Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided
intermediate workout

Warning: You may not be able to walk up the stairs the day after this routine. This home butt and leg workout with weights will give you a gym quality lower body workout right from your living room. For this routine, you’ll need a pair of pair of dumbbells and then either a bench, chair, or couch. If you’re ready, then let’s do it!

Warm Up
Posterior Swing
Bird Dog

30 Min Home Butt and Leg Workout

A1: Pause Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift / No DB 2×12
A2: Dumbbell Stiff Leg DL / RDL 2×12
B1: Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats / No DB 2×8 each leg
B2: Dumbbell Hip Thruster / Hip Thruster 2×12
C1: Clam Raises / Clams x 2×12 each leg
C2: Side Plank Leg Raise / Leg Raise x 2×12 each leg
C4: Side Leg Raise Pulse 2×20 seconds each leg
D1: Dumbbell Frog Pump / No DB 2×30 seconds
D2: Iso One Leg Hip Up / Two Legs 2 x 30 seconds

Cool Down
Downward Dog
Upward Facing Dog
Child’s Pose

what’s up has fit tribe it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a glutes workout to strengthen build and lift that back side this routine requires a pair of dumbbells and the weight that you choose will be completely dependent on your fitness level you will also want to have either a bench chair or even your couch nearby for a couple of the exercises you can follow along with me for the standard moves and you can follow me for some easier modifications if you’re ready to go let’s get started [Music] all right let’s get our bodies warmed up as well as our posterior chain make sure those glutes are firing we’re starting with a posterior swing for our warm-up feeder little wider than shoulder-width apart slight bend in those knees now we’re gonna swing your hands through your legs keeping your back straight hips go back hips come forward squeeze your gluts up at the top so on every repetition we’re pushing those hips back to the wall behind us if your back straight head in line with your spine and then squeeze those gluts up at the top this one’s gonna warm up your hamstrings glutes and lower back as well as helping to increase your overall body temperature and getting your heart rate up a little bit at the same time so again this is a hinge movement you don’t want to turn this into a squat yep so it’s hips back hips forward and repeat now we’re not going to count any repetitions here in the warm-up I just want you to move at a warmup pace there will be plenty of time for work coming up making sure to breathe we’re inhaling on the way down and exhaling on the way up as we squeeze those glutes up at the top and every time we’re trying to push those hips back to that wall behind us feeling that stretch in our back side maintaining that slight bending our knees throughout doing this one for just five four three two one zero excellent all right we’re gonna move to the floor for the next one we’re doing a bird dog so we’re gonna get on all fours this is a great one to get those glutes firing and activated so from all fours let’s start by bringing your right hand to your left knee now at the same time I’m going to bring my right fist up and I’m gonna kick back with my left heel so not bringing that heel up but straight back now return hand down hand a knee and then again we’re pressing and pushing with that heel like we’re trying to kick a hole in the wall behind us we’re not lifting up but instead we’re kicking straight back squeezing those glutes as well as squeezing your upper back as you bring that straight arm up and every rap this one’s all about concentration making sure you’re activating the right muscles to your glutes hamstrings upper back muscles keeping your core tight shoulders nice and straight you don’t want to be rotating at all on this one same with your hips that’s it and again it’s not about trying to bring your heel to the ceiling but instead trying to kick a hole with that heel on the wall behind you we’re not literally but figuratively of course head stays in line with your spine nice and controlled here warming up those glutes as well as your lower back and hamstrings we’re going to switch sides in five four three two one zero excellent ok switching sides now well left hand to right knee and then raise that hand up and kick that right heel back straight again now we’re squeezing those glutes up at the top keep that hand in a nice fist and I’ll help you to engage those upper back muscles at the same time again loosening up and warming up that entire posterior chain on this one definitely feel it right at the top stand focused on keeping that core engaged as well as those shoulders and hips parallel to Cora excuse me parallel to the ground with no rotation nice deep breaths staying under control here yet not a race on this one just warming up good time here to think about what brought you here think about your goals think what what motivates you set the tone for this workout and five four three two one zero relax excellent alright warmups completely shake it loose ready to go I’m warm alright we’re not ready to go out there – we’re getting started with a superset so we’re gonna go back and forth between two exercises first one we’re gonna do is gonna be a sumo pause deadlift now I’m gonna be using dumbbells for this one I’m actually just going to be using my body weight for these pause sumos so you can decide which variation is right for you and throughout today’s routine we’re gonna encourage you to do so so for our sumo deadlifts we’re starting with our feet a little bit wider than shoulder-width we’re gonna point out on those toes our hands are gonna hang straight down and our first move is gonna be to break at the hips hips go back then breaking at your knees we’re gonna come down to our thighs are parallel to the ground pause and then stand back up we’re doing this 12 times let’s get it moving doing it together and three two one begin break at the hips bend the knees a good one 1000 at the bottom and stand back up