Low Impact Difficulty

This neck rehabilitation routine is great for those who have a neck strain or neck pain and are looking for relief. This neck workout will improve your neck flexibility and strength. The neck rehab treatment begins with a warm-up, followed by neck stretches, and finally neck strengthening exercises using TheNeckFlex.com neck harness.
Apply a heating pad before the routine to warm up stiff neck muscles and make it easier to stretch. Do these neck exercises only if you do not have numbness running down your neck or arm. The first 5 stiff neck exercises are meant to help your neck remain flexible. Do not do any exercises that worsen your pain in neck.
Neck Stretches:
Flexibility and neck stretching exercises can expand or preserve the range of motion and elasticity in affected cervical (neck) joints, and thus relieve the neck stiffness that leads to pain. As a general rule, neck stretching is best done everyday, and some stretches should be done several times a day.
Active neck rotation: First, turn your head slowly to the right. Turn it gently until it starts hurting. Turn it back to the forward position. Relax. Then turn it to the left. Repeat in each direction 10 times.
Active neck side bend: Tilt your head so that your right ear moves toward your right shoulder. Keep tilting until it starts hurting. Then tilt your head in the other direction so your left ear moves toward your left shoulder. Make sure you do not rotate your head while tilting or raise your shoulder toward your head. Repeat this exercise 10 times in each direction.
Neck flexion: Bend your head forward, reaching your chin toward your chest. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Neck extension: Bring your head back so that your chin is pointing toward the ceiling. Repeat 10 times.
Scalene stretch: Clasp both hands behind your back. Lower your left shoulder and tilt your head toward the right until you feel a stretch, then come back to the starting position. Lower your right shoulder and tilt your head toward the left. Repeat 3 times on each side.
Neck Workout for Strength
Specific neck strengthening exercises will help maintain improved posture, which in turn will lessen or eliminate recurrent flare-ups of pain. As a general rule, neck strengthening exercises should be done every other day to allow muscles time to repair themselves.
Neck flexion with Neck Flex: Attach the neck flex resistance bands to each side of the head. Bend your head forward, reaching your chin toward your chest and slowly return to center. Repeat 15 times.
Isometric neck flexion with Neck Flex: Attach the neck flex resistance bands to each side of the head. Bend your head forward until you feel tension. Hold for 30 seconds.
Neck side bend with Neck Flex: Attach the neck flex resistance bands to the front and back of the head. Tilt your head so that your right ear moves toward your right shoulder. Keep tilting until it starts hurting. Then tilt your head in the other direction so your left ear moves toward your left shoulder. Make sure you do not rotate your head while tilting or raise your shoulder toward your head. Repeat this exercise 15 times in each direction.
Isometric neck side bend with Neck Flex: Attach the neck flex resistance bands to the front and back of the head. Tilt your head so that your right ear moves toward your right shoulder until you feel the resistance. Hold for 30 seconds. Then tilt your head in the other direction so your left ear moves toward your left shoulder until you feel the resistance. Hold for 30 seconds.
Scalene neck extension with Neck Flex: Attach the neck flex resistance bands to each side of the head. Clasp both hands behind your back. Bring your head back so that your chin is pointing toward the ceiling. Repeat 15 times.
Isometric scalene neck extension with Neck Flex: Attach the neck flex resistance bands to each side of the head. Clasp both hands behind your back. Bring your head back so that your chin is pointing toward the ceiling until you feel the resistance. Hold for 30 seconds.
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