Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner Modifications provided
intermediate workout

Are you looking for a strength workout workout that’s easy on your joints? Adding resistance bands to your routine can be a great way to spark new improvements and results. Try this full body resistance band workout using just one long band, handles optional, to gain strength and lean muscle.

We’re using the Bodylastics Resistance Bands, but you can use any long resistance band.

Warm Up
Upright External Rotation
Butt Kick + Chest Press

35 Min Full Body Resistance Band Workout

Skydiver Row + Ext / No Ext
Bulgarian Split Squat / Reverse Lunge
Iso Reverse Curl + Shoulder Press Combo
Seated Bent Over Row
Front Squat
45 Degree Incline Curl / Feet Down
Kickstand DL
Hollow Body Y Raise / Feet Down
Low Band Fly
Iso Squat with Side Taps / ΒΌ Squat
Horizontal Tricep Ext + Knee Raise
Hollow Body Pullovers / Knees Bent

Cool Down
One Leg Hip Hinge
Standing Quad Stretch
Bent Arm Wall Chest Stretch
Reach Stretch

[Music] what’s up has four tribe it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a total body resistance band workout for this routine you’ll need one long resistance band with a couple of handles and you’ll also want to have either a bench box or a chair handy for a couple of the exercises you can follow along with me for the standard moves and you can follow me for some easier modifications if you’re ready to go let’s get started [Music] [Music] all right we’re gonna get started with a warm-up and the purpose of our warm-up today is to increase our overall body temperature and get our heart rate up a little bit at the same time so let’s go ahead and start with an upright external rotation we have our band ready to go let’s grab it about shoulder width apart we’re gonna pull that band apart now let’s pull those elbows back – they’re at a 90 degree angle and we’re gonna rotate those hands back while keeping that tension on the band’s this is a great one to warm up those shoulders they are gonna get a good amount of work in today also great for your rotator cuff strength as well so that’s a nice little added bonus keeping good posture shoulders stay back and we’re just bringing those arms till they’re about parallel to the ground and then pulling back on those hands now throughout today’s routine depending on the resistance level of your band the length of your band you may have to adjust it in a way that works for you I’ll try to give you as many different variations as possible so you can do that and doing this one for just five four three two one zero my shoulders feeling warm already oh yeah okay so we’re moving into a good morning next great move for your posterior chain let’s go ahead and grab those handles and we’re gonna step on the band about feet shoulder width apart we’re going to bring your hands up palms up elbows tucked in to your side now we’re gonna keep those arms alot slight bend in your knee we’re gonna drive your hips back behind you as you hinge at the hips feel that stretch in your back side and then stand up straight squeeze your glutes at the top so this one’s gonna warm up and stretch your hamstrings glutes and lower back we want you to keep that head in line with your spine on this one so we don’t want you looking up at the screen as you’re bending over but again that head travels down with you and don’t turn this one into a squat but instead maintain that same slight knee bend throughout the move we are going to warm up those arms as well on this one just holding the band in this static isometric position making sure to breathe every time driving those hips back like you’re trying to touch your glutes to the wall behind you actually it’s all in the hips on this move that’s it all in that hip hinge feel that stretch in that back side don’t let your weight travel forward onto your toes but instead be driving off those heels almost done with this one let’s go five four three two one zero all right our backsides all warmed up we can actually go ahead and set the band down for this last warm-up move a little combo move here we’re gonna do a chest press plus butt kick so we’re stepping in side to side bringing that heel back to your glutes and at the same time we’re pressing forward and engaging those chest shoulder and tricep muscles getting your heart rate up a little bit on this one too yeah that’s it getting ready for this work we’re getting ready to put in that’s right and again this is just the warm-up so make sure you’re moving at a warm-up pace whatever your warmup pace looks like I ask that you get plenty of route plenty of time coming up for the work I’ll be a portion of the workout making sure to breathe here kicking back it’s also warming up your quadriceps hamstrings whole lower body on this one a nice consistent breathing as we go side to side keeping it low impact on this one good use this quick opportunity here to remind yourself why you hit that play button today what is it that you’re working towards stay focused on that goal so you focused on that why because that’s gonna be the driver that’s gonna get you through to the end of this video keeping it up here last ten seconds and five four three two one and zero shake it out ready to get this thing started ready Claudia I’m ready let’s do it let’s do it we are gonna need our band so grab that band and we’re gonna hit the floor we’re going down into a prone position which is on our front sides go ahead and lie down we’re into a lot of combination moves today and this is one of them we’re gonna do a skydiver row and I’m gonna do mine with an extension so let’s go ahead and start in that prone position