I think it should a breathe we’re inhaling on the way down and then we’re exhaling on the way up and if you’ve never done this movement before it’s always nice or good to start with no weight just so that you can get familiar with the form and with the exercise itself that’s it making sure to keep your weight back in your heels your feet stay flat don’t allow yourself to like your weight come forward onto your toes keep your back straight head stays in line with your spine and at the bottom I really want you to put that weight in your hips and in your glutes make those glutes work there at the bottom and then drive off your heels through the center of your foot to stand back up making sure to breathe inhaling on the way down and then exhaling on the way up the hardest part of the move you say we’re doing 12 repetitions in total you only have two more keep those knees out don’t allow them to come in and that head stays in line with your spine last one pause and back it up excellent okay for the next move we’re both going to be using our dumbbells I’m gonna go a little bit lighter if you want to use the same weight feel free to do so moving into either a dumbbell stiff leg deadlift or a dumbbell RDL and an RDL is just coming just below the knees and right back up and I’m gonna come all the way down so our feet are shoulder width apart slight bend in those knees we’re gonna let those hips go back first keeping a slight bend in the knees throughout head stays in line with their spine I’m gonna come all the way down I’m just below the knees and then standing back up squeezing glutes up at the top you decide based on your strength and flexibility which variation you feel most comfortable with twelve repetitions in total let’s do it weight back in the hips shoulders stay back nice full range of motion come back up and squeeze those glutes now it’s not a race on this one we do want to focus on time under tension nice controlled movements head stays in line with our spine so we don’t want you to be looking up at the screen as you’re doing this one but instead allow your head to come down and stay in line with the rest of your body try to keep those shoulders retracted and you are gonna feel that stretching your back side on this one give those glutes a nice squeeze up at the top notice how we start with the slight bend in our knees and then that knee angle doesn’t change the rally it’s all hinging in the hips we’re breathing in on the way down and exhaling on the way up three more almost there last two keep it going being on that backside start to work already last one that’s it and zero all right so that’s one of each we’re going back to those pause sumo deadlifts we have one more time around and if you didn’t use weight the first time and you feel like you could increase the difficulty a little bit feel free to do so yeah or the other way around if you lose weight you’re not feeling it this time you can do without however it works for you toes pointed out just a little bit wide stance and let’s begin weight back in those hips drop it down pause and back up that’s it again down pause back up every time sit back and wait and your glutes hold it squeeze them and then come back up that’s it excellent work your back straight and again we’re breathing in on the way down and then exhaling on the way up during that hardest part of the move you know just your weight as needed my claudia said if you’re not feeling the weight on this one and that’s fine come back repeat the workout and every time you’ll get just that much better at it focus on that breathing focus on staying under control focus on that time under tension you want to build muscle and strength can’t let momentum take over but instead we gotta let those muscles do the work focus on that time under tension two more last two right here and squeeze those boobs up with the time yep last one right here and twelve excellent huh you survived that’s it no more of those okay we’re moving back to either the stiff leg deadlift or the RDL again you decide how far you want to come down feet are shoulder-width apart moving right into it here twelve repetitions breaking at the hips and begin feel that stretch in the back side all the way down all the way up and squeeze them up at the top excellent breathing in on the way down and exhaling has you stand back up keep that back straight we don’t want your back around on this one back stays nice and straight as soon as you feel that back start to round that’s probably about as far as you want to go down don’t just keep going down after that point this is your halfway point right here six more every rap we’re pushing those hips back to the wall behind us starting with that slight bend in our knees and maintaining it throughout squeeze them up at the top good good good remember it’s not about how bad you want it it’s about how hard you’re willing to work for it that’s what you’re doing right here two more rep after rep putting in the work you got a heads for tribe here we go last one make it count and zero excellent alright let’s start our next superset as you can see we have our bench ready to go for this next one but you could also use a couch a chair and ottoman anything that you have available at your disposal we’re gonna get started with a Bulgarian split squat I’m gonna use dumbbells for this one and I’m going to be showing you the body weight variation again you decide which is appropriate for you reach gonna put one leg up on the bench and now I’m gonna put my front foot on the bench and Chloe’s gonna use her ball of the foot you decide which one you prefer there’s really no preference on our end okay so we’re gonna get that front foot out now far on this to make sure that we’re hitting those glutes we’re gonna drop that back knee straight down into that front legs at a 90 degree angle and then your standing back up you decide if you want to use dumbbells or not we’re gonna do eight repetitions on each side let’s get it going and begin breathing in on the