Fly x 45 seconds
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