arms are out in front of you grab that band with your hands shoulder-width apart now we’re gonna pull that band apart maintain that same tension now I’m gonna pull back on my elbows at the same time bring my chest up and my legs up and then extend back and you notice from my variation I am NOT doing the extension so I’m not lifting my legs you decide which variation is appropriate for you my variation is gonna get a little more lower back and glute involvement where Claudia’s gonna be primarily her upper back totally either way pulling back on those elbows squeezing those shoulder blades making sure to breathe yep Jack’s on this one doesn’t look like much man will it catch up to you oh I feel it I feel it too already and we’re not gonna count any reps today so we just want you to move at the pace that you feel comfortable with getting as much work in as you can and that a lot of time period excellent coming up every time squeezing that back pulling back on those elbows like you have a string attached to one if you feel more comfortable keeping those feet on the ground feel free to do so just maintaining their constant tension on the band four five four three two one zero Oh excellent wait first okay so we are gonna move on to a lower body move max I’m gonna use my bench for this but if you have a chair feel free to do so I’m gonna I’m gonna do a Bulgarian split squat variation and I’m gonna actually just do a reverse lunge so either way we’re gonna put that band underneath your lead leg one leg then we’re gonna bring those handles up and do a rack position I’m gonna put my back leg up on my bench and I’m gonna drop my back knee straight down and come back up and I’m stepping into a reverse lunge you decide which variation is appropriate for you mine is a little more challenging but neither one are necessarily easy definitely not especially depending on the level of resistance that you’re using that’s it and if you want to make it harder feel free to do so by wrapping that band around your foot a couple times or choosing a heavier resistance band we’re gonna go half and half on each side I want you to drop down until that lead knee the lead leg is at about a ninety degree angle trying to sit back we don’t want that front knee too far over your foot I don’t want to maintain good posture up here at top so head up chest up dropping that back knee dip back behind you breathing in on the way down breathing out on the way up not a compound move here working your hamstrings glutes quadriceps even your upper body just to hold and support the bands right excellent again breathing in on the way down out on the way up which is a lot easier for you all because you’re not talking right now very true we’re gonna switch sides in five four three two one zero okay take a second here to switch your setup switch that foot that you have the band under and right back into it nice and secure it under your foot now if you are doing the Bulgarian split squat variation with that back leg you can either have the bench or chair on the front of your foot or you can come up onto your toes there’s no right or wrong way it’s really about which one you feel most comfortable doing again breathing in on the way down breathing out on the way up excellent for good workouts like today if you only have one resistance band that’s okay but sometimes it’s nice to have a couple of different bands you can switch up your resistance level breathing then on the way down out on the way up fighting through that burn or feeling it to just keep moving you got it right here pushing yourself because nobody else can or will do it for you that’s right almost there let’s go last ten seconds everyone let’s go has four tribe right there with you burning it out burn it out four five four three two one zero excellent if you’re using a chair or a bench and move that off to the side here as we move into the next one upper body move next so let’s head with our feet shoulder width apart go and step on that band one arm is gonna be doing an isometric reverse curl so we’re gonna keep that elbow and palm down and you’re just gonna hold opposite side arm is gonna be performing a shoulder press straight up overhead yeah one arm is working the forearm and the bicep other arms working the press your shoulder tricep and you guess it will switch halfway through excellent get my heart rate up already who says you have to jump around your heart rate up totally it’s all about these total body moves here working multiple muscle groups at the same time full range of motion on that press all the way up all the way down excellent keep that opposite arm tucked in working that bicep in that forearm let’s go ten more seconds and we’ll switch sides burning it out right there with you come on try it we got it let’s go five four three two one switching sides opposite arm tucked in other one press and straight up right into it no down time working that upper body let’s go come on reminding yourself what brought you here today what is it what are you fighting for trying to gain muscle lose fat just get better at life whatever it is staying focused on it if you need to take a minute feel free to do so or if you need to lighten your load yeah you can do that as well another way to lighten your load is to only have one foot on the band it’ll be just a little bit lighter you learn all these little tricks to get through these resistance band bands are so easy to manipulate to your strength level yes even if you only have one almost there come on keep it up everybody my shoulder is on fire that’s alright cuz we got five four three two one zero huh shake it loose burn so good okay