Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Full body strength training is one of the most efficient ways to perform resistance training. We’ll get a lot of work in a short period of time. The at home workout only requires dumbbells. We do suggest having multiple weights available so that you can mix up the weight used depending on the exercise. Let’s go!
Warm up
Downward Dog to Multi-planar Lunge
Bird Dog
Wall Overhead Extension to Wall Angel
Full Body Strength Training
A1: Dumbbell RDL Hang Cleans x 10
A2: Kneeling Wide Neutral Press x 10
B1: Front Squat x 10
B2: Self-Supported One-Arm Row x 10 each
C1: Wide Fingers Out Push Up / from Knees x 12
C2: Cossack Squat x 8 each direction
D1: Kneeling Hammer Curl + Lateral Raise x 8
D2: Side Plank Clam / Iso-Hold x 12 each side
Cool Down
90-90 Hip Stretch
Toe Touch to Cactus Arms
Standing Quad Stretch
Waterfall Stretch