If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional nut butters that are still packing the same nutritional punch, I think I’ve got it! One of my new favorite add-ins to my recipes is Raw Organic Coconut Butter by Artisana.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, what’s the difference between coconut butter and coconut oil? Well, coconut oil is the oil extracted from the coconut meat and is just that, oily. Coconut butter however is the whole meat of the coconut, pureed into a creamy butter.

With coconut butter you can mix it, spread it and as for me, I prefer to warm it up to get that delicious creamy, coconutty flavor and texture. It’s in a solid form at room temperature but can be easily heated into buttery deliciousness that gives you the great coconut flavor and aroma.

In coconut butter, you’re still getting all of the nutritious coconut benefits. Since it’s made utilizing a low temperature process, it maintains all of the enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients. This product is 100% gluten and dairy free and packed with healthy fats! Coconut butter contains NO TRANS FATS just like coconut oil. There is a common misconception that coconut butter and oil are dangerous to your health because of the high saturated fat content. This could not be further from the truth. Nearly 2/3 of the saturated fat found in coconuts are derived from medium-chain fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids are health promoting and antimicrobial, easily digested for quick energy, and beneficial to the immune system.


Add coconut butter to baked goods for that coconut flavor, sprinkle it on ice cream or desserts, spread it on whole grain toast or fruit and even add it to your smoothies! Take in all the flavor and health benefits that eating organic coconut brings you. This product delivers!

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