we are gonna need your chair bench for both modifications on this one mm-hmm and move into a seated bent over row so let’s go ahead and take that band give you a couple different angles here so we’re gonna place both feet on the band and on this one depending on the length of your band you may want to either wrap it around you fall your feet on extra-time or just go ahead and choke up yeah and not grab the handles I’m just gonna grab my bands and set up the handles that’s what I’m gonna do as well so now we’re gonna bend over at a 45 degree angle keeping your back straight we’re gonna pull back on your elbows keeping good posture nice and under control all the way up all the way down we’re exhaling as we bring the bands up and squeeze our shoulder blades it’s a time that breathing and again anytime we’re doing any type of row you want to pretend like you have a string attached to those elbows and somebody’s pulling back on that string keep under control not only on the way up but on the way down as well don’t just allow those arms to flap back down up at the top we’re squeezing our last biceps both working keeping good posture shoulders C Square and back and if you need to adjust your grip make it harder or easier feel free to do so we’re switch up your band if you have access to multiple bands just keep moving one rapper right into the next year excellent you got it you got it keep pushing through fighting through that burn excellent pulling back on those elbows breathing in as those hands come down and breathing out on the hardest part of the move which is pulling back let’s keep this one up for the last ten seconds that’s it almost there staying under control keep rolling keep rolling you’ve got this try four five four three two one zero excellent job all right you can move your bench chair whatever you using out of the way we’re done with it for the day we’re gonna give your upper body a break moving on to a lower body move next with your feet shoulder-width apart we’re gonna move into a front squat putting those hands up in Toorak position which is hands by your chin and then with your weight back in your hips break at the hips then the knees squat down until the hosts thighs are parallel to the floor and back up that’s it that’s the old move right there and begin every time sitting back like you’re trying to sit back into a chair that way in your hips keep it evenly distributed on your feet you don’t want to be coming forward onto your toes and one of the great things about a front squat and having the weight here in front is it really puts a little extra emphasis on your quadriceps so it’s still gonna work your hamstrings as well as your glutes but we are hitting those quads as well keeping your knees out don’t allow them to fold in good posture back stays straight squeeze those gluts up at the top controlling the way down and controlling the way up inhale down exhale as you come up to the movement that’s it exhaling on that hardest part of the move which is standing back up get that breathing in order if you need to make this one easier then you can go ahead and drop your hands down to your side if you need to make it harder you can wrap that band around your feet one extra time whew or even switch up your weight yep do what you got to do to get through this workout and just keep moving don’t hit that pause button don’t give up just keep grinding here with us has they tried focus on what brought you here today to begin with what is it what are you working on stay focused on it that’s it come on almost there moving through moving through remember those who think they can and those who think they can’t are both right which one are you come on let’s go right there with you try let’s go last 10 seconds almost there almost there how many can you get nice and under control on the way down on the way up and three two one zero excellent okay we’re gonna give her legs a little bit of a break moving to the floor okay upper body move next we’re gonna do a 45 degree curl so go ahead and take that band and put it behind your feet making sure you have that band in the center of your feet I’m actually gonna wrap my band around my foot just once and you can decide on this one which variation you’re gonna do I’m actually gonna bring my feet up and lean back and I’m gonna leave my feet down on the ground as she leans back correct at a 45 degree angle either way by leaning back on a 45 we’re engaging our ABS at the same time so we don’t want to sit straight up but instead back on that 45 get a full extension curl palms are up if you bring your feet up it forces you to work those ABS just that much more again you decide which variation is appropriate for you exhale on the curl up and inhale on the way down keeping those shoulders back again palms are up control both ends of the curl so not just curling and then allowing your arms a flat back but again control that dissent that eccentric a negative portion of the move keeping that 45 degree angle going it’s gonna keep those abs engaged we’re getting a lot of work in in a short period of time today because we’re doing all of these compound moves keep it up tribe you got it our arms are starting to burn too my biceps are screaming feel burns so good burns no good fighting through it everybody come on you’re a fighter not a quitter prove it to yourself let’s see it let’s go last ten seconds on this one that’s it come on almost there almost there finishing strong in five four three two one zero Oh biceps are filled alright let’s come on up to our feet we’re gonna move into a kick stand deadlift so we’re gonna do one leg at a time it’s going to start with