Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Looking to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time? You’ve come to the right place. Use this weight training for weight loss and strength to accomplish your goals right from home. You’ll need dumbbells and we recommend having a few pairs available so that you can switch up the resistance as needed. There are no repeats in this workout, so it’s great for those who get bored easily. If you’re ready, then let’s get moving!
Warm up
Good Morning Squat
Half Kneeling Rotations + Reach
Shoulder Butterflies
Weight Training for Weight Loss and Strength
Front Rack Side Lunge x 12 each
Underhand Chest Press x 12
High Plank Opposite Leg & Arm Raise / Arm Raise x 45 sec
Deadstop Row x 10 each
Deep Lunge + Calf Raise x 12 each
Chair Dips / Knees Bent x 15
High Plank DB T-Rotation x 45 sec
Seated Monkey Curls x 15
One Arm Kickstand Squat / from Rack x 10 each
Half Kneeling Neutral Press x 12 each
Half Kneeling Single Arm Row x 12 each
Clams / Modified x 15 each
Hollow Body Rockers / Knees Bent x 45 sec
Cool Down
Chest Opener
Downward Dog
Child’s Pose