way down breathing out on the way up keeping that front foot nice and flat dividing your weight evenly on that foot stand all the way up and again squeezing those glutes up at the top breathing in on the way down out on the way up for a total of eight repetitions keeping good posture two more on this leg ya know gonna do the other side one more right here excellent okay switch it up opposite side now try to get that opposite foot the same distance so you’re equal on both sides and three two one begin straight down keeping your balance as well and if you’re having trouble keeping your balance find a focal point for your eyes something to look at you can keep your eyes on it’ll help you stay balanced and nice and controlled on this one halfway not a race all about that time under tension yes it’d be easier to just fly through them but we’re all about effectiveness not ease excellent almost there last one and break alright so I’m gonna use one dumbbell for this next one shake the legs out and again I’m sticking with the body weight and so we’re gonna use our bench chair couch whatever you have we’re gonna do a hip thrust so we’re gonna set up with their upper back on the bench on the chair with our feet nice and close to our glutes so you’re basically just going to have your shoulder blades hinging and locking on your couch or your bench with your chin tucked forward we’re gonna drop your hips straight down and then bring those hips up driving off your heels squeezing your glutes up at the top and repeat notice I have but extra resistance have placed the dumbbell on my waist and if this is your first time doing it do it without any weight whatsoever we’re doing 12 repetitions let’s get it going and begin one two nice full range of motion under control on this one squeezing your glutes right at the top a lot of times it helps if you kind of bring your toes up kind of help you to emphasize those glutes if you’re feeling it in your quads make sure you’re driving off those heels and like Claudia said squeeze those glutes up at the top making sure to breathe halfway point inhaling on the way down exhaling on the way up getting a nice controlled squeeze up at the top keeping that chin tucked don’t let that head go back as you come up but instead keep your chin tucked head forward throughout the whole movie and you have two more we’re almost through it come on fighting through that burn or burning right there with you last one nice excellent okay so one down of each of those one more to go going to times through shake those legs out shake them shake them loose not wait add some weight whatever you have to do to get through this next set adjust as needed we’re moving right back into those Bulgarian split squat I think I’m actually gonna have my foot down and not flex so again it’s just a preference whatever feels most comfortable for you all right get that back foot up good posture drop that back knee straight down and begin good for a total of eight repetitions keep it balanced find a focal point for those eyes something to look at so you’re not wobbly don’t be moving your head all over the place even me just looking at the camera can throw off my balance on this one good nice full range of motion two more on this side don’t give a little half ones but all the way up all the way down last one [Music] excellent okay let’s burn shakin I’m loose let’s move right into it making sure you got that next foot equal distance good posture and let’s begin eight repetitions in total last eight of these this is a tough move but you are tougher learning to love that burn realizing you’re tougher than that burn you’re in control halfway point you got to make the mind run the body not the other way around that’s what you’re learning to do right here excellent squeeze those glutes up at the top last one almost there nice okay who burns so good alright let’s keep this pace up come on you’re no booty burnin moving into those hip thrusts I’m using my dumbbell setting it up on my waist okay and hinging your shoulder blades on your bench or your chair Jen is talking feet are nice and close to your glutes don’t have your feet too far in front of you Hulu and drop those hips and raise them yeah that’s one excellent last 12 right here make them count has fit try again keeping your gaze forward your chin tucked come on all the way up all the way down all the way up need a nice full range of motion on this one again 12 repetitions in total you got this come on let’s go halfway if you’re starting to feel your quads getting involved pull those toes up and drive off your heels it’ll make sure that those glutes are the ones doing the work excellent come on you got it nothing can stop you right here three more last three repetitions you got this don’t give up come on squeeze them up at the top breathing in on the way down that’s one out on the way up and 12 excellent alright next up we’re attacking those glutes with the triceps so that means we have three exercises two rounds of peace mat back-to-back on the floor we go getting started with a couple of clam variations were lying down on our sides we’re gonna put our feet together knees together bent at a 90 degree angle and our feet are in line with our hips I’m gonna come up on my forearm and I’m actually gonna lie down now at the same time I’m gonna open my hips and bring my hips up off the ground squeezing my glutes and return and I’m actually just doing the clam side lying leg raise as you see here opening and closing you decide which variation is right for you 12 repetitions in total let’s get it moving either way we’re squeezing those glutes on every repetition getting a full range of motion opening the legs all the way up and then closing them in between I like to leave my hand on my hips here just to ensure that I’m not rotating my hips back that’s a no-no you want to keep your hips nice and in a straight line making sure to breathe inhaling as a lace clothes exhaling as we’re opening them up and performing my if you are