your left leg put that band under your left foot and you can either double up on your band choke up on it or you can wrap it around your foot a couple times and now with your feet shoulder-width apart take that back foot and come up on the ball of your foot bring that back foot just about one foot length back we want to have all of your weight in it lead leg now with your back straight hips go back feel that stretch hips come forward again if you want to make it harder go ahead and wrap that band around your foot a couple of times like so and then I’ll give you a little extra tension what we’re doing that same basic movement pattern that we did in the beginning with that good morning that’s right just a slight bend in that lead leg and then drive those hips back working your hamstrings glutes and lower back so again not turning this one into a squat but an actual hinging pattern yep and we’re trying to make that lead leg do all the work so we’re just using that back leg for balance but we’re not using it to really do any of the hinging nice controlled on the way down and the way up head stays in line with your spine shoulders are nice and retracted get that hamstring glute lower back all working together excellent keeping balance and we’re breathing in on the way down out on the way up do equal time on each legs switching sides here in five four three two one zero okay let’s go ahead and emulate that same set up whatever setup you went with for your opposite side leg again so that means I’m choking up and doing a wrap around my foot here back leg got that kickstand set up and we’re right back into it again just a slight bend in that lead leg dry those hips back feel that stretch and then stand up squeezing your glutes up at the top probably one of my most favorite unilateral moves and we love these unilateral moves which is a movie that forces one side to work independent of the other and it really helps you to even out any imbalances also helps you to put extra weight and resistance on one leg because you don’t have both legs working together so that one leg or arm is forced to do all the work on its own so if you end up feeling one leg working harder than the other then you know you might have a little bit of an imbalance and like coach Kozak said that’s normal and this is a way to help correct those imbalances yeah just imbalances happen from just so many different factors in our day to day life right doing same patterns over and over again over years so these types of exercises help us to equalize even out both sides mm-hmm feeling it we’re feeling it with you everybody not much left on this one keep grinding them out right here working those hamstrings working that glute almost there let’s go five four three two one and zero excellent all right moving to the floor for the next one we’re gonna do a lying Y race go ahead and lie down on your back we’re gonna position that band behind your feet once again we’re gonna lie back down on our backs their hands and palms facing down now I’m gonna do this one from a hollow body position so I’m gonna bring my chin up like my lower back onto the floor and bring my feet up off the floor and I’m actually just gonna be flat on the ground you decide which position is right for you now we’re gonna start the Y raise so we’re gonna pull those bands back and do a Y formation so that means they’re coming out to our sides not just straight up overhead but also out to the side at the same time full range of motion nice and under control bring those hands all the way back till they’re in line with your feet and then pulling them back again staying under control for both ends of this move so not just straight out or straight back but instead like we’re doing a trying to create a why formation with our arm and you are gonna exhale as you were bringing the band’s overhead and inhale on the way back down you’re doing my variation you’re keeping that lower back glued to the floor head is H and chin are tucked up engaging those ABS throughout nice and controlled on this one making sure to breathe going at your own pace there’s a tough one if you need to make a little easier you can actually go ahead and bend those knees and it will decrease the resistance a little bit you decide which variations gonna be appropriate for you but getting full range of motion only 10 more seconds on this one almost there so working your upper back your rear deltoids four five four three two one and zero whoo that was a tough good movement all right or back up onto our feet we’re gonna move into a low band to fly so work on our chest on this one doesn’t matter which foot you have back we’re gonna get to a staggered stance trap that band underneath that back leg while palms are going to be up we’re gonna bring those hands out to our side just a little bit and now we’re gonna bring those hands up into a low fly one rep right into the next getting a little bit better with every repetition just squeezing that chest right at the top heavy repetitions getting us just that much closer to our goals nice and controlled on the way up and on the way down remembering to exhale on the way up inhale as you bring your arms back down to your side keeping a slight bend in those elbows but not turning it into a curl make sure that we’re just moving with our shoulder joint in our chest making that chest do the work not letting those biceps to take over it’s a tough one it’s hurting us too right there with your house we tried just getting a little bit better together every workout getting a little bit stronger doing what we can right here I’m sure I will see my face oh yeah and a couple of pictures that you