Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Get ready to work your full body with this dumbbell workout. We do recommend having multiple dumbbells available so that you may switch up the weight depending on the exercise. This home strength training routine is great for both men and women. Our focus will be on building strength and lean muscle while improving your overall fitness.
Warm up
Deep Squat + Overhead Ext
Multiplanar Lunge
Full Body Dumbbell Workout
A1: Arnold Press x 12
A2: Sumo Deadlift + Power Pull x 10
B1: Wall Curls x 12
B2: Squat + Reverse Lunge x 8
C1: Hip Up + DB Chest Press x 12
C2: Side Plank Elbow to Knee / from Knee x 12 each
D1: DB Reverse Fly x 12
D2: Cossack Squat x 12
Cool Down
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Lying Straight Leg Hamstring Stretch
Floor Angels