Beginner Difficulty with Low Impact Modifications Provided

Here’s a quick and easy warm up to use before you workout. There’s no equipment required, but you may use a couple of light dumbbells or water bottles for resistance. Beginner and low impact modifications are provided.
Warm Up Before Workout
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds
Butt Kick Jacks / Jumping Jacks
Bent Over T Swing
Side to Side Punch / w/ squat
Standing Arm Haulers
Crossover Knee Touches / Toe Touches
[Music] hey everyone it’s your personal trainer coach Kozak and I’m Claudia and this is a quick warm-up before you workout this warm-up doesn’t require any equipment but you may use either a couple of water bottles or light dumbbells for extra resistance follow me for those beginner modifications all right let’s begin we’re going to get your heart rate up to start I’m going to do some jumping jacks and Claudia is going to do a butt kick back my version is a little higher impact that you decide which one is right for you today throughout the course of this routine we’re not going to count any reps so it’s really just working at a nice little warm-up pace really in depend on your fitness level whichever variety you choose making sure to stay nice and light on the balls of your feet keeping a slight bend in your knees keeping good posture and again just working at your own pace just to reiterate this is not the main workout yet so exactly no reason to push it just warm it up here getting your mind right staying focused on this workout to come all right move into the next one here and five four three two one nice okay I’m going to grab my light hand weights the next one Claudia’s just going to use your own body weight we’re going to bend over on a 45 degree angle we have our thumbs up and we’re going to do a tea swing so bet from a bent over position this is arms straight just raise them out to the side until your arms are parallel to the ground keeping those thumbs up again you decide which variation is right for you today keeping your weight back in your hips going to work your legs a little bit – that’s good this is a great one to get a little shoulder mobility here into the warm-up as well let’s do this one for 10 more seconds good let’s go five four three two one and zero okay I’m going to set these down we’re doing a side to side punch Claudia’s going to do a quarter school a side-to-side punch I’m going to do a full squad and punch you decide which variation is right for you but I want you to punch all the way across your body and get that twist if that rotation whichever squat variety you choose only to make sure you bend it back get those hips first hips Bend back and then bend at your knees good make sure you keep your knees out and prevent them from collapsing in very common mistake is letting those knees come in on the squat don’t let it happen good want to have healthy knees that’s right let’s hit this one 4 5 4 3 2 1 ok next we’re going to move into a standing arm challah we’re going to bend over on a 45 degree angle and now we’re going to extend our arms out with our thumbs down sweep across their body and then extend our arms back forward it’s almost like a swimming move called an arm hauler a great way to warm up those shoulders as well as your back so thumbs are down as you sweep and swim and keep your hands and elbows tight into your body while you extend your arms straight forward nice keep it up ok let’s hit this one for 10 more seconds excellent work everybody thinking about that workout you got coming up you’re going to crush it it’s absolutely going to crush it alright let’s go three two one zero alright standing straight up slight bend our knees hands are up overhead I’m going to reach over and do a cross over toe touch klaudia is going to do a cross over knee touch you decide which one is right for you based on your flexibility just keeping a slight bend in that knee as you bend over at your hips using your hips like a hinge keep that opposite eye on sidearm nice and straight get note hamstrings warmed up hamstrings glutes lower back has all getting stretched out back there in the posterior chain nice again focusing on that workout you got coming up alright here we go let’s hit this one four five more seconds almost there guys almost nice and warm three two one and zero nice work thank you so much for working out with us today if you like this workout you’ve been working out with those for awhile and you’re starting to see some results we’d encourage you to please go check out our patreon page where you can learn more about how you can support our mission of keeping these great workouts free and if you enjoyed working out with us today please go ahead and like this video and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you are notified every time hasit drops a new workout make sure to check out has fit comm for hundreds of additional free workouts free meal plans and our free complete fitness programs also don’t forget to Like us on whatever your favorite social media network is whether it’s Facebook snapchat Twitter Instagram we’re there and we want to connect with you again thank you so much for working out with us today it’s been our pleasure I’m coach Cosette and I’m Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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