Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Today’s strength training workout does require dumbbells and we recommend having several weights available, so you can switch up the resistance as needed. This is a full body workout, so we’ll be hitting every muscle group from head to toe. You’ll have an opportunity to use a bench, but it isn’t required. You may follow Coach Kozak for the standard moves and Claudia will provide some easier modifications. Now let’s get started!
Warm up
Downward Dog + Multiplanar Lunge
Deep Lunge
Side Leg Swings
Full Body Workout
A1: DB Thruster x 10
A2: DB Reverse Fly x 12
B1: DB Reverse Lunge with Pause x 16
B2: DB Chest Press with Twist from Bench / Floor x 10
C1: DB Reverse Row x 10
C2: Planche Hold / Modified x 45 seconds
D1: DB Drag Curl x 12
D2: DB RDL + Shrug x 10
D3. Side Plank + Rotation / from Knees x 30 sec each
Cool Down
Piriformis Stretch
Straight Leg Hamstring Stretch
Child’s Pose