Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner and Advanced Modifications provided

Full Body Dumbbell Workout at Home
Complete 1 round of 50 seconds of each exercise:
Reverse Lunge + Thruster / Split Squat + Thruster
One Leg Iso Hip Up Pullover / Two Legs Iso Hip Up Pullover
One Leg Dumbbell Good Morning / Dumbbell Good Morning
Push Up + Row / from Knees
Dumbbell Fly + Hello Dolly / No Dolly
Hammer Curl + Front Squat / One Dumbbell
Split Stance One Arm Snatch / Upright Row (hand supported)
DB Triceps Extension + Leg Raise / Knee Raise
Dumbbell Lawnmower / Split
Reverse Curl + Shoulder Press
hey everyone it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a strength training workout this is a great workout for both men and women I’m going to do the intermediate to advanced exercises today and follow along with me for all of those beginner modifications the only equipment required for this workout is a pair of dumbbells and the weight of those dumbbells is totally dependent on your fitness level just remember it’s always got to start light and work your way up there’s no warm-up required for this workout but if you’d like to do one feel free to go ahead and start this quick five-minute warm-up otherwise let’s go let’s get right into this thing it’s a total body workout go and grab your dumbbells I’m going to do a reverse lunge plus thruster Claudia’s just going to go ahead and start in a split squat stance so as I drop down I’m stepping back twisting my palms and pressing up where Claudia is already in that split stance position and she’s just dropping that back knee down and we’re all going to do one side first and then we’ll switch halfway through halfway through you’re going to notice we’re not counting any reps today so it’s all about getting in as many reps in this allotted time period twisting up and you’re ideally finishing with your biceps and elbows up by your ears all the way up all the way down let’s go five more seconds on this first side and we’re going to switch and three two one nice okay switch it up right into a other side now it’s okay if your back knee touches well this is the ground sorry okay but make sure that you’re not bouncing that back knee off of the ground trying to come down to your both knees at a 90 degree angle and then pop and back up nice and almost there give it five four three two one zero okay we’re going to the ground for the next one we need both dumbbells we’re going to go up into an ISO hip up Claudia’s going to use both legs I’m only going to need one leg popping this one up press my hips up now like bend in the elbows doing a dumbbell pullover so yes there’s a lot going on in this one I want you to drive off and stay balanced off either your heels or heel depending if you’re doing the one or two leg version give a little bend in your elbows and pull those dumbbells back using your lats and your back good feel that stretch and pull back breathe if you’re doing the one leg version once you try your best to keep your hips square the ground and if you are doing that one leg version time to switch opposite and back into it good and you for doing my version just pushing like a hyper extend that back yeah you want to try to keep your back nice and straight straight line from your knees to your back good slight bend in the elbows throughout squeeze in those glutes it’s more about your glutes and your abs than it is your lower back let’s go five four three two one all right we’re up on our feet for the next one keeping those dumbbells that’s one for your posterior chain elbows are bent up at our sides I’m gonna have one leg out Chloe’s going to use both legs a little bend in both knees alright bend over pressing our hips back hips forward so keep your back straight and you’re bending over using your hips as a hinge this is a a one leg or a too late good morning as we call that it make the name up but you should be feeling a slight stretch and the back of that leg definitely just a little bend in that knee not a not a big bend good I’m gonna fill out those hamstrings back there or you should feel it in the hamstrings stretching those hammies and then on the way up want you to squeeze those gluts up at the top of the move good if you’re doing the one leg version let’s go ahead and switch into the next nice one into the next group got to stay balanced there we go yep focus your eyes on something and again it’s good for your whole posterior chain which is your hamstrings your glutes and your lower back one is the next you got breathe let’s go five more seconds on this one that’s it almost there and three two one zero okay to the ground we go again with both dumbbells we got a combo move we’re going to do a push-up from your top on your feet or from your knees we’re going to go push up row row so keep those shoulders square push up row row ad stay nice and tight you have your back straight very important keep that back straight you want to slouch or you want your butt way up in there and either one well this is always a good one for the core this is an excellent movement really hits multiple body parts at the same time I mean when you try that shoulders chest back ABS lower back I mean it really brought everything hit on this one good one to the next guys one in the next you got it if that helps you can go ahead and watch if you’re using it on your feet you can widen your feet just a little bit that helped you stay balanced you’re having trouble good almost there so ten more seconds on this one that’s it one in the next guy you got it you got it three and five four three two one okay good we’re turning over now we’re going to do a dumbbell fly line dumbbell fly either we’re going to do with your feet on the ground or we’re going to get your abs involved at the same time so I’m going to a little slight bending my elbows stretch fly and the same time opening my legs and pulling them back together Claudia is just focusing on that fly that dumbbell fly for sure and I’m just acting like I’m hugging a big old tree keep a nice bend in those elbows you feel that chest stretch and then squeeze your chest up at the top be sure not to bounce your arms off the ground now I can’t take the body where I’m trying to keep my legs out at a 45-degree angle opening them and closing them I’ve heard this one referred to as a Hello Dolly I did again not a name I made up when you should have where they made these names up yeah somebody’s bored you know all right you guys got to keep it going keep grinding through right here breathe go ten more seconds on this one everybody that’s it you got it you got it and five four three two one zero nice work all right we’re back up on our feet for the next one another combo move areas I’m gonna lose a dumbbell guys so she’s just using one I’m going to use both we’re gonna go hammer curl front squat back up and dumbbells down hammer curl weight back in the hips front squat back up so on that hammer curl palms are facing one another only bending at the elbow joint and any time we squat it’s going