Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

If you’re looking to improve your strength and build lean muscle, but just hate repeating movements then this is the routine for you. This 20 minute strength training at home will deliver a full body workout with no repeats. You’ll need dumbbells and we recommend having a few different weights available so that you can switch it up. You may also want to have a chair, box, or bench available, but it isn’t required. Now let’s get moving!
Warm up
Toe Touch to Scarecrow
Bird Dogs
Hip Opener + Rotation
Strength Training at Home
Kickstand Goblet Squat x 8 each
Staggered One Arm DB Row x 15 each
Side Plank Leg Raise / from Knee x 12 each
Reverse Lunge + Shoulder Press x 8 each leg
Bent Over Reverse Fly x 15
Push Ups / Incline x 15
High Plank Bird Dog / Incline x 5 sec
Deep Iso-Lunge x 30 sec each
Curl + Arnold Press x 15
Cool Down
Side Lying Quad Stretch
Page Turner
Downward Dog to Child’s Pose