Yet another busy training week last week as I had to incorporate some running into my routine. As you may have noticed from my Saturday blog post, I participated in a 10K and therefore ran 3 miles twice last week to at least get my body prepared.
In addition, I’m still working my abs on the 30 Days to 6 Pack Abs program and it’s getting a bit more intense as I advance through the program.

Sometimes, you just have to take yourself to your happy place! I’m trying so hard not to think about the pain in this pic, lol

So here is how my week last week broke down in regards to my training:
Shredding 8 Minute Abs
All four sets of 8
Box Squats
RDL + row + shrug
Assisted Dips 2 sets of 8; 2 sets of 6
Reverse cable fly 2 sets of 8
Cable cross over 2 sets of 12
Seated calf raise 2 sets of 20
Run a 5K + 8 Minutes to Ripped Abs
3 mile run + 5 Min Standing Abs + Six Pack Abs in 5 Min
27 Minute Body Weight Workout + 6 Pack Abs in 3 Min + 8 Min to Ripped Abs
10K – Lower Ab workout
I’ve definitely been enjoying my lifting/gym workout days in the gym with Coach Kozak because it’s something different and definitely challenging for me. Between box squats on Sunday and running three times last week, my quads have really felt the burn and I’ve stayed perma sore all week.
The foam roller has been my BFF all week as a result! It’s the best kind of pain, it’s so weird. If you need to know how to foam roll to get the best results, look no further than this 20 Minute Foam Rolling Workout which is great for your entire body.

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