Low Impact Difficulty

Use these cool down exercises after your workout to reduce soreness and improve mobility. Follow along with us and we’ll provide easier modifications for when needed.
Cool Down Exercises After Workout
Shoulders: Upright External Rotation
Posterior: Downward Dog
Chest: Straight Arm Wall Stretch
Hips: 90-90 / Pigeon
[Music] hey everyone it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a cool-down after your workout this routine is specifically designed to improve mobility throughout your entire body let’s begin starting with an upright external rotation go ahead and use good posture bring your arms out to your side 90 degree angles all around we’re going to go ahead and rotate your hands back and then forward go ahead and keep those upper arms parallel to the ground and only rotate at your hands I want you to feel a stretch as you rotate them back and throughout all of these moves today I want you to take it to about 85% of what you’re capable of I don’t take it to the point where it really hurts but just will you get a good stretch doing this range of motion ten times in total go and do a couple more making sure to breathe throughout keep those elbows up let’s hit this last one and now let’s hold hold here bringing those hands back elbows are up doing that nice stretch were holding for a total of 15 seconds the great lunge is to go ahead and loosen up those shoulders rotator cuffs alright let’s hold this one for five four three two one and zero excellent shake them loose let’s go ahead and go to the floor for the next one we’re going to do a downward dog so we’re both coming up onto our hands and the closer you walk your feet to your hands the harder it’s going to be the further back you are the easier it’s going to be so you decide where you are today what I want you to try to bring those heels to the floor keeping your bringing your hips back stretching those hips back and again you really decide on this one where you feel comfortable there’s more back here that’s alright if you’re super flexible then that’s great too and you’ll see both Claudia and I use a little technique where we alternate that between a right and left leg learn this one from our friend Jean Vigo it’s a nice little way to isolate one leg at a time let’s go ahead and hold this downward dog for ten more seconds breathe good let’s go five four three two one and zero come up slowly letting that blood redistribute back in the body you know what you want now once you pass it out okay we’re going to do a single arm stretch here on the wall we’re going to open up that chest then place one hand on the wall and the closer you get to that wall the harder that stretch is going to be the further away you are the easier will be you decide where you’re at today we’re going to stretch that chest if you want to add a little extra you can circle then turn your body in the opposite direction away from your arm and we’re just holding this one for fifteen seconds and do each arm separately good breathe give this one in your chest shoulder biceps and break let’s go ahead and hit that opposite side now opposite arm again the closer you get to that wall the deeper that stretch is going to be if you want you can go and turn away from that wall it was really love this one deep stretch I can put them in bicep definitely I feel it my bicep as well this one hits a loop all the moves were using today hit a lot of different muscles at the same time so trying to be efficient in today’s cooldown let’s hit this one for five more seconds three two and one excellent okay last one we’re going to do we’re going to go to the ground we’re going to open up those hips so we’re going to go ahead and sit flat on the ground both knees are at a 90 degree angle that’s really the key on this one just go ahead and sit up both knees at a 90 and you’ll feel that immediate stretch on your hips you can either stay right where Claudia and I are right now or you can turn it into a pigeon which you’re going to go ahead and take that foot closer to you take the opposite leg back behind and you can roll up onto that leg you decide which variation is right for you today depending on your flexibility maybe you start with the just the 90 90 where Claudia’s at and move on to the pigeon all right you’ll not stretch here four three two one and zero let’s go ahead and switch and hit the opposite side now again keeping good posture as we sit with both knees bent at a 90 degree angle and if you feel so inclined you can go and pull that foot in throw that opposite leg back and drop into a pigeon zone that nice deep stretch in the hips definitely tighter on the left side than I am the right time you know we all though is interesting to find out things about yourself wrong which is week to week right depending on which workouts you’ve done your body is definitely in ever needing restoration need I always need to be working on it getting that recovery going that’s it three two one and zero go ahead and come up and you’re all done excellent thank you so much for working out with us today if you like this workout you’ve been working out with those for a while and you’re starting to see some results we’d encourage you to please go check out our patreon page where you can learn more about how you can support our mission of keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoyed working out with us today please go ahead and like this video and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you are notified every time has to it drops a new workout make sure to check out has bit comm for hundreds of additional free workouts free meal plans and our free complete fitness program also don’t forget to Like us on whatever your favorite social media network is whether it’s Facebook snapchat Twitter Instagram we’re there and we want to connect with you again thank you so much for working out with us today it’s been our pleasure I’m coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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