performing my variation coming up onto that opposite side inside leg and squeezing both glutes and one more full range of motion and swell good okay so from this same position now I’m gonna come up into a side plank wrap I’m on one knee my opposite leg is straight and I’m actually gonna stay here in this exact same position now we’re gonna perform a side lying leg grace you decide which variation is right for you leg all the way up all the way down for 12 reps let’s get it going and one full range of motion to throw up in this side plank variation that’s gonna hurt this base leg just as much if not more is the leg that’s moving that is on purpose and that’s your halfway point full range of motion all the way up all the way down fighting through that burn let’s go come on has four try it that’s ten two more we’re yeah right here 11 last one 12 good now I’m gonna get down to that same position that claudia is in and we’re both can perform the same move a pulse but we’re just gonna make small little moves here for 20 seconds leg stays straight we’ll pull them back on those toes keeping a knife-edge with the foot and it’s 20 seconds what a one to two-inch move here gonna be a burner ooh glutes are on fire that’s alright that’s how we know it’s working right through that burn fighting through it everyone let’s go come on what do you got what do you got four five four three two one zero all right so we’re flipping over now we look at the same sequence on the opposite leg all right so we’re getting started with those clams so again I’m gonna be forearm and again I’m down here knees are bent feet are together let’s get up going right into it here open them up close them and again I’m popping that hip up we have 12 repetitions the head in line with your spine nice defined moves here controlling both ends of the move that’s halfway good not flying through not using momentum also controlling the end of the mover you’re closing the legs not just the end were you lifting that 11 you have one more and 12 good okay now I’m coming up on to that forearm onto that side plank and right into the side leg raises for 12 repetitions pull those toes back make a knife-edge with the foot head stays in line with your spine full range of motion here that’s six come on let’s go burn them out burn them out that burn is how we know it’s working nine ten two more and last one twelve good okay I’m matching Claudia now on my side and 20 seconds of pulses let’s go in a burn come on but you’ve done it before remember you got to be tougher than that right it’s all on your head now it’s all in your head fly in through now I’ve been physical anymore it’s all mental you’re in charge gotta make the mind run the body not the other way around four five four three two one zero all right believe it or not that’s one time through that means we’re gonna do it one more time come on now has her job you guys let’s go no down time come on let’s go opposite side now how bad do you want those how they do you want that booty right here come on get it working up on my forearm feet are together and let’s go come on you got to work for it right here if you want what others don’t have you got to be willing to do what others aren’t willing to do that’s what we’re doing right here putting in the reps putting it in the work you got this come on fighting through and that’s nine rat by rat ten two more there it is 11 and last one okay I’m up on my forearm either way we’re doing our leg raises you decide if you want to be up or down but let’s do them together come on Oh whole range of motion we’re right there with you feeling every repetition you’re not alone has Fitz ride we understand if you want change to happen takes being challenged yeah that’s what you’re doing right here 10 11 last one ah excellent okay let’s move into those pulses come on that’s it 20 seconds begin short little pulses let’s go keep that leg up don’t quit don’t give up don’t hit that pause button there’s no quit in you let’s see her right here remember to breathe through this movement that’s your breath no do not hold your breath come on let’s see it prove to yourself how tough you are right here four five four three two one zero all right clipping over we’re almost through this try set I promise you come on let’s go keep it moving no downtime feed her together and open those legs up let’s do it one two full range of motion three good come on keep it up let’s go it’s all mental all mental halfway those who believe they can and those who believe they can’t are both right which one are you right here come on let’s make it count ten two more come on that’s it just two more just one more excellent all right okay here we go raises and begin full range of motion all the way up all the way down you got it your buns are telling you they don’t have any more left but they’re lying to you you gotta run the show come on eight nine ten two more eleven last one excellent okay we’re down for some pulses let’s get it going finish strong right here here we go and begin 20 seconds that’s it you got this you got this come on nothing can stop you come on right here push it through a pushing through it go to your happy place wherever the head is think about your goals think about how good you’re gonna feel when this workout is done and you push through it for five four three two one zero Oh excellent job all right we have one last superset remaining two exercises – that’s it two rounds of each of them getting started with that frog pump I’m gonna use a dip one dumbbell for this one and I’m gonna show you again the bodyweight version and you decide what’s right for you we’re lying down on our back with our knees open our feet are together we’re gonna tuck our chin in the same fashion that we did on those hip thrusts forward the upper arm is flat on the ground I’m gonna place this weight on my stomach my lower abs here now we’re gonna drive those feet into the ground squeeze our glutes up at the top and return the repeating that move for 30 seconds as many