all opposed to social media so that have nice and beautiful facial currents and expressions and grimaces last ten seconds come on tribe what do we got nobody said it’d be easy we said it’d be worth it that’s right four five four three two one zero tougher and tougher ease that last one out it’ll be worth it though all right moving to a lower body move next so we’re gonna do a I so squat plus side tap we only need that foot under one foot so let’s start with our left foot bring those hands up into a rack position by our chin and now I’m gonna get into a full ISO squat with my knees at about a ninety degree angle and I am at a quarter squat here now we’re both gonna do the same move which is sidestep side tab that’s outside staying low you decide how low you want to get and just holding and maintaining this isometric position this one’s gonna burn but it’s also gonna work I am definitely feeling the glute burn even in this quarter squat so if you’re not comfortable with getting all the way down to the ISO squad or you’re still working on your squad form just come down make sure you’re breaking at the hips stopping at the quarter mark and tapping out to the side and just keep moving you got it you got it I’m gonna switch it up here halfway through in ten nine eight seven six five four three two one oh that one burns all right switch it up opposite side now let’s burn out that other leg you got a tribe ready set into position and go breaking at the hips that’s it come on like you’re trying to sit back into a chair and just hold except you’re supporting yourself and doing a toe tap if working out were easy everybody be fit everybody be in great shape but we all know that it is hard work that’s it that’s what makes you so special day in and day out we’re showing up keep putting in the work right here every repetition whoa you’re just getting that much closer almost there almost there come on try grind it out with us or burn it together thousands maybe millions at home feeling that same pain for five four three two one zero shake it out okay did you think this I’m good use your legs back underneath you keep smiling alright another combo move here we’re gonna do a horizontal tricep extension plus a knee raise this one’s kind of interesting so let’s get to ask hands shoulder-width apart on that band and let’s straighten out your left arm to your side now pull back on your right elbow the elbow bend at a 90 now at the same time we’re gonna extend that right arm and bring up the opposite side need little combo move here working your triceps as well as your abs and your balance and your brain and your brain all working together so your bands in line with your chest here and you’re just hinging at your elbow yep extending at that elbow forcing that tricep to do all of the work and as you yes it will split it up do half and half on each side if you need to lighten the resistance then just slide your right hand down the band a little bit help make it a little easier or if you need to eliminate that knee raise feel free to do so as well we’re gonna switch sides and five four three two one so now that right arm extend that right arm straight bring the left elbow back now extend your left arm bring that right knee up shoulders stay square as stay tight full range of motion extending that arm all the way squeezing that tricep back of your arm on every rep try your best to control that knee as it comes up and as you lower it full range of motion here making sure to breathe again this one doesn’t look like much but there’s a lot going on and after the rest of the workout we’ve done so true also working your brain stability and balance all at the same time here you got it yes it’s called an extra-credit right yeah that’s it nothing wrong with that a little extra work in here not much left let’s go last ten seconds on this one try over almost there here we go four five four three two one zero boom all done with that one shake those arms and shoulders loose let’s go ahead and move to the floor for the next one now what we’re gonna take off our handles real quick just so they’re not flopping around on this but feel free to leave yours on if you’d like to lying down flat on our backs we’re gonna do a hollow body pullover so starting with my legs out straight arms overhead hands shoulder-width apart on that band first thing I’m gonna do is pull the band apart so I feel that tension now I’m gonna come into a hollow body position with my lower back glued to the floor my chin tucked to my leg straight so I’m doing the exact same thing except my knees are bent now you decided which is right for you but while we’re keeping that tension pulling the band apart doing a pullover so just maintaining that isometric hold that AB hold and bring those arms up and over and forward while pulling apart on that band throughout like we said before this workout is all about efficiency working multiple muscle groups at the same time this one’s working those and your shoulders your upper back muscles all working together to make this one happen just go to your happy place on this movement that’s it that’s a tough one concentrate on what motivates you that’s right what is it where do you gotta go what do you got to do to accomplish your goals staying focused on it day after day putting in the work to get to where you want to be all these hard movements are a good time it just meditate on your way that’s it why are you here what are you working towards keep that lower back glued to the floor if you need to get always bend those knees make a little bit easier just keep moving that’s it let’s go last ten seconds on this one let’s go has to