Here’s a compilation of our favorite ab exercises. You can complete any of the individual routines below.
50 Best Ab Exercises
1. 10 Minute Ab Workout
Low Plank Walk Out / from Knees
1:3 Tempo Leg Raise / Tempo Knee Raise
Reverse Plank Kicks / Modified Reverse Plank Kicks
Bear Plank Shoulder Touches / Shoulder Touches from Knees
Hollow Body Hold / Hollow Body Hold w/ Knees Bent
Clam Sit Up / Clam Crunch
Lying Leg Twist / Lying Knee Twist
High Plank Knee Up and In / from Knees
Sit Up Toe Touch / Reach Crunches
Planks / from Knees
2. 15 Minute Ab Workout
Claw / without Weights
Butterfly Reach Crunch / without Weights
Side Plank + Shoulder and Front Raise / without Weights
Russian Twists / without Weights
Punch Out Sit Up / without Weights
Plank Hip Touchdowns / from Knees
Side Plank Dips / from Knees
Plank / from Knees
3. 7 Minute Flat Stomach Workout
Jack Knives / Modified
High Plank – Side Plank – Elbow to Knee / No Elbow to Knee
V Ups / One Leg V Ups
High Plank Donkey Kick + Elbow to Knee / Knee Into Chest
Ab Bicycles / Modified Legs from ground
Speed Scissor Leg Raises / Knee Raises
Spring Ups / Reach Crunches
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