as you can get let’s get it moving begin breathe one frog pump right into the next keep those legs open driving off your feet and squeeze those glutes on every repetition you want to make sure that your heels are as close to your bum as you can get them making sure to breathe throughout do now hold your breath keep in mind like Claudia said keep those feet close to you if you need to readjust feel free to do so full range of motion all the way down and a clump all of the way just pump it out that’s it just pump it up let’s go last ten seconds how many can you give right here come on crank them out burn those glutes out four five four three two one zero excellent okay stand down on the floor for the next one we’re gonna move into an ISO hip up on this one you can decide whether or not you want to do one leg or two legs now we’re driving off the heels squeezing your glutes and we’re just gonna hold I’m gonna do one leg at a time and I’m gonna do both legs down on the ground and we’re holding for 30 seconds or 15 seconds per leg you decide which variation is ready for you either way keep that foot nice and close to your gluts driving off your heel whoa after those frog pumps yeah that’s it you should really be able to feel it it’s a killer combination well I mean after everything else that’s true it’s been a heck of a workout you’re doing one leg switch blue new legs just stay up hang tough that’s it literally hang tough hey tough right here pushing yourself because nobody else can or will do it for you right here right now let’s do it come on you got it squeeze those glutes nice straight flat back just keep the glutes squeeze that’s it four five four three two one zero no downtime right back into those frogs right back your nose for frog pumps if you using your weight grab it otherwise let’s begin pump it out pump it out last set of these you’re nearing the end right here think about how far you’ve come think about how good you’re gonna feel when this workouts all over with and you can cross it off of your list for the day no matter what the rest of the day brings you know you got your workout in you know you push yourself and you can check this puppy off your list that’s right let’s go burn them out let’s go ask your tribe we’re yeah chin tucked into your chest driving those elbows into the ground and pumping last 10 seconds we’re yeah yeah yeah keep those feet nice and close to you don’t let them come out come on come on come on that’s it let’s see it four five four three two one zero no downtime burns that I so hip up yeah come on let’s go up on one leg or two you decide either way this is it go to that happy place this is it right here nobody said it’d be easy but it will be worth it we’re not stopping when it hurts we’re stopping when we’re done come on let’s go hold it hold it you gotta go to that happy place hold it and breathe almost there almost there if you’re doing one leg you can switch two legs stay up stay in your focus zone that’s it we’re so close right here come on finish strong all the way to the end spring to that finish line almost there almost there let’s go up last five four three two one zero and come on down nice and slowly oh you made it we learned fire but you made it nice job all right you don’t have to go too far we’re gonna move into a into a cool-down we’re gonna stay on the floor for the cooldown and the purpose of the cooldown is to allow excuse me to low our heart rates to come down slowly and get some mobility work in at the same time yes so let’s turn over new some yoga inspired moves here we’re gonna start with a downward facing dog so we’re gonna come up onto all fours and then come on up into a high plank position on your feet and slowly walk those feet forward relaxing at your shoulders pulling your hips back like somebody just grabbed your hips and they’re pulling them back behind you nice big relax deep breaths here you can either keep both legs straight or you like Claudia’s doing you can walk your legs out kind of isolate right and left legs you decide which one you feel most comfortable with pull those hips back nice big deep breaths here relaxing at the shoulders as well just loosening up that entire posterior chain all down your backside got a lot of work today indeed it did all right now we’re gonna come down into an upward facing dog drive those hips to the floor squeeze your gluts head chin chest up to the ceiling squeeze those glutes as you stretch your anterior muscles chest abs hip flexors squeeze your gluts while you right here if this – if this is too much for you right now you can come down onto your feet onto your legs you decide what’s most appropriate for you anyway I want you squeezing your glutes while you’re here more nice big deep breaths for five four three two one zero down onto your knees we’re gonna sit back into a child’s pose sitting down onto your feet arms are extended in front of you nice and straight relax those shoulders again pulling those hips back nice big deep controlled breaths here just taking a second to be proud of what you’ve achieved so far today breathe for five four three two one zero come on up nice and slowly and that is it you made it Claudia nice work you made it boom nice work – you guys you can stay on the ground if you want you can hang out on the ground if you’d like we gotta get up thank you so much for working out with today please support our mission of keeping these great workouts free by checking out our has fit app it’s available for both Android and iOS you can also visit our store pick up some gear like a has fit shirt or my book stay fit for life and if you did like this workout with us today which we know you did please be sure to give it a big thumbs up and hit that red subscribe button so that you never miss another brand new workout from has fit make sure to tag your selfies out there with hashtag has fit and will throw on the light thank you so much for working out with us today I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout