Low Impact Difficulty

The a popular phrase, “motion is lotion,” couldn’t be more true. There’s nothing quite like movement to help delay the aging process. You may choose to follow this workout by standing up, sitting down in a chair, or a combination of the two. HASfit’s home exercise for seniors meet you where you’re at and are easily customizable to your specific fitness needs. You may use a pair of light dumbbells or water bottles for extra resistance, but it isn’t required. You’ll also want to make sure you have a chair available to you.
Warm up
Shoulder Box
Dynamic One Leg Hip Hinge
Single Leg March
Home Exercise for Seniors
Split Knee Drive
Seesaw Row
Butt Kick + Arm Crossover
Dumbbell Curl + Low Kick
Chair Squat / Chair Get Up
Side to Side Punches
High Low Rope Pulls
Sumo Squat Pulse / Leg Extension + Pulse
Neutral Press
Skier Swings
High Knee Pulldowns
Run in Place
Cool Down
Seated Bent Over T Rotation
Seated Figure Four
Seated Quad Stretch
Seated Reach to Scarecrow
Seated Wrist Curl Glides