to be breaking at the hips first then bending the knees bringing those hips and thighs down to parallel to the ground good nice and controlled on that curl and I want you swinging the dumbbells up and cheating right it’s keep it nice and under control on the way up and on the way down good you got it starting to feel it now all right that’s how we know it’s working legs are starting to feel it keep it up guys you’re doing great right here one wrapping to the next what do you got good total body workout today every muscles getting hit in this water nice let’s go almost there let’s go last five seconds right here I’m getting getting last five four three two one zero okay only one dumbbell needed for this next one we’re both going in a split stance I’m going to pull up on my elbow flip that dumbbell up and Claudia is just going to pull up on the elbow so she’s not actually going to flip it straight up you decide which one of these is right for you just act like someone’s pulling on that elbow pulling it straight up into the sky good and again out to you whether you flip it up overhead into a snatch or you just keep it as an upright road go going half and half half on each side remember to keep that core nice and tight and breathe three that’s right using a little bit of hips on this once you know hips back to this board not a lot just a little bit keeping that back straight while you do it and Claudia’s going to use that second hand to help support herself and switch opposite side good for I didn’t do it guys once you get that movement down I want you to pick up that pace remember you got push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you all right I can’t do it Claudia can’t do it it’s up to you right here let’s go it’s grind in time breathe one in the next everybody good elbow weapon flip what you got what you got right here good go ten seconds on this one that’s it last ten seconds is easy as you go all day long good go five four three two one zero okay we need both dumbbells to the ground we go another combo ground we’re going to tricep extension plus either a leg raise or a knee raise Claudia’s just going to raise her knees where I’m going to raise my legs either way we’ll start with both elbows bent at a 90 palms facing one another you can extend at that elbow using your triceps and then either raising your legs straight up or bring the knees in to your stomach and do your chat you can rest your feet down at the bottom if you want just give it a quick tap and back up or you can choose not to touch the ground at all keep your feet suspended and just bring it right back up so this whole workout is just about timing the right modifications for you you decide which one of these versions is for you and you go from there come back next time get a little bit better they maybe even try a step up a little harder modification on some some of these in like kick you several repeats before you step up and that’s totally okay so it’s your own put out your own voice that’s right just getting a little bit better every day that’s what it’s all about so small little steps that lead to big-time long-term success let’s go ten more seconds guys almost there my hands are starting to feel it don’t let those elbows flare out you see my straight that’s a good point so I feel like the triceps three two one nice okay we’re up on our feet again both dumbbells upper body one next we’re going reverse curl elbows are in palms are facing down and then press shoulder press overhead back down repeat so we’re both doing the same move on this so to make it easier you just need to use a lighter weight and if I many of these your dumbbells just get too heavy hey you pick up a couple of water bottles yeah and that’ll do it for you – you got some tomato cans what do you got be resourceful all right do what you can good so on this one if you’re getting lost it’s one two three four one two three four go does knees nice and soft that’s right back stays straight don’t lock your knees out keep those elbows in on that curl don’t let them flare out right because then all of a sudden you’re taking your biceps out of the movement this one’s great for your shoulders biceps forearms a lot of muscles getting hit here you got it one to the next guys one into the next let’s go ten more seconds almost there you got it you got it in five four three two one zero okay we need both dumbbells for the next one buddy’s going to start in a split I’m going to actually do it walking lunge I’m going to step I’m going to reach I’m going to do a lawnmower I’m going to pull back and step up all on one side Claudia is just starting in that split stance and she’s going to drop that back knee so it’s like you’re starting a lawn mower you grab that string and you been hold back and you pull back you start that engine right here boom good functional movement great movement to actually help you in your day-to-day activities not just building pretty muscles here yes they will be pretty but they’ll also be functional wanna be functional we want to operate and perform at a high level pull them back boom drop that back knee so both knees get to a 90 you got it and pull pull that pulling back from your elbow like Claudia always says like you got a string attached to that elbow pull back on it good and five four three two one switching sides now let’s go opposite pull back again once you start to get into the groove and you got a good understanding with this movement looks like feel free to pick up the pace a little bit whatever you do don’t break don’t stop here’s the short workout we’re getting a lot of work in in a short period of time you got it right here you’re a machine let’s go where do you got don’t prove it to me prove it to yourself come on let’s go let’s go let’s go ten seconds on this side nice to the next five four three two one zero oh yeah there’s a pool of sweat here as you guys can see it ah nice work thank you so much for joining us you liked this workout you’ve been working out with us for a while you start to see results we’d encourage you to please check out our patreon page where you can learn how you can help keep aspect growing and support our mission keep these workouts free for everyone worldwide that’s right don’t forget to give this awesome exercise workout whatever you want to call it big ol thumbs up subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you are always updated and get notified whenever we have new workouts on the tube make sure to check out has sitcom for hundreds of free workouts just like this one free meal plans free complete fitness programs all there for you for free that’s right and check us out on social media whether your eyes – yes Facebook Twitter Instagram we are where you are you can tell this is real right now we are here for you thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you and work out with you today we appreciate you I’m coach Cosette and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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