Low Impact Difficulty

Posture Stretches
Wall Bent Arm Stretch
Lying Angels
Cat Cow
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Toe Touch to Scarecrow
hey everybody it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a stretching routine to improve your posture this routine is specifically designed to combat the stresses of our day-to-day life from sitting down hunched over looking at our phone to being at our desks all day there’s no equipment that’s required for today’s workout I’m going to be doing the traditional exercises and I will be providing the easier modifications all right let’s begin we’re going to start with a wall bent arm stretch so you need to make your way on over to a wall with your elbow bent at a 90 degree angle go and place your hand flat on that wall now as we bring ourselves closer to that wall we’re going to feel stretch in our shoulder and in our chest try your best to go and keep that elbow bent at a 90 the closer to you are to the wall the more you’ll feel the stretch the further away the last little stretch if you need some more stretch you can do so by opening your body up and turning away we’re holding this one and let’s just go ahead and breathe four three two one zero excellent let’s go ahead and switch and do the opposite side now again starting with that hand placed on the wall elbows bent at a 90 degree angle and closer we get to that wall more of a stretch we feel and this one’s great for stretching out your chest as well as your shoulders the muscles that get really tight when you’re hunched over for hours of the day whether it’s driving on your cell phone at the computer whatever it may be and let’s hold this one four three two one and zero excellent go ahead and shake that one loose that was a good one to start with we’re going to go to the ground for the next one we’re into a lying angel so go ahead and lie down on your back place your hands above your head elbows flat down on the ground and I want you to drag those elbows in your hands straight down in towards your body while keeping your arms flat on the ground when you reach the furthest point go ahead and stretch them straight up overhead and on this one we’re trying our best to keep contact with the floor throughout the move full range of motion nice and controlled other note on this one is I want you to try to go ahead and keep your lower back flat on the ground you don’t want a big arch happening while you’re doing this one which is I know hard to do so it doesn’t look like much but it is a great one for overall shoulder mobility hold those elbows in towards your side and then stretch all the way overhead and as you’re going through this one you’ll feel your range of motion and your mobility improve rep by Rep get a little bit looser every time and again trying your best to avoid arching that lower back or allowing that lower back to come too high off the ground let’s do this one four three two one and zero excellent shaking it loose let’s go ahead and come up now we’re going to come on to all fours next we’re going to perform a cat cow so on all on your hands and on your knees it’s going to make sure those hands are underneath our chest and a tabletop position here we’re going to bring our chin up at the same time I want you to draw that belly down to the ground and bring your glutes up to the sky and once you reach the top position let’s reverse it this time I want you to bring that chin into your chest and at the same time I want you to act like somebody’s have a string in the middle of it you’re back and they’re pulling up on that middle of your back just feeling that back stretch as you bring the chin into the chest and reverse it again this time that chin goes up to the ceiling as you draw that belly button down to the floor and it’s just one into the next nice and controlled on this one no rush [Music] please does that stretch on both sides of this one but we still really want to maintain a nice tight core as we’re doing this cat cow movement so I just like to think of you’re pulling your belly button into your spine as you’re performing all of these movements core stays nice and tight and let’s do this one four three two one and zero all right excellent okay coming up onto our knees now next we’re going to stretch our hip flexors so let’s come up onto one knee both knees are bent in a 90 degree angle first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to squeeze your glutes in the back side both glutes go ahead and squeeze next we’re going to squeeze your abs in the front now just doing that alone you probably already feeling that stretch in your quad and your hip flexor if you’re not or if you need more now go ahead and gently and slowly bring your hips forward not too much not a lot of range of motion in this one and you feel that stretch up and down your hip flexor and in your quad just be sure to keep your core ads tight and your glutes tight throughout but just squeeze and breathe that’s it let’s hit this one four three two one zero good all right let’s do that opposite side now opposite side leg up again 90 degree angles looking nice and pretty that squeeze those glutes squeeze those ABS and now the hips come forward excellent now you could you know if you didn’t squeeze your glutes and you didn’t squeeze your abs you could easily just go ahead and drop all the way forward we don’t want to do that keep them squeezed and it’s really going to isolate that hip flexor and make that hip flexor stretch excellent keep that good posture straight up and down four three two one zero excellent all right stand down go sit down on our back sides legs out in front of you I’m going to do a toe reach plus scarecrow so legs are out straight trying to best to keep them flat down on the ground but you to reach towards those toes and then come up arms overhead into a scarecrow pull back and down on those elbows so big stretching your posterior chain up good posture head back hold out so one into the next between these two movements of this little combo you’re really getting your entire posterior chain nice and stretched out and again every time you do this one feel that mobility improving that range of motion improving reach just a little bit far further every time good let’s keep this one up five more seconds one the next nice and controlled two one and zero nice thank you so much for working out with us today if you like this workout you’ve been working out those for a while and you’re starting to see some results we’d encourage you to please go check out our patreon page where you can learn more about how you can support our mission of keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoyed working out with us today please go ahead and like this video and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you are notified every time hasit drops a new workout make sure to check out has fit calm for hundreds of additional free workouts free meal plans and our free complete fitness programs also don’t forget to Like us on whatever your favorite social media network is whether it’s Facebook check Twitter Instagram we’re there and we want to connect with you again thank you so much for working out with us today it’s been our pleasure I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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