arrive almost there you’re almost there four five four three two one zero oh good and that is a wrap on the work and you set that band off to the side take a big deep breath here we’re gonna move into some cooldown stretches purpose of the cooldown is to Lara heart rates to come down and at the same time get a little extra mobility work that’s right make sure that you’re if you’re still on the ground that you’re coming up nice and slowly that’s it not a race we’re gonna do a one leg hinge next so feet are shoulder-width apart and then let’s put take one leg and put it out on that heel with that leg straight toes are bent back now we’re gonna drive those hips back keep our shoulders square head in line with our spine and stretch that lead leg and just hold sorry I was about to come up messed you up my apologies just an isometric hold what we’ve been doing the same kind of movement pattern all day yeah first time we’re doing it just to hold so anytime we’re doing a static stretch or hold we want to get to about 85 90 percent of what you’re capable of want to feel good stretch but you don’t want to feel pain and just hold breathe for 5 4 3 2 1 0 up nice and slow switch it up opposite side leg now and back down in it again keep that lead leg straight pull back on those toes this one’s gonna stretch your glutes your hamstrings and your calf no not so especially if you’re bringing those toes back again feel that calf stretch as well excellent shoulders stay back back is straight nice big deep breaths here stretching out that posterior chain and 5 4 3 2 1 0 hips forwards and up nice and slow excellent alright now we’re going to move on to our anterior part of our legs or the front of our legs and we’re gonna do a quadricep stretch so we’re into a standing quad stretch you need to either do this one from holding onto a wall or couch a chair or you can just do it on your own totally up to you let’s go ahead and Brett grab one foot bring that heel back to your glute trying to keep that knee in tucked we don’t want it flaring out here to the side and again we’re just holding well 85 90 percent of what it is you’re capable of quads got in a lot of good work today yes they did that’s important that we spend the time to help them recover stretch them out here again nice big deep breaths for five four three two one zero switching it up here again all these stretches you may be more flexible than us less flexible than us whatever it is we ask you just make it your own make it work for you you know Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all solution so just make it work for your fitness level keeping good posture bringing that foot back as far as you can keeping good balance nice controlled breathing still trying to slowly bring that heart rate back down four five four three two one zero alright next we’re going to focus on our chest and our shoulders we’re gonna do a bent arm wall stretch so we need either a wall or a doorway for this next one let’s go ahead and bring your arm to a forty-five sorry ninety degree angle and then put that upper our lower arm flat on the wall get nice and close to the wall and then we’re going to turn away from the wall opening that chest up shoulder up and just hold I’ve got a lot of shoulder and chest working today I feel like it definitely did so this is feeling good right now Yanis you know there’s another it’s a great move you can do as well just to help improve your posture if you spend a lot of time seated whether at a desk or driving moves like this helped to open you up and restore that natural posture holding for five four three two one zero shaking that on loose you know the drill by now moving on to that next arm again and a ninety degree angle and then we slowly and gently turn away and you may find that one arm is a little tighter than the other totally common nothing to be alarmed about again nice big deep breaths here focus on bringing that heart rate back down four five four three two one and zero excellent stretch one of my favs last one right here we’re gonna finish with a reach stretch is a great one for your back especially your upper back so slight bend in those knees feet or shoulders apart let’s bring those hands up and over and then we’re going to reach don’t you act like somebody just grabbed onto your hands and they’re pulling back on your hands fill your upper back stretching fill those back muscles pulling away from your spine as you reach like reaching for something in front of you excellent nice big deep breaths here just taken one last second to be proud of what you achieve so far today you can cross this workout off your list no matter what comes the rest of your day you can feel proud that you got your workout in you did what you need to do to get yourself that much closer to your goal and you’re gonna do it again at your next scheduled work out four five four three two one zero relax those arms and that is it boom high-five to you out there way to finish strong thank you so much for working out with us today we’d ask that you please help support our mission of keeping these great workouts free you can do so by downloading our free app it’s available for both iOS and Android you can also stop by our store pick up one of our heads Fit shirts or some has figure as well as our diet guide eating for life and if you enjoyed this routine because we know that you did don’t forget to hit that big thumbs up button and the red subscribe button so that you never miss another brand new workout from Hospit again thank you so much for giving us the privilege of working out with you today I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout